Max Payne 1/2 remakes

July 31, 2007
Ok, this sounds nice, and could potentially turn into fantastic news.

Apparently, Remedy will be remaking Max Payne 1 and 2 using their Control engine, published by Rockstar who currently owns the IP.

While this is nice, and I hope they manage to make it as faithful to the original as possible, as I'd love to be able to replay both games with fantastic graphics like those in Control, what I really hope for is for a potential Max Payne 4.

Now that would be fantastic, to get a sequel to Max Payne 3, from the original devs, one that is more inline with the first 2 games.
Jul 31, 2007
Nice find though my expectations are low on the remasters and possible fourth game.

Max would be 50+ by now in a new game after the third game.
Oct 1, 2010
I just realized this, but it would also be amazing if they would also add extra content, to flesh out certain parts. Hopefully even more story beats. It would really be a missed opportunity to not add something, maybe something they wanted initially but was cut?

One thing I hope they don't really mess around is gameplay. It will likely have a slightly different feel to the originals, just because of the engine. But I hope they strive to be as authentic to the originals as possible. I can't really think of any paint points or quality of life changes, but if it's nothing too intrusive, I guess I wouldn't mind. Just don't go and change something like making health regenerate, instead of using painkillers.

I also wonder how they'll handle the audio. That could turn weird if they choose to re-record the script. But then they would maybe need to do that, at least in parts, if they'll maybe add new content/story? I'm curious as to what it'll end up like.

Hm, come to think of it, I'm also curious what they'll use as a character model for Max. I wonder if they'll try and reuse Sam Lake again, this time older? That could be weird. Especially since apparently they're gonna release both games as one whole package? But the character model of Max is very different in Max Payne 2. I wonder how they'll handle that. Maybe they'll try to make a younger model out of the one in Max Payne 2? But Sam Lake's model is so tied to how Max looked in MP1.

Oh, and I just realized how will this all blend with the 2D comic-style art used to tell the story? I really really hope they don't drop those, and do the shitty thing MP3 did. But those comics are sourced from photos of the old character models. Will they attempt to remake those also? The more I think about it, I have a feeling they'll just remake the models as close to the originals, and keep them as separate, between the two games. But then that could really be jarring, considering they're planning on welding the two games together.

Anyway, it'll certainly be interesting.
Jul 31, 2007
Hm, come to think of it, I'm also curious what they'll use as a character model for Max. I wonder if they'll try and reuse Sam Lake again, this time older? That could be weird. Especially since apparently they're gonna release both games as one whole package? But the character model of Max is very different in Max Payne 2. I wonder how they'll handle that. Maybe they'll try to make a younger model out of the one in Max Payne 2? But Sam Lake's model is so tied to how Max looked in MP1.

I don't think it matters much since Sam Lake never seems to age. Seriously, the guy looks almost exactly the same as he did 20 years ago. As far as the character model, I don't see them basing it off of Max Payne 2. I expect they'll create a new one to bring it up to modern standards.

Good point about the audio, but my guess is that they'll use the exact same script. There's no reason not to. Even if they do record some new scenes, I'm sure they can find a way to blend them in fairly seamlessly with the existing content.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Oct 1, 2010
Interesting, and probably obvious if you think about it, but apparently it's Rockstar/Take-Two that are footing the bill for the remakes.
I wonder, if they're planning on also making another sequel, if the remakes do solidly sales-wise.
Well, I assume they'll also be receiving the bulk of the profits.

I wouldn't be surprised by another sequel. Maybe something between the events of MP 1/2 and MP 3?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, I assume they'll also be receiving the bulk of the profits.
Of course.
I wouldn't be surprised by another sequel. Maybe something between the events of MP 1/2 and MP 3?
I hope so. Unfortunately I don't think Take2 will have reasonable expectations for how these remakes will sell.
Jul 31, 2007
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