I'm with Azraelk - if this is ever released, I'll buy it. But I won't give you money ahead of time, no chance.

That said, the videos are appreciated, and game look interesting. Text parser for dialog - when was the last time I played a game with one of those, I wonder?
Oct 18, 2006
Because of crap like this, I'm seriously going to make this game Kickstarter-pledged only. If you guys are lucky you may be able to get a lite version a couple years from now. Initial copies will be going to those who paid for them. So I guess you won't be playing Grimoire for a couple of decades if ever.


You go right ahead, Cleve, I expected no different. Thanks for proving our point.
Oct 18, 2006
Guys, can we make this less personal?

Now, I have no clue about the background or whatever so maybe it's not my place to chime in, but I agree with Gorath. No need to start bashing the fellow. I mean, as far as I know, he doesn't owe any of us anything. Sure, from what I can tell he's been promising this game for some time now, but projects get canned all the time. He doesn't owe anyone. If he finishes it, fine. If he doesn't... ah well.

This Kickstarter business is something else, of course...

Because of crap like this, I'm seriously going to make this game Kickstarter-pledged only. If you guys are lucky you may be able to get a lite version a couple years from now. Initial copies will be going to those who paid for them. So I guess you won't be playing Grimoire for a couple of decades if ever.

And com'on, dude. You're not helping your cause. You can not expect people to pledge to a project that has been postponed continuously? To be honest, your entire first post expresses little confidence and motivation to finish the game, which makes me -- with little to no knowledge about what happened before -- very wary of pledging myself (if I were to be interested in your game).

My 2 cents.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
if you deliver a product I might consider buying it. over a decade ago the guys here that playtested it for you said it was in a finished state. those videos look pretty close.

I believe Corwin said he could play it to the end. These guys didn't say they found any problems worth noticing to the rest of us.

after seeing those videos, I am impressed. if you release that version, or better, release a version that works seamlessly in Windows 7, I might consider buying it.

then, whatever issues you still have with it, start working on the patch as the first sales come in. maybe even do a kickstarter for the patch instead.

my 2c.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
For those here who say they are unfamiliar with the history/background and why people call Cleve a "nut", for the last 20 years or so Cleve has been posting white supremacist nonsense (and that does not even begin to scratch the surface of the irrational, crazy things he has said.) such as repeatedly referring to non-whites as "mud people" and lamenting how the "cultural enrichment" crowds (his term for those who accept non-whites mixing freely with whites) have ruined the U.S.A.
He has made bizarre predictions which so far have earned him a perfect score of 100% failure in reading the proverbial tea leaves. Among them are his prediction from 1999-2000 or so that America would fall to civil war within 2 or 3 years(which means the new civil war would have started about 2002 or 2003 or so). He has called Albert Einstein a plagiarist and when asked to support this cited a little known book by a holocaust-denying anti-Semite which no one with any real education takes seriously. He seems to believe that atheism is not 'lack of belief in God' but rather a synonym for nihilism.

But that was all from years ago. So what does he say now? Well he has stated that not only does global warming not exist but instead we are actually due for a coming ice age very soon (evidently the Day After Tomorrow was more than just a cheap, far fetched Michael Bay-ish piece of crap to him).

Oh and of course as we see here he still thinks or wants everyone else to think he has a monstrous IQ which is not impossible since there are many people with high IQs who cannot reason to a sound conclusion to save their lives (literally).

His game looked like crap back in 1998 (and I am a HUGE Wizardry fan) and it does not look any better now. Part of me really wishes he WOULD dare to release the game somehow so I can laugh at all the negative reviews, demands for refunds etc. but something tells me Cleve is not so stupid as to do that. He will instead bait his loyal followers and those who do not know or care what sort of person he is then abruptly cancel and re-cancel dates for the game to be finished so he never has to admit he is no game developer and could not achieve a Wizardry 8 if his alleged 'son' had a gun to his head.
Aug 18, 2010
Tacoma, WA
Most people here know the background, and the others know it now. ;)

Cleve doesn't owe anybody anything. If he thinks Kickstarter is the right way to go, let him do it. Then you can still decide if you want to support him with upfront money, wait until the game is released or don't buy it at all.
Aug 30, 2006
I was reading today that over 84% of Americans are either addicted to narcotics, alcohol or on various psychotropic drugs? Is that true? That's hard to believe. I don't take any drugs and I'm not a "nut."

Yes, it's true. Probably closer to 95% actually. We're all so hopped up on goofballs that it's a surprise that we can turn on the tv while we sit on our fat asses growing new chins and collecting welfare checks. Due to my drugs, typing this was an exhausting adventure through Candyland.
Oct 18, 2006
Pearl Harbor, HI
Because of crap like this, I'm seriously going to make this game Kickstarter-pledged only. If you guys are lucky you may be able to get a lite version a couple years from now. Initial copies will be going to those who paid for them. So I guess you won't be playing Grimoire for a couple of decades if ever.
Speaking as a potential customer (Grimoire looks like a game I'd really enjoy and would gladly pay for and support), the hostility you show toward your potential audience seriously makes me reconsider the thought of pledging. I personally haven't been following the Grimoire internet drama over the years - at face value this game looks awesome and I greatly respect the amount of work that must have gone into it.

After all those years of hard work why drive away potential players of your game?
Aug 19, 2011
He can't help himself, Myrkrel. His biggest enemy has always been himself. He does seem to have decent design skills and at least average programming skills. If one can force themself to ignore Cleve and just base the game on its own merits, it is worthy of release and play from what we see here. If Cleve would do the kickstarter anonymously and rename the game, " The Book of Evil", he might actually do quite well for himself.
Oct 18, 2006
Personal things a side, I wonder how high the Kickstarter goal will be set and what the rewards will be? I imagine that 10k will get you a visit to Cleve's bunker. (If it still exists that is)
Oct 18, 2006
I didn´t know about all the wasp supremacist thing (I suppose this is coupled with a fair amount of trolling and a few interesting conspiracies), if so then I can understand why the watch turns codex every time Grimoire is the subject

Oct 31, 2006
For other newbies a small rant

Down and out as i am
poor and dirty
and a bit drunk

The thing is I tried the pirated alpha or beta or whatever because of it´s infamy.
G seems like a really good game and something that I would love to play

It managed to itch my [mm(3-5), wizardry 7, lol 1, black crypt, etc, etc,….) craving.

Search for Grimoire on the the different torrent sites and try whatever version it is

…and I wouldn´t have proposed this if it wasn´t for the simple fact that the pirated file constitutes the only demo until clive finally releases something and it isn´t a bad demo (see above)
Last edited:
Oct 31, 2006
Hi Cleve,

You have quite the reputation on the ole internet. I don't know what part is you being a troll, what part true jackass, but it does look like you have an actual playable RPG here. I'd rather see it come out than not.

I strongly suggest eating as much humble pie as you can stomach for the duration of the kickstarter and you might even succeed.

I think something along these lines would be good. Each tier getting you all above tiers, per usual.

$10: Full copy of the game upon final release. Final purchase price when game is released will be 15 so you save 5 bucks.

$25: Access to the current beta version immediately after the kickstarter ends (or at minimum a set in stone date a week or two after, to give you enough time to get in intsaller going or whatever). Access to an exclusive beta-tester only forums to provide feedback during the final stages of development.

$50: Your name immortalized in the game credits of the longest developed and most controversial RPG in computer gaming history.

$100: Get to name a monster/item/something in game.

$250, $500, up, various ways of working with the dev to create personalized in game content, design a monster, encounter, npc, etc.
Sep 7, 2012
Personal things a side, I wonder how high the Kickstarter goal will be set and what the rewards will be? I imagine that 10k will get you a visit to Cleve's bunker. (If it still exists that is)

I've been in his bunker (with him). The game which I finished twice several years ago is actually VERY good, but the beta's won't run on anything past XP. Would I contribute? After the way Cleve has personally attacked me (one of his official beta testers) for no reason on these forums NO WAY!!
Aug 31, 2006
I would never suggest or believe that anyone should behave a certain way to get more sales for their games. I am obviously no supporter of the poorly informed guy with the delusions of grandeur but I also don't want to live in a world like the NFL here in America where every question asked of a player or coach is answered with a pat, ambiguous, politically correct and ultimately meaningless response. Having said that, yeah...I cannot fathom why Cleve would keep doing this. He has to realize that if he chooses to say the sorts of things he says and then not only make no attempt at apology, but even go so far as to ramp up the arrogant diva character he created, he cannot hope to get good sales unless his game is something like we have never seen before.
Obviously his Wizardry 7 rip-off is all too familiar and he won't be the first or the last to attempt such a knock off. And threatening people that you will refuse to sell the game to them?! Really?! Does he actually believe people are like "Well...I was not interested in your game before but the thought that I might be the last man able to play it has me all worried.".
Aug 18, 2010
Tacoma, WA
Not completely on the subject but I would like to comment a positive amid all the negativity here, that Cleve's sense of humor rarely fails to deliver it's intent of hilarity and amusement. He was right about the Sistine Chapel post (and quite a few of his other posts from the past that have been taken more serious than meant) - it had me literally rolling. Thanks for that, Cleve - I needed it! :)
Jan 29, 2010
See, I didn't even know about much of the drama Cleve has brought on himself. I just knew him as a self-absorbed, arrogant pathological liar. I also didn't know he BSed on Corwin, which given how much Corwin has defended you in these forums, is truly bull shit.

I really don't care, Cleve, if you make it "investors only" at first, or period. That's your problem not mine. Your lost sales, not mine. I do not need Grimoire, and will not care if Grimoire ever comes out. It won't be the first game I've been interested in to never see the light of day, and it won't be the last.

For that matter, it won't be the last Wizardry/Might and Magic-inspired (or cloned) game to hit the market. As long as there are open PC OSes, even after Win8 shuts out non-approved developers, there will be someone making games like they liked to play back in the day, whenever that may be for them.

Your pitiful little game will mean precisely dick to me. About the only thing it has done for me is make me refuse to divulge much info about my own little project, beyond one friend who I bounce ideas off of, and refuse to provide even a tentative release. As I don't want to end up with a reputation like yours.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Since Skeletony decided to dump his usual crap on this thread, I'll just dump on him. This guy has been stalking me on the internet for over a decade.

About twelve years ago Skeletony got hold of some beta test materials for Grimoire he wasn't supposed to have. Being a bear of little brain he also posted some contact details.

I called him long-distance and instead of getting him I got his mother. When I asked about Tony his mother burst into tears and divulged his life story to me, apparently unconcerned I was a complete stranger.

Skeletony is a long term drug addict who is not sure of his own parentage who has no fixed address. He has slept on couches in various homes of relatives for most of his life. His mother told me point blank he has stolen money from her, ripped off her possessions and pawned them to buy drugs. She said she was at wit's end and ready to ban him from entering her house ever again.

She said Skeletony has never been able to hold down steady work for more than a few weeks at a time and regularly goes on binges lasting months where she is not sure of his whereabouts.

This was over a decade ago so I don't know if his situation has changed. You can imagine what sort of person the guy is that his mother breaks down and tells all these things to a complete stranger on the phone.
Jul 11, 2007
Deep underground in a massive fortified complex be
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