Things you might like to know.


pibbur who

Another thread, this time for things that acually might be interesting (thus outsede the scope of the "Things you don't need blablabla" thread. Things not particularly scientific, thereby eliminating the science thread. And things not so important that it deserves a thread of its own.

Here are some news about the Antonov 225 aircraft. There is only one of these jumbo-freighters alive today, now there may be more, after negotiations between the Ukrainian factory and surprise, surprise the Chinese.

From a Norwegian source it sems that the first aircraft will take to the sky in 2019.

Here's a take off video from Zürich:

pibbur who despite the above video, doesn't believe that planes like that really can fly. Same applies to the 747 and the 380, even if he has spent time over the Atlantic on both of them.
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Another thread, this time for things that acually might be interesting (thus outsede the scope of the "Things you don't need blablabla" thread. Things not particularly scientific, thereby eliminating the science thread. And things not so important that it deserves a thread of its own.

Here are some news about the Antonov 225 aircraft. There is only one of these jumbo-freighters alive today, now there may be more, after negotiations between the Ukrainian factory and surprise, surprise the Chinese.

From a Norwegian source it sems that the first aircraft will take to the sky in 2019.

Here's a take off video from Zürich:

pibbur who despite the above video, doesn't believe that planes like that really can fly. Same applies to the 747 and the 380, even if he has spent time over the Atlantic on both of them.

Reminds me of the 'spruce goose'!
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
There's an order to adjectives in the English language:

Opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. Switch them around and everybody is looking at you funny. I've been speaking the president's English for decades and I never even noticed!

Interesting, didn't know that. I suppose this is one way non native english speakers reveal themselves.

Tryng the combinations out in Norwegian, it seems like we have similar (unwritten) rules, although perhaps not as rigid. Changing the order of age, shape and colour doesn't sound weird to me, the others should be in the order given to sound right.

Are there differences between English and pseudo English spoken over there and down under? And scottish?

pibbur who wonders how it is in German.

PS. As with other rules of that kind (like the old blue-should-be-in-the-background-rule in painting), I suppose the order may be deliberately broken for artistic or expressive purposes. DS.
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A follow up.

Are there similar rules for other words in sentences? I don't think about verb after actor and before an object rules (which are often broken in poems for rhyming).

Consider one of the sentences in my previous post:

"the order may be deliberately broken"

Could also (at least technically) be written:

"the order may deliberately be broken"
"the order may be broken deliberately "

To me they sound alike, but are they? Some of them wrong?

pibbur who deliberatley may deliberately combine them all deliberately to avoid confusion. Deliberately.
In German you can order adjectives any way you like:
das schöne, blaue, große Haus
das große, blaue, schöne Haus

If you emphasize one adjective it is more important for you.

Some adjectives can have qualifier-words in front of them:
das sehr schöne, blaue, große Haus
das schöne, blaue, ziemlich große Haus
Oct 18, 2006
There's an order to adjectives in the English language:

Opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. Switch them around and everybody is looking at you funny. I've been speaking the president's English for decades and I never even noticed!
Never knew that. And I am not too thrilled about knowing now.... From this day on whenever I use more than one adjective, I'll wonder about the order. :( Because, yeah, like the interesting, short BBC (yes, that order sounds good) article said: almost impossible to learn!
Zloth, thanks... Not. ;)
In German you can order adjectives any way you like:
das schöne, blaue, große Haus
das große, blaue, schöne Haus

If you emphasize one adjective it is more important for you.

Some adjectives can have qualifier-words in front of them:
das sehr schöne, blaue, große Haus
das schöne, blaue, ziemlich große Haus
So, what you're basically saying is .... German is quite an easy language?! :p
I think it's only when you mix German with French that you get into trouble. ;)

I don't think there are any difference between `Merican, British, and Oz English on this front mainly because, if there were, it would have stuck out like somebody using "pants" as an adjective or using the plural verb form for a company (e.g. Activision are a game company).
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Very nice pictures. However, I find the aurora picture from Adventtoppen Mountain in Norway a bit underwhelming, compared to how it really is up north (I've lived there).
That's true of great sunsets, too. The WHOLE SKY is lit up but you can only take a picture of a tiny little square (or warp the bahoovies out of it). Ya need a 360 camera and a VR headset to really see it right.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I think the second time you get bitten on the penis by a spider, it's time to start asking questions about what you're doing with the spiders.
Nov 8, 2014
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