Elder Scrolls Online - Available on Next-Gen Consoles


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Bethesda sent out a press release on The Elder Scrolls Online being available not only on Pc and Mac, but also on Xbox One and PS4.

Latest Game in Award-Winning Franchise Arriving on
PlayStation®4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac in Spring 2014
June 10, 2013 (Rockville, MD) - Bethesda Softworks® today announced that The Elder Scrolls® Online is in development for both the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft. The game will launch on these consoles, in addition to the previously announced PC and Mac versions, in Spring 2014. The Elder Scrolls Online is the latest chapter of the award-winning franchise - and will bring the legendary experience online for the first time. Players can choose their own style of play as they embark upon an epic adventure across all of Tamriel, playing alone on a heroic quest as in previous Elder Scrolls games, exploring the huge, rich world with a few select friends, or playing with hundreds of others in massive PvP battles to save the Empire.
"We are thrilled to bring this game to consoles, in addition to the PC and Mac," said Matt Firor, game director of The Elder Scrolls Online. "It's something our fans have been requesting since we first announced the title, and something our team is excited to offer. Everyone will be able to play The Elder Scrolls Online the way they want to play."
After having experienced extended hands-on gameplay and testing the game's innovations, quests, and unique features, The Elder Scrolls Online was described by MMORPG.com as "a perfect sauce of awesome." The game has emerged as one of the industry's most anticipated titles - and praised by such diverse press outlets as IGN, GameSpot, Game Informer, MMORPG.com and TenTonHammer.com. Millions of Elder Scrolls fans have already signed up for the beta on PC and Mac to gain early access to the game, and console fans can now sign up to be eligible for the console beta test which will begin later this year. For more information or to sign up for beta on your preferred platform, visit www.elderscrollsonline.com.
The Elder Scrolls Online will be the first Elder Scrolls title to be played online after nearly 20 years of offering these best-selling, award-winning fantasy role-playing games for single player only. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® is the most recent chapter of the Elder Scrolls story. Skyrim, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, was released in November 2011 and enjoyed worldwide critical and commercial success. As the follow-up to the 2002 Role-Playing Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind®, and the 2006 Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion®, Skyrim earned hundreds of 'Game of the Year' awards and has sold over 20 million copies.
The Elder Scrolls Online is being developed for the PlayStation4 system, Xbox One, PC, and Mac by ZeniMax Online Studios. The studio is headed by industry veteran Matt Firor who has more than 20 years of online game development experience. Working with Matt is a team of highly regarded developers who have created some of the best known online games ever released.
The Elder Scrolls Online has not yet been rated by the ESRB.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
It's not something THIS fan ever asked for. Screw consoles. PC games designed for PC (and relatively recent PC) is all I'm after.

TESO is sounding lamer and lamer with every new news bit.

Gonna have to put up with one of Bethesda's typical horrific PC UI's because of console design, and put up with drooling idiots that play on consoles in an MMORPG community where MMORPG communities are already horrific generally these days.
Apr 22, 2013
Well, it means the gameplay will have to be streamlined quite a bit compared to most MMOs. Hardcore raiding in WoW, The Old Republic or similar easily requires 20+ hotkeys. I think I have about 30-35 in both games, including macros and what not, using alt, ctrl and shift as hotkey modifiers and a Naga mouse.

It will be very interesting to see how it all turns out. You can't base it on Skyrim where you stop the game, select an ability and then use it. It has to be real time, it has to be hotkeys, and it can't be limited to a few abilities with a "select new abilities on the fly" thing as that is simply not smooth enough for PvP or high end PvE raiding.
Oct 18, 2006
Game is going to be F2P then. You'd never hook console players with a subscription fee.

And so any inkling of interest I had in this game dies out with this update.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Final Fantasy 11 came out on consoles and had a subscription fee.
Chat is bad enough in PC games like WoW. Add the perfected level of potty language and profanity of Xbox Live and I don't know if you can ever escape PhatLootzDude0039 and his buddies chatting.
Oct 18, 2006
Game is going to be F2P then. You'd never hook console players with a subscription fee.

And so any inkling of interest I had in this game dies out with this update.

Both next gen consoles will have fees to pay online services for multiplayer (xbox live or PSN) Better/worse than PCs.
Mar 29, 2011
Well, it means the gameplay will have to be streamlined quite a bit compared to most MMOs. Hardcore raiding in WoW, The Old Republic or similar easily requires 20+ hotkeys. I think I have about 30-35 in both games, including macros and what not, using alt, ctrl and shift as hotkey modifiers and a Naga mouse.

It will be very interesting to see how it all turns out. You can't base it on Skyrim where you stop the game, select an ability and then use it. It has to be real time, it has to be hotkeys, and it can't be limited to a few abilities with a "select new abilities on the fly" thing as that is simply not smooth enough for PvP or high end PvE raiding.

TBH TESO would have never had 10+ hotkeys whether it was on consoles or not. (In other words it's not getting any more dumbed down than it already was; 'action bar fighting' has never been in the books for TESO, it was already a streamline from conventional MMORPGS so I don't know what's disappointing about it). Gamers asking for first person perspective and them granting it and thus making it more like Skyrim (which works on consoles, I agree about the UI though) had all but guaranteed that it would go to consoles. 'Why not bring a game that plays like Skyrim to consoles?'- They must have thought.
Oct 22, 2006
Well, it means the gameplay will have to be streamlined quite a bit compared to most MMOs. Hardcore raiding in WoW, The Old Republic or similar easily requires 20+ hotkeys. I think I have about 30-35 in both games, including macros and what not, using alt, ctrl and shift as hotkey modifiers and a Naga mouse.

It will be very interesting to see how it all turns out. You can't base it on Skyrim where you stop the game, select an ability and then use it. It has to be real time, it has to be hotkeys, and it can't be limited to a few abilities with a "select new abilities on the fly" thing as that is simply not smooth enough for PvP or high end PvE raiding.

You get pool of skills to select from but apparently you only have about 5 skills active during combat.
Oct 8, 2009
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