Witcher 3 CDPR buyout by EA (rumour)

The Witcher 3
TW2 was better for me, because it was much more tight in terms of balance and it didn't overstay its welcome. TW2 on Hard at release was just about perfect for me in terms of balance, where TW3 became too easy around halfway through.

TW2 was challenging throughout - even on medium difficulty.

TW2 wasn't open world, so it didn't need to provide much in the way of exploration incentive - where TW3 failed to have a good enough reason to stray from the story quests.

Finally, I think TW3 was way, way too streamlined in terms of the mini-map and detective modes. Everything was totally spelled out and I didn't have a reason to ever think about anything.

TW2 was sort of a sweet spot between the clunky/clumsy first game - and the mass-market design of the third game.

Still, TW3 is a great game overall, but I can't say I'm too optimistic about the future of CDPR. They're clearly aiming for the masses in a big way now and they're not afraid to compromise when it comes to challenge and the cerebral investment required.

That said, the writing has been great in all games - and I'm sure the next game will be great in that way too.

Games CAN work as story delivery devices - but I tend to prefer complex/meaty gameplay as underpinning.
We have what Ultima, Pink Floyd…..hmmmm sorry can't really think of any others.

I think there are lots of examples, though I agree it's not the norm.

Games like Might and Magic, Wizardry, TES, and so on prove that you can have a great series beyond just three games.

Also, I'm all but certain that Fallout 4 will be better than Fallout 3.
I think there are lots of examples, though I agree it's not the norm.

Games like Might and Magic, Wizardry, TES, and so on prove that you can have a great series beyond just three games.

Also, I'm all but certain that Fallout 4 will be better than Fallout 3.

Not saying if CDPR doesn't sell off they can't make great game again. Though they themselves had said that was the last in the Witcher series. The pressure will be on them to make a game that everyone likes and not one that their core group loves.
Apr 2, 2011
Not saying if CDPR doesn't sell off they can't make great game again. Though they themselves had said that was the last in the Witcher series. The pressure will be on them to make a game that everyone likes and not one that their core group loves.

I don't think they will have a problem, either.

Based on reviews and general user response, gamers absolutely adore Witcher 3.

Clearly, the mainstream direction and streamlining is not a problem.

It's just not really my thing - and I get bored with Bioware games for the same reason.

I would get bored with Bethesda games too, except they have tremendous exploration and freedom to play the way I want.
Please, why would any rpg company sell themselves to EA after all they have done?
Jul 22, 2012
Finally, I think TW3 was way, way too streamlined in terms of the mini-map and detective modes. Everything was totally spelled out and I didn't have a reason to ever think about anything.

It's easy to look at this from that perspective, but without streamlining it to some extent, you would neither have a lot of other qualities that AAA games have, that people take for granted.
I would still say, that next to Bethesda( going in direction of Sims&GTA's) or Bioware( following MMO's), Wild Hunt strikes a far better balance between appeal to larger masses and holding to their own core design.
Jun 5, 2015
It's easy to look at this from that perspective, but without streamlining it to some extent, you would neither have a lot of other qualities that AAA games have, that people take for granted.

It's easy? I'm not sure if that's supposed to mean I shouldn't look at it like it is?

I don't think streamlining it to the extent it was done is necessary for success at all, but I do think that publishers are afraid that people are too stupid to figure anything out for themselves and won't take the risk. There's a genuine fear of challenging players and I think they're underestimating the desire to invest a little more in a great game.

I can easily understand not wanting to risk it, sure, but it doesn't really help me enjoy a streamlined experience where I'm not challenged.

I would still say, that next to Bethesda( going in direction of Sims&GTA's) or Bioware( following MMO's), Wild Hunt strikes a far better balance between appeal to larger masses and holding to their own core design.

I wouldn't know how to measure that, as I don't really know what CDPR are trying to do with Witcher 3.

All I know is that I'd rather be playing a new Bethesda game than a new CDPR game - if Witcher 3 represents the future of CDPR.

If Witcher 4 was just around the corner, I'd be less excited about that than I am about Fallout 4.
I am so confused, I have not yet played TW3, but are you saying it is even easier than TW2 ? the gameplay in TW2 was so boring because it was no challenge what-so-ever except for one optional boss and one QTE event, and I played it on the hardest setting.

On the other hand I don't think anyone plays TW games for challenge or gameplay, it is only about beautiful graphics and story + C&C. Just like the Final Fantasy games.
Oct 25, 2006
I am so confused, I have not yet played TW3, but are you saying it is even easier than TW2 ? the gameplay in TW2 was so boring because it was no challenge what-so-ever except for one optional boss and one QTE event, and I played it on the hardest setting.

I don't exist in your alternate reality, so I can't say if it's going to be easier for you.

On the other hand I don't think anyone plays TW games for challenge or gameplay, it is only about beautiful graphics and story + C&C. Just like the Final Fantasy games.

I play games to have fun, and I have more fun when I have a reason to invest in a game.
Well, you have your own funny perspective that I can't quite figure out how exactly it interprets "streamlining", from one title to another...I don't remember a single instance in Skyrim where it offered a puzzle, dialogue,discovery or quest that challenged player passed the point of being an idiot. Undertaking quests was completely HUD reliant, world was (almost) completely level scaled to the player with plain in sight discovery that required zero environmental awareness, failing quests was not an option past your health reaching zero, player dialogue had no negative consequences, and those puzzles with dragon claws and circling around stone statues ...well, I'm glad you found them stimulating, at least.
To me, Elder Scrolls is becoming more and more "thin" with each new title...you seriously believe Bethesda sold 20 million copies, by adding more complexity to game play mechanics? Or that Fallout IV is heading in the same direction?
Jun 5, 2015
Witcher 3 Dev: We Are Not in Buyout Talks With Anyone
CD Projekt Red, the Polish developer behind The Witcher role-playing game franchise and digital PC store GOG.com, has issued a new statement to make it absolutely clear that the outfit is not looking for a buyer. Yesterday, a report claimed that CD Projekt Red was potentially in acquisition talks with publishing giant Electronic Arts. But that's not true, according to co-founder and joint-CEO Marcin Iwinski.

"We usually don't comment on rumors but this one has become quite viral and we think it deserves to be put to bed," Iwinski said in a statement to Eurogamer. "We are not talking with anyone regarding selling CD Projekt Red or GOG.com. Period."
Oct 18, 2006
Well, you have your own funny perspective that I can't quite figure out how exactly it interprets "streamlining", from one title to another…
I don't remember a single instance in Skyrim where it offered a puzzle, dialogue,discovery or quest that challenged player passed the point of being an idiot. Undertaking quests was completely HUD reliant, world was (almost) completely level scaled to the player with plain in sight discovery that required zero environmental awareness, failing quests was not an option past your health reaching zero, player dialogue had no negative consequences, and those puzzles with dragon claws and circling around stone statues …well, I'm glad you found them stimulating, at least.
To me, Elder Scrolls is becoming more and more "thin" with each new title…you seriously believe Bethesda sold 20 million copies, by adding more complexity to game play mechanics? Or that Fallout IV is heading in the same direction?

It's probably funny because you're confused and you think I'm saying Skyrim isn't streamlined.

It might help you to understand me if you didn't imagine things.

What I'm saying is that Witcher 3 is heavily streamlined.

Here's a hint from what I said earlier:

I would get bored with Bethesda games too, except they have tremendous exploration and freedom to play the way I want.

What I'm saying is that all these AAA developers are afraid that adding complexity and challenge will scare players away - and I'm also saying they're wrong about that.

That doesn't mean they don't have to consider their audience, but I think they're underestimating a lot of players.

But that's my opinion, nothing more.

As for Fallout 4 - it looks to be full of great exploration and freeform gameplay - taken to an even higher level than Skyrim.

I love that kind of gameplay significantly more than clicking through dialogue in Witcher 3 - even though the story is great and the world is beautiful.

I love a great story as much as the next guy, but I'm really a gameplay person at heart - and I found a lot of the gameplay in Witcher 3 bland and repetitive.

You didn't and that's cool.
I am so confused, I have not yet played TW3, but are you saying it is even easier than TW2 ? the gameplay in TW2 was so boring because it was no challenge what-so-ever except for one optional boss and one QTE event, and I played it on the hardest setting.

On the other hand I don't think anyone plays TW games for challenge or gameplay, it is only about beautiful graphics and story + C&C. Just like the Final Fantasy games.

When did you play it? I know on launch it was pretty challenging but they released a Balancing patch later that made it easier.
Then knock yourself out with it…I prefer Focused, more driven exploration, and cohesive world with logical environmental design, sense of space and of player's place in it.
Your arguments about this game are exactly the ones I consider a far greater flaw in both previous Bethesda titles… and freedom they offer is a very, very shallow thing considering how the world has little to none reactivity to player's words or actions.
Jun 5, 2015
Then knock yourself out with it…I prefer Focused, more driven exploration, and cohesive world with logical environmental design, sense of space and of player's place in it.
Your arguments about this game are exactly the ones I consider a far greater flaw in both previous Bethesda titles… and freedom they offer is a very, very shallow thing considering how the world has little to none reactivity to player's words or actions.

Congratulations, but I think you already made your opinion clear to me several times. You love Witcher 3 and you don't appreciate freedom like I do ;)
Well, I was worried you had forgotten it there for a moment.
Just say the word and I'll remind you, if need be. :p
Jun 5, 2015
When did you play it? I know on launch it was pretty challenging but they released a Balancing patch later that made it easier.

First you have to realize that everything is extremely easy to GG. ;)

This is the same person that finished King's Bounty on the hardest difficulty without losing a single unit.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I found I got bored of W3 and Skyrim because of the lack of rewarding exploration and shallow gameplay. But the first third of W3 was rewarding in it's exploration, character development, and fantastic quest and story writing. Skyrim doesn't come close in the combined experience.
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
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