Project Eternity - Post-Funding Update #61, In-game Art

Here is a larger version of the image - click to embiggen.


It evokes such a strong Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale vibe. I'm very happy :)

Yeah, I'm even more pumped than I already was!
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Excited for this game, but that was hardly what I'd call an update.

Toss some characters on an already released screenshot, mention Avellone's next play video, then job post.


Still excited for the game, but not excited by this "update."
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
For a second I thought I was looking at a BG2 screenshot. I am very satisfied.
May 17, 2009
It is great to see 2d making a comeback, in modern resolutions it can look fantastic in a way 3d games never could.
Oct 25, 2006
It is great to see 2d making a comeback, in modern resolutions it can look fantastic in a way 3d games never could.
It'll be good for a few years (and hopefully they keep the assets this time so can be reimagined in the future when we all have 4k monitors etc. ;) )
Oct 18, 2006
Err… I don't think you've quite understood the images.

That the original was a conception piece of art, and the later was in-game footage of same art?

No, I got it.

I was impressed and excited when they showed off the waterfall, and the characters moving through that environment with the lighting and day/night effects, and the water rising and dropping in the river.

This is much less than that. I don't see how, if you saw the previous, this suddenly makes you more excited.

But, by all means, be excited. I backed this game for a chunk of change and am wholeheartedly behind Josh, Tim and crew at Obsidian's vision for it.

I just think this update was underwhelming with a capital under. YMMV.
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
That the original was a conception piece of art, and the later was in-game footage of same art?

No, I got it.
Then you understand it's not just tossing some characters onto a previous screenshot? The previous 'screenshot' was art, not an in game image. They've recreated all that art with the in game engine (and added some characters) that's the point.

You might not think that's very exciting, but it's good for us on a couple of levels - it shows that the in game engine is succeeding in creating the old IE style look, and it shows us that the concept artists understand the likely capabilities of the in game engine and are going to be creating productive artwork that can be translated well into what we actually play, making efficient use of their and everyone else's time.
Oct 18, 2006
Then you understand it's not just tossing some characters onto a previous screenshot? The previous 'screenshot' was art, not an in game image. They've recreated all that art with the in game engine (and added some characters) that's the point.

You might not think that's very exciting, but it's good for us on a couple of levels - it shows that the in game engine is succeeding in creating the old IE style look, and it shows us that the concept artists understand the likely capabilities of the in game engine and are going to be creating productive artwork that can be translated well into what we actually play, making efficient use of their and everyone else's time.

We've ALREADY seen that, though. With the waterfall level. This is just another showing that same thing, without animation and without showing off special features.

It's nice, sure. But it's also not a big update.

Do I think it's exciting that it will have that IE look? YES. Am I excited by this screen shot of characters standing on a background we've already seen? No, not really. Am I excited that they have shown off the in-game engine setting with characters on it? YES, but that was done awhile back before this update.

You want an update to be excited about? Some screenshots there, too, with characters - but more than one, and a bunch of other great news.

What is lost in all this "we oldsters are excited about what this means, you don't get it" is the facts that 1 - I get the motivation for your excitement, but that "proof" you wanted already exists; 2 - that I was dismissing what was shown as not cool, but what I was "meh" on was the excitement shown for such a BARELY THERE update.

We ALL are excited for this project. :) I wasn't excited by that update, and I think the excitement others are stating are not with the update but with the lack of something in the update that they want to nitpick.
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
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