DOSBox RPG Configs, Quirks, Mobile settings, etc.


Deleted User


I made this as Caddy's recommendation for a thread to share different DOSBox configs. Usually you can get away by just tweaking and experimenting yourself until the game runs fine, but this would be good for people who took that trouble already and you can just copy the settings. :)

So, a few things. If you want to play DOS games on mobile, there are great Android emulators. Check out both of these:

MagicDOSBox -
DOSBox Turbo -

Which one you use is up to you. Just note that in MagicDOSBox you can set the Mouse Resolution if the Absolute mouse is messed up. I don't think you can do that in DOSBox Turbo. Both are good and I'd probably just grab both of them, really.

Games that I've got working on MagicDOSBox in the past few weeks (I will edit this post and add the settings I changed when I have my tablet in hand):

Master of Magic (100% playable, Absolute mouse works perfectly)
Celtic Tales: Balor of the Evil Eye (100% playable)

I'll add more going forward. These are just 2 quick ones I tested/added to test MagicDOSBox. One other note, both of these games work very well with a bluetooth/wireless mouse + keyboard. I would recommend something like this:

It takes some getting used to but it works well. If you need better mouse and keyboard control for some games then you might want to look elsewhere. But for basic keyboard/mouse function this works well. And it's backlit, so that's cool for playing in the dark. :)

Finally, to keep the thread sane and not huge walls of settings text, I'd probably just focus and post the settings you changed that are necessary to get the game working well. In other words, if all the other settings are default but you had to change CPU Cycles, just post the CPU Cycles setting and explain that the other settings are default.

If I'm forgetting anything let me know. I'll probably make a video showing a few things as well with the Shield in particular. That wireless keyboard/mouse + Shield in Console Mode is not only an emulator console but a damn nice DOS emulator console. :)

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Anyone playing DOSBox RPGs? I have a new controller I want to show off in a video soon.

Hey Caddy, what do you recommend as a controller for the Shield, for emulators, Gamestream and what not? Ideally I'd like something that has a bracket to connect to the tablet itself, but the IPEGA controller leaves a bit to be desired in quality and feel. I think you mentioned a PS3/4 controller with a bracket or something? Any suggestions here?
Anyone playing DOSBox RPGs? I have a new controller I want to show off in a video soon.

Hey Caddy, what do you recommend as a controller for the Shield, for emulators, Gamestream and what not? Ideally I'd like something that has a bracket to connect to the tablet itself, but the IPEGA controller leaves a bit to be desired in quality and feel. I think you mentioned a PS3/4 controller with a bracket or something? Any suggestions here?

Ya, my personal preference is a dual shock controller, PS3 or 4. Mainly because i've always had access to one, you can get it to run on bluetooth with some tweaking, and I like the feel and button placement. I use it on my living room PC too when I feel like steam streaming something like Divinity:OS, and chilling on the couch.

zakhal mentioned a dual-shock bracket before, for the Shield.

Here's a how-to for using the sixaxis pair tool.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Somehow I'm managing to share my videos in every thread I've created. :p I swear that's not done purposely! :D

Quick video here showing off the Nvidia Shield in Console Mode. Wanted to share it here because essentially this is what you can use to create your "DOSBox Console", or retro RPG console, etc. etc. It also has gamestream functions and what not that I discuss a bit.

Will have to do a quick video soon about the MagicDOSBox + controller config I use. Coming soon...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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