RPG Codex - Top 74 RPG List: Boxed Edition

so Elimage Gothic is $2.99 from 9.99 on sale on steam atm.
Jul 22, 2013
Wow, that is quite the collection!

so Elimage Gothic is $2.99 from 9.99 on sale on steam atm.

That's good to know, but how it is relevant to this thread?
Sep 15, 2014
It includes NWN2:OC but not NWN:HotU? Hmm.

A very retro list for the most part.
Mar 22, 2012
Nice. I could kill for such a collection. :)
Oct 30, 2006
Well, Codex sure likes to make lists. It's one of the few things it keeps it's members sanity in check. Almost.
Strange I haven't seen anything similar here...these things are always good for bringing out the best in people.
Jun 5, 2015
Ya know, if they can't even bother to make their text flow properly and stay within a window when you zoom, reading anything of length on the Codex is too tedious for me. They really need a decent web designer over there.

Luckily we are blessed with Arhu! :)
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Well, Codex sure likes to make lists. It's one of the few things it keeps it's members sanity in check. Almost.
Strange I haven't seen anything similar here…these things are always good for bringing out the best in people.

We have lists, too.
Oct 18, 2006
IRC, the original list was generated by a poll held by Felipepepe where you were asked to pick your personal top five RPGs. The results were aggregated and then this list was formed. There may have been some extra statistical shenanigans going on but that's the gist of how this list was created.
Sep 15, 2014
Ah, thanks...will be making my own contribution here:p.
I'm curious at what place Witcher 3 would find itself for most players.
Jun 5, 2015
Amazing collection with heaps of old preious games on FLOPPY DISKS!! - like Wizardry series and Wasteland and Ultimas and SSI games... I love the fact that Jagged Alliance 2 and 2.5 (Unfinished Business) are very high on that list and Witchers as well... Thanks for bringing this amazing piece of history to our attention, these amazing collector's edition make me envy and inn the age of digital games and game extras you can't get that feeling of awe for physical stuff...
Oct 27, 2012
Star Control 2 is an RPG? <OK, so I'm just trying to pick a fight... >
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
I have to say I am extremely disappointed in this list. It should be titled, "A List of Every Single Big Budget Game with RPG Elements with Some Decent and a Few Great CRPGs Thrown in for Flavor and to Try and Give Us Credibility."

No EOB2, no Buck Rogers, no Tudogor and the Alliance with Rome, no Avernum 6, no Shadows over Riva?

They literally included every game that provided no challenge at all. Lands of Lore had an extremely superficial rpg system and was so easy a retarded crack-addled monkey could beat it, but it sure was pretty for the time. Icewind Dale 1 and 2? Come on. At least planescape had a story and the BGs had rpg stuff, but IWDs took the worst part of the IE games (the horrible and horribly easy and challenge free, strategy free, no tactics needed, click and watch combat) and made a linear game out of it. Oh well, at least you could create your own party.

If thou gaze long into the abyss, you realize it is just the glassy, drooping, empty and dull eyes of the monkeys.
Feb 16, 2009
I have to say I am extremely disappointed in this list. It should be titled, "A List of Every Single Big Budget Game with RPG Elements with Some Decent and a Few Great CRPGs Thrown in for Flavor and to Try and Give Us Credibility."

No EOB2, no Buck Rogers, no Tudogor and the Alliance with Rome, no Avernum 6, no Shadows over Riva?

They literally included every game that provided no challenge at all. Lands of Lore had an extremely superficial rpg system and was so easy a retarded crack-addled monkey could beat it, but it sure was pretty for the time. Icewind Dale 1 and 2? Come on. At least planescape had a story and the BGs had rpg stuff, but IWDs took the worst part of the IE games (the horrible and horribly easy and challenge free, strategy free, no tactics needed, click and watch combat) and made a linear game out of it. Oh well, at least you could create your own party.

If thou gaze long into the abyss, you realize it is just the glassy, drooping, empty and dull eyes of the monkeys.

When does your game come out again?
Apr 2, 2011
I just received a physical manual for baldurs gate 1 today; its pretty sweet! Makes me realise how big Baldurs Gate is as a city...from the manual.

"...it offers the discerning shopper a wide selection of goods - there are a total of six major inns, six main taverns, seven general stores, six primary temples, and a full magic store, along with hundreds of lesser buildings."
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
When does your game come out again?

Tuesday? Are you trying to say only game developers should have been able to vote in this poll? Or only that game developer's opinions matter when it comes to what games are good or not? So only director's can tell when a movie is good or bad? Only chefs know what tastes good?

We'll go with the popular opinion that I am a big stupid idiot. If I am a big stupid idiot, and even I thought the combat of the IE games, NWN, KOTORs, etc, were all ridiculously and insanely easy and required absolutely no input from the player beyond clicking on the first bad guy you see, what does that say about the people who found it tactical and strategic, or worse yet, challenging? Look how many people complained about the combat in D:OS and Serpents in the Staglands being too difficult. I didn't find it ridiculously and insanely easy, but it was a long ways away from being difficult or challenging.

If the only thing the combat requires of the player is to not be retarded, it really can't be considered good, now can it? Is chess good if you go to a pre-school and play against three-year olds? No. Its boring and you are guaranteed to win unless, like above, you are retarded. If a game is going to have a rpg system and character progression, make it mean something or it is just a superficial waste. If I am going to spend most of the game in combat, aim for the fun of chess against a competent opponent, not the fun of playing checkers with an imaginary friend. One is actually fun, and one is only fun if you are a fucking drooling moron.

And that is not my fault. I didn't make the rules of fun and challenge. And maybe the Lord blessed me with being just a big stupid idiot, but at least I'm not etc, etc.
Feb 16, 2009
WOW!!! I just meant you seem to be hypercritical of almost everything :). Not every RPG has to be very complex to be enjoyed.

So why don't you produce a game and lets see how great it is.
Apr 2, 2011
Icewind Dale 1 and 2? Come on. IWDs took the worst part of the IE games (the horrible and horribly easy and challenge free, strategy free, no tactics needed, click and watch combat) and made a linear game out of it. Oh well, at least you could create your own party.

You haven't actually played these games have you...

... and you highlight a Meager 2 points of disinterest:

1. Easy combat - to which you can't have played them, because they do not have easy combat scenarios, unless you're running on expert knowledge and utilising every boon the game provides, in which case you are using both tactics and strategy.

2. Linear game - since when was linearity an RPG crime? All computer games are 'linear', some games just pad out the content with 'side-quests' and call it 'open world' and those that aspire to that sim-fest beast called 'Sandbox' are sure free to tackle the level 100 dragon while at level 1, yup, there's no linearity in the mere concept of 'leveling' at all is there... So if IWD just had a path from Easthaven back to destroyed Easthaven via a portal and made all the other content 'optional side-quests' you'd suddenly love the game? (even though it hasn't changed at all aside from the imposition of one portal option).


On the topic of the codex list:

It's shit. It's a list compiled by people who's ego/mouth is bigger than their brain, it has no chance to be anything other than shit. It's no more 'relevant' to the genre than if the Bioware forums created their own top XYZ list. Oh look, it's got all those RPGs the codex claims to like in it from developers who (shill) post there - wow, there's a surprise. 74 as well? Not 75 or 73? Oh, because 74 means everything... What a bunch of self-righteous hypocritical tossers they are. :lol:

MindX's collection however - is awesome. I'd be much more interested in a serialised selection of posts where he just chats about all the games in his collection one by one, just giving more time and praise to those that stood out for him. Rather than dumbing down the whole process with a cruddy clickbait list that means nothing to anyone except the handful of incredulous bores who think that place is some kind of home.
Nov 1, 2014
On the topic of the codex list:

It's shit. It's a list compiled by people who's ego/mouth is bigger than their brain, it has no chance to be anything other than shit. It's no more 'relevant' to the genre than if the Bioware forums created their own top XYZ list. Oh look, it's got all those RPGs the codex claims to like in it from developers who (shill) post there - wow, there's a surprise. 74 as well? Not 75 or 73? Oh, because 74 means everything… What a bunch of self-righteous hypocritical tossers they are. :lol:

That's a very codexian opinion on the codex list, followed by a very codexian explanation for that opinion. Appropriate, I suppose.

I don't see a problem with this list. It has a lot of outstanding games and even the ones I don't exactly like I can see why they are on the list.

There ARE a bunch of self-righteous hypocritical tossers over at the Codex, but it isn't because of this list.
Sep 15, 2014
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