Gaming BS of the week

Ubisoft. Again, yea.

There's this new For Honor MMO, not f2p (aka p2w) but is filled with unbelievably expensive microtransactions that got buyers angry. Never buy MMO I say as you never know when they'll screw you up, and while not a greek company "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes" still applies here.

Already unhappy audience got a statement from Ubisoft about the scamware:
"We never had an intention for you to unlock everything in the game," he said. "First, that doesn't truly make any sense. We applied RPG mechanics on top of a fighting game, in a PVP environment, but it's like in an RPG, like in World of Warcraft: you would never try to unlock everything for all the characters of the whole game. Same for any MOBA, you're not trying to unlock all the content for all the characters in the game."
He continued: "What we forecasted was that most players would play one, or one to three characters, and that's what we're seeing in the game: most players focus on one character, one hero, and others go up to three. The design is based around that. The cosmetic items are really for us the end-game content: the things we want you to unlock after playing for several weeks."
Did this guy even play LoL ever? I don't have only 18 champions of them 130+, soon I'll unlock everyone. I don't play them all, true, all but I want to collect all pokemon! By playing the game, not by paying. What's even worse about that Ubi statement, LoL is not fullpriced game. For Honor is.

The best comment on this BS was made in comments there:
"You are not supposed to own everything, but for a hefty sum we can forget what we just said".
Apr 12, 2009
Quoting what's written here:

U.S. Senate votes to rescind Internet privacy rules forever
Your browsing history could soon be for sale.

Well, this is bullshit. Lawmakers in the U.S. Senate just voted to overturn a set of privacy rules that were written in 2016 to prevent Internet service providers from sharing (selling, really) your Internet usage information, including your browsing history, The Washington Post reports.

Oh, it gets worse.

Do people think about anything before voting, is USA senate corrupted, and <insert all other conspiracy questions here>.
Luckily for me I live elsewhere, but this could spread worldwide. I don't want someone making a fortune by selling my browser history data on how many hours I've played flash hentai games!
Apr 12, 2009
Only 4 days have passed since the last one and another gem comes from Ubisoft. Is this a record?

There’s a bug in The Division that allows players to effectively become invisible, by stepping out of their bodies and becoming an unkillable ghost.

“The issue which causes players to become invisible under certain circumstances could be fixed,” Ubisoft said on the official subreddit, clearing the matter up.

So, there you have it. It could be fixed. It could not be fixed. Find out soon when you’re shot by a ghost, or not.

So, the annoying bug in MMO might or might not be fixed. In a game Ubisoft still falsely advertises as RPG.
I'm not sure why instead of grumpy cat and other irritating intenet crap Ubi's statements aren't used in memes.
Apr 12, 2009
Feb 27, 2017
Censorship. Again. You'll never guess where.

On Steam!

So, Steam adds anime in it's catalogue. One of titles appeared today is new Berserk. What's it about? Blood and gore everywhere.

Valve thought it'll bee too much and too disturbing for us who play… um… Pet Society? Farmville? Pokemon Go?

Anyway, here's "for god's sakes" example from one Steam minireview:


Do not go for it! If you want to own this IMO superb anime, wait for uncensored DVD version (unless it's already out, didn't check).
Apr 12, 2009
Not just one site. Pretty much every gaming site out there is spamming mundane crap in form of articles on Destiny2. Everything else, news about hardware, games, patches, anything, is burried by this "hype"-o-rama.

I'd understand it if the first game was a masterpiece or near it. But it was the most overhyped pile oh shit that ever existed in gaming industry. And now I'm seeing it happening again, the only difference is now it plagues almost every single site not just a few.

Reminds me on old insanity definition quote by Einstein:
"doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Apr 12, 2009
Uzbekistan bans 34 games and some of those for one and only one reason - pornography:

Okay I guess. However…
Sims games are banned. No, not because spamming DLC and milking the audience, but because, seriously nonexisting, pornography.

I didn't move to India and earn millions on pirating Dragon Age inquisition banned there, but it's good to have more options to blackmarket something somewhere thanks to stupid censors, right?
Apr 12, 2009
Among the games banned is Left for Dead 3. I guess L4D3 confirmed?
Jun 24, 2014
Ubisoft changed the company logo:
the new design was better suited to its future

Why is this change everybody does, plain and simple bullshit?
Because the new logo doesn't state clearly: Vivisoft.


*sigh* there is a third one today, what's going on?

Riot decided to kill off runes and rehash the whole masteries/runes system:
It' League of Legens and to some it's irrelevant but we're talking about a company that earns billions per year.
Stop beating both the dead horse and the bush! The game is constantly being ruined with all these unnecessary changes for years now, pack it up in it's whatever current state and make LOL2 finally.
Yea, okay, Pulsefire Caitlyn at least is not bullshit.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
Apr 12, 2009
Dunno. Ubisoft pulled similar bullshit with Watch Dogs 1 but it was not taken seriously enough thanks to modders who unlocked visual spectacle on PC that was disabled by default so the game doesn't look way too worse on consoles.

Speaking about mods, not even sure if this qualifies for the thread but still.
Grand Theft Auto 5 publisher Take-Two Interactive has found itself in the crossfire after sending a cease and desist letter to the lead developer of popular modding software OpenIV.
This modding tool is now dead.
The problem? It was not used for cheating in Rockstar's "precious" MMO. It was used by modders for singleplayer fans and machinima videos.

The audience reacted instantly, thousands of steam minireviews are now thumbed down which brought the game to "Overwhelmingly Negative":

Also a petition to bring back the tool, Take2 will ignore for sure, was signed by more than 50K people.

GTA5 and GTA online are Rockstar's babies. We're talking about a company that discriminates PC and their excuses are laughable (RDR code is a mess thus cannot be ported, rotfl). Sheep however still buy the overrated N4S with a story and atrocious helicopter controls.

Apr 12, 2009
And another from EA!

Origin Update Adds FPS Counter, Cross-Game Invites and Download Speed Management

That quote should read "EA adds more MMO bullshit, everyone rejoice".

One might say but FPS counter isn't quite MMO... Look, the bloody Origin doesn't have screenshot taking functionality and I had to use FRAPS to picproof bugs and other stuff in ME4 - the very same FRAPS has builtin FPS counter (for those who care).
Apr 12, 2009
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