FPS Documentary

July 31, 2007
Since I'm a fan of Tek Syndicate I've found out about this documentary.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgrU2aqy8bc

It's only 17 dollars and I've just started watching it. Looks like it will a lot of fun.

It’s around 4h and filled with interviews with dozens and dozens of game devs.
Jul 31, 2007
I finished it. It was alright overall, but way too much time spent on multiplayer only games. And so few of the story-focused games.
For ex, they mentioned System Shock 1/2 briefly, but a boat load of time wasted on Halo, Call of Duty and Battlefield. Halo especially. I can't really name a more overrate game imo, than Halo. Also, nothing about the Bioshocks.
Also, around 1/4 of the video was probably on Id games. But I guess that's sort of warranted.
Anyway, it was ok. I started to fast forward through parts of the last hour. But it could've been much better organized and less time focused on some particular titles.
I guess this sort of project is also dependent on who you manage to get interviews with? But I refuse to believe the people they got couldn't comment on a bunch of the story heavy games.
Jul 31, 2007
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