Obsidian Entertainment - Interview - on IWD3 and More

For IWD3, I remember Feargus mentioned in another interview DS3 engine was made from the ground especially for roleplaying games. So, I think he must have considered this engine to use in a possible IWD3 in the future and have built it according to this needs. So, I think they will use that engine if they ever going to make third game to the series.

IWD3 without a party? One more? That's heresy. :p
Oct 14, 2007
IWD3 without a party? One more? That's heresy. :p

Just because Dungeon Siege III does not has party doesn't mean the Onyx Engine couldn't be used for a party based RPG. The use of an engine isn't limited to a single style of gameplay (just look at UE3 - it's basically been used for almost every style of game possible)

I'm pretty sure Aliens Crucible had a party, and it was using the Onyx Engine too with a ME-like gameplay. So I'd asume they've built their engine to be versatile enough to be used in different kind of RPGs games.

Dec 12, 2008
I must say I both enjoy the idea of Obsidian making an IWD3 or a new Ultima RPG series. IMVPO they were quite capabale contiuning series, so I would give them a go.
Aug 24, 2007
IWD3 without a party? One more? That's heresy. :p

Yeah I know, it won't be Awesome™ and "evoluonary" like other dragon masterpieces. But I think we're going to manage. :)
Oct 30, 2006
Yeah I know, it won't be Awesome™ and "evoluonary" like other dragon masterpieces. But I think we're going to manage. :)

Hmm others of us will enjoy both if they come to fruitation:) Must break your heart.
Apr 17, 2007
Creating and managing your party was an integral part of the IWD games. If a new IWD game isn't going to be party-based, I'd prefer they didn't make it at all.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
A Well-polished IWD3 utilizing the Aliens/DS3 engine would have the potential to wipe the floor with the uninspired cliches of Dragon Age. Say what you will about Icewind Dale, but even though it was considered a hack & slash game way back when, it'd be considered "deep" by today's lowly standards. The trick is to get the polish worked in... Obsidian doesn't have the clout/money to buy reviews like Bethesda and Bioware.

I had actually been thinking about playing through IWD again - such a great game - and the twist at the end impacts you every time.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
A Well-polished IWD3 utilizing the Aliens/DS3 engine would have the potential to wipe the floor with the uninspired cliches of Dragon Age. Say what you will about Icewind Dale, but even though it was considered a hack & slash game way back when, it'd be considered "deep" by today's lowly standards. The trick is to get the polish worked in… Obsidian doesn't have the clout/money to buy reviews like Bethesda and Bioware.

I had actually been thinking about playing through IWD again - such a great game - and the twist at the end impacts you every time.

Hilarious, so bioware and bethesda buy reviews? So...um did NWN 2 get bought reviews(you know the game made by Obsidian?) or was it on merit alone? Or KOTOR 2?
Apr 17, 2007
I would approach an IWD 3 with caution, if it was polished and had a D&D feel then I probably would buy it but Obsidian does not have a good track record in polished games so far. That said, I loved the first Icewind Dale, one of the best infinity engine games in my opinion.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
I would approach an IWD 3 with caution, if it was polished and had a D&D feel then I probably would buy it but Obsidian does not have a good track record in polished games so far. That said, I loved the first Icewind Dale, one of the best infinity engine games in my opinion.

I find that an interesting take on icewind dale, which by the standards back then was an action rpg version of baldurs gate. I remember people not to happy about that. I did like it too btw.
Apr 17, 2007
I find that an interesting take on icewind dale, which by the standards back then was an action rpg version of baldurs gate. I remember people not to happy about that. I did like it too btw.

Yes, I remember IWD getting a somewhat negative reaction from some rpg fans for its focus on combat. Perhaps this is an example of a game that "ages" well - as time goes on, the quality of the design and solid gameplay of IWD seems to be more appreciated nowadays.
Nov 18, 2010
Icewind Dale was a trully great game if you took it for what it was: meaning a linear party-based hack'n slash RPG. It didn't have much depth, albeit the plot was fine enough, but damn it was fun.

There were people dissapointed because they wanted another Baldur's Gate - but this was never the point of this game.

I really should try out IWD2 somday, back then I was turned off by the D&D3 ruleset - after having playing so many computer games with AD&D since the SSI days, I just "blocked" at the character creation process.
Dec 12, 2008
I didn't like IWD at all. Tried to play it back then and abandoned it. Tried to play it a year ago, and abandoned it. Just fight fight fight fight, not too interesting.
Sep 23, 2008
Despite the controversial Alpha Protocol, I wish Obsidian would produce more original IP's and talk less about doing one sequel/revival after another. Although I guess doing that is what keeps them afloat, so I can't really complain, and it resulted in several great-but-flawed games. I never played IWD, so I can't comment there. A new Ultima would be... weird, after all this time. I would almost prefer a comtemporary remake of one of the classics (IV, VII, UUW).
Oct 18, 2006
EDIT: The IWD brand is dead anyway - if you want to revive a stone age 2D PC only brand for multiplatform you need the marketing power of Zenimax/ Bethesda or EA/ Bioware. A small project from (press vicitims) Obsidian and the remains of once proud Infogrames (also press vicitims) will not do the job.

IWD is stone age? The first was released in 2000 and the second in 2002. I know time moves quickly in computer games, but that's hardly stone age.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
IWD3 using the seemingly smooth DS3 engine, with 4th edition rules and what not? Sounds excellent, though if it's only an idea at this point we won't see it for years.
Oct 18, 2006
Despite the controversial Alpha Protocol, I wish Obsidian would produce more original IP's and talk less about doing one sequel/revival after another. Although I guess doing that is what keeps them afloat, so I can't really complain, and it resulted in several great-but-flawed games. I never played IWD, so I can't comment there. A new Ultima would be… weird, after all this time. I would almost prefer a comtemporary remake of one of the classics (IV, VII, UUW).

Surely a wish to create more original IP is slightly at odds with the preference for a remake of an existing game? I think I can understand where you are coming from (there is a subtle difference), but I can see how the message from RPG fans might be confusing for marketing execs.

While we're on the remake wagon though, I'd like Lands of Lore 2 again please. Bethesda?
Oct 18, 2006
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