RIP Christopher Hitchens

RITHANDIL : "Sad day. I'm currently arguing with people saying he's equivalent to a nazi because he supported going after tyrannical dictators.

I hate youtube"

Will you personally be going after the tyrannical dictators in the world? Or are you volunteering somebody else for the job you have never met?

Do you believe we are living in some kind of giant comic book? Do you know enough about world politics to know how many nations are governed by "tyrannical dictators?" Like … all of them.

I would like to see laws enacted that put advocates of any kind of war anywhere automatically on the front line with a faulty M-16 and a candy bar, right in the hot zone by parachute. If two witnesses can verify a man was advocating a war, that man is seized by police and sent to the nearest military airstrip to fly out immediately to the nation he claimed we needed to go to war against.

Are you a veteran? Did you ever care to enforce your politics by putting on a pair of boots and serving in a military anywhere? I did. You would find that real soldiers do not concur with you, friend. They do not concur. Warmongers and righters of wrongs and champions of engineering outcomes with bombs tend to be usually bringing up the rear with a bottle of brandy in hand like Chris Hitchens. They themselves could not imagine ever personally fighting anybody anywhere, being natural born cowards.

Your post would be valid if I personally had supported or argued for the Iraq war.
Mar 5, 2009
i decided to agree with most of what you just said. but Christopher Hitchens did serve.

Pardon? Whatever on earth are you talking about?

Hitchens was a congenital weakling who by his own admission had never even fired a gun. His days in college were remarkable as a man who would regularly pick fights with strangers by insulting them and then apologize profusely when he realized they expected him to defend himself. Hitchens would normally be classed as an affective personality disorder and homosexual but I guess if he also ruined some young girls lives we have to call him bisexual. In any event, Hitchens never loved anyone and nobody anywhere ever loved him.
Jul 11, 2007
Deep underground in a massive fortified complex be
"Tyrannical dictators."

Do you guys believe this is a comic book where we are fighting the Red Skull?

Barack Obama just signed a bill into law that wavers the majority of all the Bill of Rights away. Is he one of these "tyrannical dictators?" When will the military move against him? The 'Stain is in serious need of regime change. Do other countries still hate us for our freedoms when we no longer have any left? Please explain.
Jul 11, 2007
Deep underground in a massive fortified complex be
i thought the sadam was an ultra dictator that had to go? weapons of mass destruction do more than cause fear. You don't understand how important it is that an abomb not be dropped by pakistan.

Yeah, obviously, mere mention of WMDs, entirely built on lies, was enough to bring about an illegal and immoral war that has cost and still continues to cost hundred-thousands of innocent deaths. The trick is that you only attack a country when you are absolutely certain that they don't have WMDs but the sheeple don't need to know that.

As for Pakistan, why won't anyone "liberate" and bring some democracy to Pakistan? An islamist state that funds and trains terrorists? Oh, I know, because they have nukes.

Personally, I can't wait for the day that Iran will announce that they have built nuclear weapons -if they are even trying to do so- and the means to deliver them long-range. Because that day, rest of the western world will suddenly become butt-budies with Iran and the fates of millions of innocent people will be secured for some time. They won't end up as "collaterals" in an illegal and immoral war brought on by war criminals.
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Mar 30, 2011
Oct 26, 2006
Then please, do enlighten us on what morality is, dear internet person. I'm most curious to hear your standing on this vital matter. Lives are at stake here.

Oct 26, 2006
Not in the mood to provide real answers, are you? It's ok. We have all been there.

Your post would be valid if I personally had supported or argued for the Iraq war.

Well then, I personally support Hitler & co, then. It doesn't matter whatever atrocities they orchestrated since I don't support those things but only that I "support" them, whatever that could possibly mean.
Mar 30, 2011
PLEASE!!!! NEVER ask Jemy to explain something!! PLEASE!!!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Wait, morality is flexibility? Explain this new system to me, please.

it's a trap . once you admit his morality is adaptation, which is possible for his kind of pond scum origin, it means he will then declare it unethical for you to ask him to be anything else. his reasoning will then follow with pond scum like compromises.
Dec 26, 2011

Here's the problem. This is the same answer that all classic, clinically diagnosable sociopaths will give when being honest. Hitchens was a classic sociopath. You're a big admirer of Hitchens. Connect the dots.

The problem with being a sociopath is discovery. Once people discover you are a sociopath, nobody on this planet wants your feet touching our terran soil. We don't care where you go. Even other sociopaths stop returning your calls. The secret to being a sociopath is to give a misleading or ambivalent answer instead of what you just answered. Once people know what you are, your services are no longer needed in this dimension by anyone else. You won't find a civilization anywhere composed of sane people who will take you in. You just voided your lease in terms of living here.

A sociopath has something wrong with them that can never be fixed. The only standard of morality a sociopath recognizes is whatever he needs. He will not apply any other principle to his actions. It is a psychopath without the naked violence.
Jul 11, 2007
Deep underground in a massive fortified complex be
Jan 10, 2008
I'm saying your mom is flexible.

The poster made a claim that Hitchens was a deeply moral man. Somebody made claims about his character that suggest he would be difficult to describe as 'moral' by most prevailing systems. Now, we're asking the poster to describe the moral system by which he judged Hitchens deeply moral. So far he's only described it negatively and with a one-word response. I'd like him to expand, not moronically ascribe beliefs to him and dismiss him out of hand. Clearly, there's already enough of that going on, zahratustra.
Dec 26, 2011
Pardon? Whatever on earth are you talking about?

Hitchens was a congenital weakling who by his own admission had never even fired a gun. His days in college were remarkable as a man who would regularly pick fights with strangers by insulting them and then apologize profusely when he realized they expected him to defend himself. Hitchens would normally be classed as an affective personality disorder and homosexual but I guess if he also ruined some young girls lives we have to call him bisexual. In any event, Hitchens never loved anyone and nobody anywhere ever loved him.

he did fire a gun too. it was an ak47. i saw it on youtube. and his confession about his royal navy experience in one of his talks. his father also served.
Dec 26, 2011
Oct 26, 2006
Oct 26, 2006
How do you get from adaptation to flexibility?

I asked first, but I'm a bro so:

Adaptation requires modification.
Something that can be modified can also be called flexible.

But I'm not trying to play a semantics game, I'm asking you a serious question. Or am I going to have to resort to mom jokes again?

Last edited:
Dec 26, 2011
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