Mass Effect 3 - The Joker Returns


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
If I remember right, he was the only character that was certain to survive Mass Effect 2, wasn't he?
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
If I remember right, he was the only character that was certain to survive Mass Effect 2, wasn't he?


Bioware kind of wrote themselves into a whole with the companions in ME2. Quite a few of them should be series staples, like Mordin or Miranda, but since they could be dead their presence in ME3 will be limited at best.
Jan 28, 2011

Bioware kind of wrote themselves into a whole with the companions in ME2. Quite a few of them should be series staples, like Mordin or Miranda, but since they could be dead their presence in ME3 will be limited at best.

Just like you first crew from Masseffect 1. They will have small cameos and tell you to hey how are you now go away. I will be surprised if any return as squad members.
Oct 1, 2010
Just like you first crew from Masseffect 1. They will have small cameos and tell you to hey how are you now go away. I will be surprised if any return as squad members.

There's a dirty theory going around some forums that ME3 will be just Shepard, like ME2's last DLC was.
Jan 28, 2011
I can't believe they'd do such a good job of developing the characters (especially when it came at the expense of the main plot) and then ditch them for ME3. Unlike ME1 where death was inevitable, you had to do certain obvious things to get your teammates killed in ME2. I expect at least Miranda, Thane, Mordin, and Legion to return as teammates for ME3.
Jun 9, 2009
There's a dirty theory going around some forums that ME3 will be just Shepard, like ME2's last DLC was.

Sounds like cheap fearmongering. Scaring oneself's out on such trivial matter makes formidable material for buzz.

Does not look credible though. Bioware is on the path on providing circumstancial, shallow content. They came up with that big decisions thing and in the end, it was to greedy in developpment costs to be sustained in any meaningful manner.

So they switched. The games are going to build up on meaningless events, the kind you shook that man's hands or not, and whooop, you have this or that meaningless event popping up in the next iteration of the franchise.

I read somewhere the expectation of 1500 markers spread over ME1,2 and 3. Companions have to be there (how much is another story) to get there.

Adding to that save import of the capacities with some of them team oriented... Solo as Arrival, very hard.
Mar 29, 2011
I can't believe they'd do such a good job of developing the characters (especially when it came at the expense of the main plot) and then ditch them for ME3. Unlike ME1 where death was inevitable, you had to do certain obvious things to get your teammates killed in ME2. I expect at least Miranda, Thane, Mordin, and Legion to return as teammates for ME3.

I don't know what you mean about doing "obvious" things. Not doing the loyalty missions and picking the wrong people for tasks at the end could get a lot of them killed, and I would guess a lot of gamers fall into that camp. Why write significant dialogue for Miranda or Mordin when a ton of people might not have them alive?
Jan 28, 2011
My own data collection performed on the Internet and real life connections showed the opposite.
People were much closer to the perfect walk in the park than the dirty dozen like suicide mission.

Loyalty missions, picking wrong people and not upgrading the Normandy, not boosting enough paragon/renegade skills are what could lead to crew companions loss (excluding here the other crew members) Miranda is quite protected though. I remember one moment when she can die: the defensive challenge.

The only times I saw reports of Sheppard dying on the mission was players who engineered the outcome.

This reminded, players who really had it wrong on a first run can replay the game to get it all right.
Mar 29, 2011
Well, it doesn't matter if they die or not, as people can be restored from death in the mass effect universe ? so who cares?
Oct 25, 2006
If you played Arrival and keep in mind how long it took to get X to recover from death, it is certainly not an option on the table.
Mar 29, 2011
Didn't care for the character, and as such I don't care about his return.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Well, to be honest, I don't think the party combat in ME work. At least not for me.

Perhaps if you are playing the difficulties which are unlockable after you played through the game…. but what usually happens is the party members runs and dies…. I am left alone with Shepard killing the things off, at least in ME 1.

On the other hand it is fun to have a party to run around with. Running around alone would be really boring.
Oct 25, 2006
Well, to be honest, I don't think the party combat in ME work. At least not for me.

Perhaps if you are playing the difficulties which are unlockable after you played through the game…. but what usually happens is the party members runs and dies…. I am left alone with Shepard killing the things off, at least in ME 1.

On the other hand it is fun to have a party to run around with. Running around alone would be really boring.

I had much the same experience.

Then again, I think their party mechanics have sucked since KoTOR. Dragon Age was ok for the most part, but I still prefer the scripts of the BG2 infinity version.
Well, to be honest, I don't think the party combat in ME work. At least not for me.

Perhaps if you are playing the difficulties which are unlockable after you played through the game…. but what usually happens is the party members runs and dies…. I am left alone with Shepard killing the things off, at least in ME 1.

On the other hand it is fun to have a party to run around with. Running around alone would be really boring.

ME1 has one deep issue in relation to the topic: the levelling system. Developpers had put little effort in finding a better abstraction than levelling up.
Issue in ME1: supposed seasoned soldiers start like rookies, they can not pull their weight. They cant hit a cow at start. It grows much better with a replay done from finished game save (therefore with level 20 or more)
Huge disparities between what you are about to accomplish and what your teammates are able to accomplish.

ME2 is better in this regard as the level up system is partly absent. Teammates put their weight on hard, hardcore other issues.

Troubles with this is that players often play video games for a boost of ego and that too much proficient teammates spoil the hero feeling. A game providing the possibility that a level could be cleaned up team mates with small input from the player will be a commercial failure.

Players want the game resolution to revolve around them.
Mar 29, 2011
It would seem very strange game design for BioWare to go to the trouble of making a heavily team-building oriented game like ME2, and then not really see some carry-over into ME3.

Then again, I'm one of those gamers who beat ME2 in a weekend and was quite happy to accept the consequences of my choices. Namely: a good proportion of my team were killed. So what? We got the job done! :D

I also tend to share D'Art's sentiment on the companions and party dynamics - they've been growing steadily weaker since BG2. ME2 wasn't overall that thrilling combat wise for me.
Jul 12, 2009
For those who are suggesting BioWare wouldn't change the party formula— or screw up anything else for that matter with ME3— clearly hasn't played Dragon Age 2 and seen what EA has done to the company.

Look at Jade Empire, and you should realise that EA is only part of the problem.

Even KoTOR had sucky party mechanics.
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