Will the DS be the king of RPG's this gen?

Damian Mahadevan

Keeper of the Watch
Original Sin Donor
November 23, 2008
Nov 23, 2008
King among what? All platforms, or just consoles? The list of crpgs hitting us this Fall and Winter is far more impressive than that imho.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Among all platforms. These are only a few of the rpgs that are coming soon for the ds, but they are the top teir rpgs.
Nov 23, 2008
Jun 16, 2008
Considering that the DS has stuff to offer in all fronts - pure strategy, s-RPG, action-RPG, cRPG, and jRPG ... I think it has the best overall catalog in the broadest terms. In fact, when looking at the quantity and quality combines across all subgenres, I don't even see how someone could argue that the DS doesn't tower above everything else.

But what does that mean? We here are in general not playing every possible subgenre. Nor are folks who prefer jRPG or strategy games or whatever. I tend to play everything for the system, but that is just me ...We are by and large cRPG fans here, and the PC (thank goodness) does the best at serving that particular genre.
Oct 18, 2006
In fact, when looking at the quantity and quality combines across all subgenres, I don't even see how someone could argue that the DS doesn't tower above everything else.

In quantity perhaps, in quality.... not even close. I'd give the DS the edge for JRPGs simply for the fact that they don't really make them for the PC, but the DS doesn't even come close in most of the other sub-genres. Unless you just really have a thing for the Japanese style, which some people here obviously do.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
In strategy rpg's, the ds is the clear winner.
Action rpg's i would say that diablo 3 is probably going to have everyone else beat.
Pure strategy DS wins again. Advance wars specifically towers above everything else.
cRPG of course PC wins.
jRPGs of course DS wins.
MMO's clearly PC.

So it is even from that view point. But from a uniqueness viewpoint, the ds is clearly the winner. cRPG's havent had much uniqueness for a while.
Nov 23, 2008
Sure, if you don't mind vastly inferior visuals and sound, as well as a tiny screen. ;)

tine screen doesn't have to be flaw if game is made properly for this screen. I don't care about graphic in games (I mean I do but about it's "art", not HDR with AA 256x).
And about sound... yes, NDS speakers aren't good but you could always use headphones.

Though best cRPGs are made for PC of course. Is there any game on NDS that is good as Bloodlines, Planescape Torment or The Witcher? No and probably won't. But there are good strategy rpgs and jrpgs on NDS - best in their subgenres, I think.
Jun 16, 2008
In quantity perhaps, in quality.... not even close. I'd give the DS the edge for JRPGs simply for the fact that they don't really make them for the PC, but the DS doesn't even come close in most of the other sub-genres.

So what single platform has the combination of innovative games like 'The World Ends With You', reimagined classics like 'Dark Spire' and 'Etrian Odyssey', and on and on?

Yes the PC is solid, and my platform of choice ... but since it completely misses out on the jRPG and majority of turn-based games, and the adventure genre has largely gone away ... I ask again - name that platform?
Oct 18, 2006
Though best cRPGs are made for PC of course. Is there any game on NDS that is good as Bloodlines, Planescape Torment or The Witcher? No and probably won't.

Absolutely - there is a reason that the PC remains my fave ... and I would also say that because the console market is the target for the DS, there isn't even a goal to produce stuff like those. They are looking for the game equivalent of the movies like Transformers and GI Joe - stuff like Prototype and Last Remnant.
Oct 18, 2006
Yes the PC is solid, and my platform of choice ... but since it completely misses out on the jRPG and majority of turn-based games, and the adventure genre has largely gone away ... I ask again - name that platform?

Absolutely - there is a reason that the PC remains my fave ... and I would also say that because the console market is the target for the DS, there isn't even a goal to produce stuff like those.

That pretty much proves my point. The DS has a great variety, but only if you really like the *console style* of those types of games. You can't say it's the king of all platforms when it has very few games that appeal to PC gamers.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'd say it's a king of consoles but games for PC and NDS are totaly different (at least most of good ones) so... well, you'd better own and play on both ;)

BTW I bought lately GTA Chinatown Wars and it surprised me like no other game ever did. It's (with San Andreas) best GTA game, especially breaking into the cars on touch screen is cool. Now it's more fun than in any other GTA game. It's the best non-RPG game for NDS.
Jun 16, 2008
That pretty much proves my point. The DS has a great variety, but only if you really like the *console style* of those types of games. You can't say it's the king of all platforms when it has very few games that appeal to PC gamers.

Nor can you say the PC is 'king of all platforms' when it has few games that appeal to anyone outside of hardcore PC-centric gamers ;)

Fortunately we ARE hardcore PC-centric gamers and I love how we are getting served with a nice set of games over the next 6 - 9 months ...

But that doesn't change the fact that there is no single platform that covers everything, but I would still say that the PC and DS do the best job, and while I'd pick the PC to game on 10 times out of 10, the DS has a much broader range of games that have come out each year.
Oct 18, 2006
That's just it though, no one ever did...:)

Then, as I have asked repeatedly ... name that platform.

I would say that a case could be made for the PC or DS, with the X360 falling behind that ...

Then everything else (Wii, PS3, PSP) falls *far* behind those.
Oct 18, 2006
I've never seriously considered handheld gaming, but this thread is getting me curious. Is a DS really worth it? When do you guys play it? How should I get started, assuming I bought one? Should I get the pink one with the little ponies on it, or the black one with the chrome skull?
Oct 19, 2006
Is a DS really worth it?
Yes, especially if you are not close-minded in games and want to try something new.

When do you guys play it?
Nearly everyday at home from several minutes to even several hours sometimes.

How should I get started, assuming I bought one?
Buy several games that are different from each other (but be sure you're buying good games ;) ).

Should I get the pink one with the little ponies on it, or the black one with the chrome skull?
Pink with ponies of course, what a stupid question!
Jun 16, 2008
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