Age of Decadence Updates

Wow, that was completely awesome...... I wounder how much time they spent on making that.......................
Oct 25, 2006
Oscar shared a few screenshots of him botching a quest for the Assassins Guild, you can find them here.
Jun 7, 2009
The game now looks seriously great.
The text adventure is a really neat addition.
Looking forward to it for sure.
Apr 4, 2008
This game is still low/no magic, right? I wish they'd finish it so Vince could work on something with magic users next time :D
Oct 18, 2006
Looks a bit NWN-ish - hadn't seen images since the first few on the older engine I think.

Looks good, really can't wait for this one.
Feb 24, 2007
This game is still low/no magic, right? I wish they'd finish it so Vince could work on something with magic users next time :D

His next game will most probably be a sci-fi one. Nevertheless, according to the outline below, there will a kind of "magic". Highlighted the relevant bit for you.

It's inspired by 70's sci-fi.

A huge colony ship carrying 100,000 colonists is launched to Alpha-Centauri. The ship is automatic. The journey will take 700 years, so only the distant descendants of the original colonists will reach the destination. To maintain the skills that would be necessary to build a colony different areas are established on different decks: farming, industrial, educational, military, etc. There is also a crew performing mostly maintenance duties, making sure that the ship stays on course, and overseeing the colonists. Naturally, children who are born into a "farming" family have no choice but to study farming to ensure that there would be enough qualified farmers upon arrival.

At some point there is a mutiny (there are reasons for that) against the crew. Many officers and colonists are killed, many decks are damaged (radiation leaks -> mutation), etc. Chaos replaces order, the colonists start regressing.

The game starts when the ship is already in the AC orbit. You have no idea that you are on a ship. The colonists formed different factions based on the original areas. The knowledge is being protected and restricted (the original purpose was misunderstood), so now it's being passed from father to son within each clan. The farmers trade food for tools with the metalcrafters, the replicators control the replicating machines and trade the newly created raw inorganic materials, etc. The mutants rule the abandoned (for a good reason) decks. Then there are mage lords who carefully protect the sacred chants like "Eks Ekut Proto Kol Van Fo Aso Riz Aish'n Nain O Too O", allowing them to cast powerful spells and control the environment.

There are different goals - find your place within the gameworld, learn about the ship, and either escape (pods), turn the ship around, or actually start the landing procedure.

Something like that.

You can find the whole thread here.
Jun 7, 2009
Like 'nut', I'm really only interested in games where I get to play a mage!!
Aug 31, 2006
I always thought of mages being too complex in games; with all spell-learning etc. ... Maybe I'm spoiled by D&D & TDE rule sets.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I always thought of mages being too complex in games; with all spell-learning etc. … Maybe I'm spoiled by D&D & TDE rule sets.

Funny, I've always felt they've been too simple, with basically picking from a static list of spells rather than actually researching and testing their new spells out. I have yet to play a game where you actively had to research spells as opposed to just selecting them from a list.

The Summoning came close; you had to find the scrolls with the spells on them, but once you had all the hand gestures you could experiment and find all of the spells in the game. Of course, I think the manual had those listed, though that's been a long time since I've seen it.

Ultima had the words combining to form spells, but you couldn't do anything with them, you still had to buy the scroll and put it in the book, and couldn't just experiment; and there were only so many combinations.

I'd started on such a system, but it's horribly complex, and would take longer to code than the rest of a game, so I stuck with traditional. It'd probably also detract from the rest of the game, spending so much time working on spells rather than playing. Maybe as part of a MMO-type game it would work.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I've been playing the combat demo to death, and honestly can't get enough ;D
Sep 6, 2010
Oscar posted a reply with some details on some of the game mechanics and design philosophy:,1742.msg56700.html#msg56700
Oscar said:
  • You can run, you can move stealthy, you can have a personal stash in an inn (or get a quarters in a faction).
  • The crafting and alchemy is menu based. We might add some restrictions to where you can craft, perhaps even having to pay a blacksmith to use his stuff. But no "immersive" moving around making swords/armors in a blacksmith like in Gothic.
  • Getting things from containers/etc is similar to Baldur's Gate, you could place back things if you wanted.
  • There are no "random" levers to flip, I can't help but thing about puzzles and "secret" doors.
  • Jump? What for? Is a point and click isometric game, not Gothic. Ultima 8 didn't benefit much from jumping.
  • You can't move or lift stuff. Adding that right now would be completely gimmicky, as I believe that something like that should be part of the core gameplay, like in Deus Ex, where it allowed you to create new paths in the levels.
Oct 18, 2006
I can't view the video at work, but does Age of Decadence have magic use for the player character? No magic=no buy for me in a fantasy crpg.
Oct 18, 2006
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