Dragon Age - Toolset Screens

I could not shake the feeling of watching a satire of one of those cooking TV shows without any actual cooking. For those who do not know the script:
(Host stands in front of a table with a variety of cookware and incredients and announces after a long but generic introduction)
"we have already prepared something here..."
(produces half of a rather extravagant dish from under the table and after a longwinded description of its deliciousness goes on)
"...and to save us some time, we already prepared this..."
(produces the second half and completes the meal by putting both halves together - billions of clichéd housewives cry out in astonishment)

Not much to see here aside from a look at an already finished area inside the toolset, which looks vaguely like the Aurora toolset from NWN 1 & 2.
Oct 18, 2006
This looks like the Aurora (NWN) Toolset and that shouldn't surprise anyone.

He was working with preset areas so once again there is no indication that you can create your own areas, although he did state you can create many of your own = possibly meaning based on the preset levels.

There is no indication of any Tiles or ability to manipulate the Terrain.

One new feature is a "starting waypoint" for levels. This is not an overly exciting feature. Builders in NWN have never seen the need for one specifically for levels. What they have requested numerous times was the ability to have multiple game starting points without having to script in a teleport.

It looks to be that Placeable Objects from this one instance have a lot more information and that its easy to change without going to a seperate screen or using the pull down menu of NWN2.

Is it me or are scripts no longer on a separate screen?

I'm not overly impressed by the graphics this shows us. It is an improvement but Clearly the Electron (NWN2) graphics are better.

The Toolset alone intrigues me as I'm familiar with its (spiritual) predecessor. How much can be done with it though is an open question. He did not show any manipulation at all of the encampment itself. Can I remove that bridge or Castle? What if I wanted flat terrain? Just how much can I script.

With its similarity to Aurora it makes you wonder if you can trap data the way that NWNX did and were able to open it up to databases like MySQL or do Lanthar's Speech System.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
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