
You sure? Perhaps I should continue, then I'll finally be able to enjoy Transformers the movie.
Apr 12, 2009
The evidence is pretty strong. I'd hate to see you at Transformers 9, whooping out loud in the cinema.
Nov 8, 2014
I think it's reasonable to expect a soldier or in this case a warrior could have gone thru incredible stress, sleep and food deprivation to return to the sanctuary of village and finding a primary reason for her life gone and her mind flipping to escape from the horror.

It's called a reactive schizoprenia episode and extreme cases can include catatonic states where the person is really, really deep inside themselves. Modern medicine usually deals with it using powerful drugs to bring them out of it. The chances of recovery are usually very good today versus other schizophrenia that is only controlled by lifetime meds never cured.

What a person sees and hears in that hallucinatory state is anyone's guess but I couldn't rule out someone in her state believing she was headed to a place with the pychosis using her mind to create it.
Oct 18, 2006
The heroin is affected before any event happening in the product. It is her condition.
Mar 29, 2011
Schizophrenia is very intereresting. I have a friend in the US who works on pretty cutting edge psychiatric research, and they're making good progress on understanding the neurological pathology of schizophrenia; that they're beggining to identify the features of a schizophrenic brain. This is very interesting, as it could mean that mental illness begins to move into the realms of traditional medicine, rather than the contentious and theoretical world of psychiatriy.
Nov 8, 2014
…It's called a reactive schizoprenia episode and extreme cases can include catatonic states where the person is really, really deep inside themselves. Modern medicine usually deals with it using powerful drugs to bring them out of it. The chances of recovery are usually very good today versus other schizophrenia that is only controlled by lifetime meds never cured…

Traditionally there has been a difference between American and European psychiatry regarding "schizophrenia", the American concept being wider than the European, which has been restricted to the long term disease. Thus we would not use the term reactive schizophrenia, but reactive psychosis.

I don't know if the difference still exists, anyhow it is of mostly of academic interest.

BTW, prognosis of "real" schizophrenia isn't too bad in some cases. In general, more vivid symptoms like hallucinations indicate better prognoses than schizophrenia with few symptoms, dominated by autistic traits.

Yes, sadly that form of schizophrenia dominated by flat affect is the most dire prognosis. I've seen people with the more psychotic form cope quite well, especially when it's what they describe as organic in cause, from neurological injury. Also possibly common in people that engaged in warrior battles.
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Nov 8, 2014
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
I know it's rare indie that doesn't hide incompetence with nintendo graphics, I know everyone who gave it a shot said it's great, I know it got awards and I know it has a story.

But I didn't know any of this:
As*chief creative director Tameem Antoniades told PCGamer, the team never expected the PC version to sell as much as its PS4 version did.
“We did see this as primarily a PlayStation 4 title, and we thought that platform would be the bulk of our sales, and in fact it was pretty evenly split. So going forward, we will make sure that we get our interface and everything right for the PC audience as well.”

What also surprised Ninja Team was the amount of gamers that played this game with keyboard+mouse. As we’ve already said, third-person games can benefit from this control scheme and Ninja Theory acknowledged the game’s initial control issues.
“We were so surprised that so many people played the game with mouse and keyboard, and we dropped the ball a little bit at the start. We patched it afterwards, but we dropped the ball with our mouse and keyboard support.”
Sadly, I don't have enough time to get into it right away. But from a game that was supposed to be one of my neverheards, it's now in my steam wishlist.

If anyone from Ninja Theory ever reads this - just so you know I'm buying your next game instantly, no questions asked.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
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