Fallout: New Vegas - First DLC Announced

I feel the same way, bemushroomed :) Console people don't get to play ANY of the awesome mods that I've already got installed. The way I see it, console players get to play the game Obsidian and only Obsidian made. I get to play the game Obsidian and a whole planet of modders made. It's a huge win for me, so I really don't begrudge them a DLC in compensation. Also, if it's made for the Xbox, the chances of seeing this DLC on PC are pretty good. Even if they never sell it to us, someone will crack the security on the xbox and extract the data. It wouldn't surprise me if the exclusive is only for a limited time too. GoTY versions of FNV might contain it.
Oct 18, 2006
Sigh. No one's said anything about "a year", and you've got an incredibly blinkered view of the modding community if you think it's just "armour" and "make over" items. Some of the more famous mods for Oblivion/Fallout 3 (And I assume New Vegas in due time) seriously mix up the balance of the game and the variety of creatures/things you find. Also, why do they have to be "professional" DLC? As the saying goes, a flawed gem is better than a polished turd.

And unless you're talking 100hrs+ a run, and if it's anything like FO3, I doubt you've seen and experienced everything the game has to offer.

It'll be out one day. I'm not too bothered, truth be told, as I won't be getting NV until around that date anyway. Well, as long as it comes I won't be too bothered.

I have completed every quest there was in the game my friend this is not 2worlds.The quests are the same each time it only changes at the end depending on who you side with dont believe me ill post my stats and a map for you if thats what it takes.As for thew mods please they dont change the gameplay as you state I tried them all and some are just damn irritating trying get them to work correctly its just like oblivion.
Oct 1, 2010
The quests are the same each time it only changes at the end depending on who you side with dont believe me ill post my stats and a map for you if thats what it takes.

Eh most of the ending slides have more than 4 variations and most of them have variations besides those for karma and who you sided with. Some slides have upwards of 13 possible variations. and the average looks to be about 6 or 7 The ending has a lot more to do with than just whose side you were on though that is the biggest single influece.

I'll agree that most of the non-major quests don't ahve much variation on how you solve them on different playthroughs, but every quest that effects one of the ending slides and about a dozen I can think of off the top of my head have multiple ways of playing them with very divergent results.
Nov 20, 2006
This reminds me of the issue where games for a Mac would always be way behind the times (if even released). Not that this is based on any facts but just made me consider if the PC is now the "Mac" of the gaming world in regards to the consoles.
Jun 4, 2008
Well sort of. In a lot of ways it is the minority platform. It also does require themost pot-launch support because it's not a closed platform which oddly enough still makes it the pc of the market and not the mac. So it's now bot the PC and he Mac of the gaming platforms.
Nov 20, 2006
Couchpotato-are you trying to convince us the game is no good? We're all enjoying it. It's quite replayable, I'm on my 6th character. Just because YOU didn't enjoy it as much as WE did doesn't really matter to any of us. You should stay out of FNV threads, they seem to be giving you high blood pressure. Just drop into a thread of a game you love and chill. You could also go hang out at the Codex. They love to hate EVERYTHING :D

I'm not going to even speak about how easy it is to get mods up and running. Unless you're attempting one of the Bash mods, installing mods is simple. FNV is awfully new though and there are some broken mods on the Nexus for sure.
Oct 18, 2006
Couchpotato-are you trying to convince us the game is no good? We're all enjoying it. It's quite replayable, I'm on my 6th character. Just because YOU didn't enjoy it as much as WE did doesn't really matter to any of us. You should stay out of FNV threads, they seem to be giving you high blood pressure. Just drop into a thread of a game you love and chill. You could also go hang out at the Codex. They love to hate EVERYTHING :D

I'm not going to even speak about how easy it is to get mods up and running. Unless you're attempting one of the Bash mods, installing mods is simple. FNV is awfully new though and there are some broken mods on the Nexus for sure.

No i tried to install some mods and that crash the game and the ones I can get get working or mostly armor and item mods.That is all im trying to say.Your the one saying it takes 100 of hours to finish when it doesn't.Took me only two days on my first playthrough.Its finally even playable for without slow frame rates with the latest patch now instead of using the d3d.dll going round.Im sure the mods that are mentioned add more depth but for me after installing them in my data folder or using the mod manager as I stated .The larger ones crash or conflict with my other mods.Then you have to go through each one to see whjich mod is causing it.
Oct 1, 2010
I think that's a bit unnecessary - but I guess they won't take a big PR hit for such a minor "infraction".

But, I wonder if it pays off - longterm - to have these exclusives and fingering the rest of your audience.
I have completed every quest there was in the game my friend this is not 2worlds.The quests are the same each time it only changes at the end depending on who you side with dont believe me ill post my stats and a map for you if thats what it takes.As for thew mods please they dont change the gameplay as you state I tried them all and some are just damn irritating trying get them to work correctly its just like oblivion.
Except a lot of the fun in Fallout lies in exploration, not quests.

FO3, and I would again assume NV, reacted much better to mods than Oblivion did. And I find it hard to believe you "tried them all". Troll harder, broseph.
Jul 17, 2010
England, UK
It took me 93 hours to finish my first FNV playthrough. I just started my second last night. I used a mod to help with frame rates but they fixed that in a patch and now it runs great (far better than FO3 which I also purchased last week and have a ton of stuttering on).

Even with 93 hours played, over about 3 weeks, I know I missed a lot of exploring. I am doing hardcore mode this time around and looking forward to a different style of playing. I would love to see more games like FNV on the market (versus say what DA2 *appears* to be shaping up to be or what ME and ME2 were - although thats just me, I tend to like games like FNV when it comes to my personal definition of what an RPG is).
Jun 4, 2008
Xbox exclusive dlc... I am so much not disappointed!
Although to be honest this one is the first game (with dlcs) that I like enough to maybe consider buying the dlcs when they all come out on dvd.
Sep 18, 2009
Yep, I'll probably be a "wait for the collection" buyer too. Since FNV is selling so well, Bethesda will probably license 3-4 more dlcs for consumption. No reason to hurry out and buy them when we can get them cheaper in a bulk package.

Hey Couch-go ahead and post your screenshot showing the 119 quests that you've completed. That's the max number in a single playthrough. Rename your character couchpotato in the console, so that you can prove that it's your game and not a screenshot from someone else's. Go ahead and show a full map screenshot too, and make sure to stand in Deathclaw valley NE of Goodsprings.
This will allow the whole map to show up in the screenshot. As I have the explorer perk, I'll be able to compare your map to mine. Yours, of course, will have every location shown as explored, where mine will not. I'm not up to your level of expertise. I can't possibly visit every site in 100 hours w/o cheating.

Oct 18, 2006
MicroSoft paid them to do it. This sort of thing is rampant in the game console business; all the companies do it.

Yes, and THEN Microsoft joins this bogus "PC gaming alliance".

"We support PC gaming" - this is imho double-speak at its finest.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Yep, I'll probably be a "wait for the collection" buyer too. Since FNV is selling so well, Bethesda will probably license 3-4 more dlcs for consumption. No reason to hurry out and buy them when we can get them cheaper in a bulk package.

Hey Couch-go ahead and post your screenshot showing the 119 quests that you've completed. That's the max number in a single playthrough. Rename your character couchpotato in the console, so that you can prove that it's your game and not a screenshot from someone else's. Go ahead and show a full map screenshot too, and make sure to stand in Deathclaw valley NE of Goodsprings.
This will allow the whole map to show up in the screenshot. As I have the explorer perk, I'll be able to compare your map to mine. Yours, of course, will have every location shown as explored, where mine will not. I'm not up to your level of expertise. I can't possibly visit every site in 100 hours w/o cheating.


Yeah if he managed to complete "everything" in 2 days time that would be pretty impressive. Even staying up for 48 hours straight one would be incredibly hard pressed to do all the marked quests not to mention the unmarked ones. Of course after staying up that long it would probably be debateable how much fun you could be having doing it it.
Nov 20, 2006
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