Unsung Story - Update# 10, Website & Video


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Playdek has a new update for Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians with information of a new game website, and a new video answering a few questions.

First episode of Community Corner is now up!

This week we have been taking questions from you, our fans, on Reddit about Unsung Story. This morning we pulled the top 11 questions with the most votes and answered those questions in our first episode of Community Corner with our Community Manager Shyla and our Senior Product Manager Briana so check it out!

Along with this video we have launched our Unsung Story website which includes forums and a chat room where we can continue to discuss the game and share ideas, so feel free to visit our site and sign up for a forum account today!

Unsung Story website: http://unsungstory.com/

We have some really great updates coming your way soon with some content that is sure to get you excited, so stay tuned!
Thank you Aubrielle for the news tip.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Glad to help, and thank you for the credit! :)
Dec 16, 2013
Clearly you can see on how contributions progress the devs have nothing save few concept arts and big names, lots of promises.

Not even the first stretch goal is likely. They will be lucky meeting the minimum, which will question the whole project: if preliminary effort couldn't be made to present a playable demo / video then why bother with this?
Mar 21, 2013
Clearly you can see on how contributions progress the devs have nothing save few concept arts and big names, lots of promises.

Not even the first stretch goal is likely. They will be lucky meeting the minimum, which will question the whole project: if preliminary effort couldn't be made to present a playable demo / video then why bother with this?

That has been the case with a lot of the most successful Kickstarter video game campaigns: Broken Age, Shadowrun Returns, Wasteland 2, Project Eternity , and Torment: Tides of Numenera… None of these had any gameplay footage to show. Maybe a few pieces of concept art at the most. Hell, Broken Age didn't even have a story concept or established setting: the entire pitch was "It will be a point and click adventure game designed by Tim Schafer".

As for why they bother with it now? Well there's the obvious part that they need more funds to optimize the game for PC / possibly consoles. But I think the other reason is that they want the game to have a truly open development. They want to make the game that fans of tactical RPGs want and are willing to listen to player's suggestions. It's better to do that sort of thing early in development than after you've already put core mechanics into place.

Of course, ultimately it's a risk to back something with little details as to what the final product will look like. But really, backing a Kickstarter campaign is always a risk. This is why I only ever back KS campaigns at the level that gets me a copy of the game (well, that and I'm not rich).. It boggles my mind that some people throw thousands at any KS project. Even backing a project like Kingdom Come is a risk; while they may have some sexy graphics to show, that doesn't tell us what the final game will actually play like. It could have clunky controls, it could be full of bugs, it could be a bunch of glorified fetch quests… but it could be amazing. That's the leap of faith you take when you participate in crowd-funding. The backers are essentially divvying up the risk that has been traditionally taken on by publishers.
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Apr 9, 2013
Hell, Broken Age didn't even have a story concept or established setting: the entire pitch was "It will be a point and click adventure game designed by Tim Schafer".

That's true. The difference between this and that, however, is that a game sold as being the dream project of Tim Schafer was, indeed, the dream project of Tim Schafer.

Tim Schafer was in the pitch video. He pushed for the game. You knew he was going to be closely involved, etc. etc.

You didn't realize a few days later that Tim Schafer barely cared. He can only bother to send a 15 second clip saying he's involved. He'll be out of the country during the entirety of development. At best he's basically contracted to put his name on the project.

...that's the situation with Unsung Story, and that's why it's failing.
Sep 16, 2011
Project Eternity et all spent a lot of KS time talking about the game systems and how they would work. I still don't have a clue what this game will be like to play (other than it will be a "rich, diverse Tactical RPG".
Nov 12, 2010
Project Eternity et all spent a lot of KS time talking about the game systems and how they would work. I still don't have a clue what this game will be like to play (other than it will be a "rich, diverse Tactical RPG".

Yeah that is clearly a huge problem for a lot of people… I still think it's great that the developers are open to suggestions but after watching this video update it does seem like they haven't made any decisions about gameplay mechanics yet and that is causing doubts in current backers and hesitation in would-be backers. I'm now thinking it would be better if they canceled this KS and came back in a month or two when they had some more concept art to show and some details to give regarding mechanics… Project Phoenix got $1 million with an arguably less famous team, cutesy character design, and a RTS battle system with sounds shallow / lame to me. Unsung Story should have no problem getting at least $1 million but they're struggling because they're disorganized and clearly not prepared to give concrete answers about anything.
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Apr 9, 2013
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