The TV Series discussion thread

Oh, I agree about superhero shows - and especially movies :)

It's just that I really liked Bernthal as the Punisher in DD S2 - so I'll have to check this out. Not expecting much, though.
I'm absolutely tired of all these superhero shows.
I'm not.
What tires me is dragging shows, superheroes or not. I'm tired of forced mediocrity, lack of ideas and filming nonsensical numerous seasons just to syndicate it cheeply.

Dropped Marvel's Agents of Shield after it's first season because of being bored to death there.
Saw one episode of Supergirl and instantly knew there is nothing for me in it.
Heard from a friend who has a similar taste about Marvel's Inhumans - that it sucks. So I won't even risk it.

I just don't have time to watch everything any more. If a day lasted 48 hours maybe I'd accept watching boredom shows. Um, nah, I'd rather grind in dark souls instead.

All this doesn't mean I'll refuse watching trashy asian soaps. For those gems, I'll always find time. I want to hear over and over a neighbor asking me why were I laughing like crazy at 2 A.M. previous night. :D
Apr 12, 2009
Punisher is at 56/100 Metacritic.

Sounds like it's full of filler crap like all the other Marvel shows. Oh well. I'll give it a shot regardless.
Am I the only person that liked Star Trek Enterprise's opening?? I think it portrayed the hopes of a burgeoning space civilization well.

Star Trek Voyager worst ST series - but I have yet to look at the new one.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Nov 8, 2014
The visuals from Enterprise's opening were quite nice, but that music......I'm not sure I ever reached for a mute switch faster in my life. I've been subjected to some bad tunes, but that one was really godawful.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I'm a huge Tolkien fan, so I have a very hard time giving certain changes a pass.

As for this new Amazon TV show - I'm not going to expect much. The price of the license alone means they can't take much of a chance with it. I mean, they have to play it safe and make it into a GoT clone with "inspiration" from Tolkien.

At least, that's what I would expect.

On the other hand, taking a chance is probably what you HAVE to do if you want to have it be a major success - but that would require very big balls indeed.

Long time no see D'art. :)

As for the Lotr series, It's a tricky thing indeed. I wish we could see something same caliber on tv-screen as lotr trilogy films. Maybe more character focused since the format is a series. So it would allow creators to take more in depth look on these iconic characters. Or maybe take more inspiration from Tolkiens other work which has not seen an adaption yet.

In any case it really requires great talent and much money to be even semi decent plus taking those risks you mentioned. I don't think television companies like Amazon have balls to do it properly. I'm afraid we just end up seeing a modernized take on middle earth and in the worst case scenario it'll be some horrible teenage relationship drama. :)
Oct 19, 2006
Watched the first half of The Punisher. It's ok, so far. I like it - but it's not great or anything. Better than the Metascore would suggest however.
Yes you should watch the new one (The Orville), it's great! Just give it 3-4 episodes and enjoy The Next Generation 2.

That show is not done yet!

But I can say that IMO episodes are hit and miss. Some are very good, some totally suck. Complete list of episodes you can find here:

The 7th episode, "Majority Rule", is definetly a mustwatch before you die. I was pleasantly surprised as I didn't expect that kind of faceslapping sci fi in this show. No wonder the number of US viewers went higher on that one.

Sadly, the quality of rest of (those I watched) episodes is inconsistent. As if the showrunner wants to be liked by everyone.

Watched the first half of The Punisher. It's ok, so far. I like it - but it's not great or anything. Better than the Metascore would suggest however.
Speaking about Marvel, anyone peeked at the The Gifted?
It's running on Fox, also the season didn't end yet.

Looks to me as the classic Spielbergian bullshit. There is a family with overpowered or superintelligent kid(s) and they're being chased by whatever and whomever. Yea and someone has to be a doctor or nurse, it's the most important side role in this type of series.

I'm not saying it's boring, so far feels just mediocre and seen 347856957856237856 times already.
Apr 12, 2009
Finished The Punisher.

Overall, I liked it - and I found the commentary on issues faced by war veterans relevant and appropriate.

Random thought: Kinda funny how on-point the sexist boss in the first episode seemed to be, considering the whole Weinstein/#metoo scandal :)

The story was pretty straight-forward and not very interesting, but the characters were strong - especially Castle and Lieberman. Bernthal did seem to end up a little exhausted in terms of his limited facial expressions - but he still does a great job with the character.

The villain reveal was obvious before it happened - though I was hoping for something else, as I'm pretty tired of seeing that particular actor play bad guys. I really like his acting - and would like to see him as a genuine good guy -
which I think he would be great at.

Did not care for the excessive violence in certain scenes - but thankfully they were few and far between. I guess it's appropriate for the character - but I personally think the acts themselves carry more weight than the display of gore.

I think it deserves a 7/10.
Well, and in that aspect it's really just like TNG!

Tried getting into Orville, but it seems to be aping TNG much more than evolving it - and the humor is pretty weak - and not a great fit for the themes, in my opinion.

1/3 of TNG sucks
1/3 of TNG is so-so
1/3 of TNG is brilliant

That's nearly 60 brilliant sci-fi episodes - which very, very few shows can boast of. Babylon 5 is the only other one I can think of.
I still enjoy both the Orville and Discovery, but I have to say that The Orville fills a void while Discovery doesn't, really. I simply love the good old TNG format with a fun Sci-Fi short story in each episode. Good escapism. I'm glad ST is expanding its universe though.
Last edited:
Aug 30, 2006
Tried getting into Orville, but it seems to be aping TNG much more than evolving it - and the humor is pretty weak - and not a great fit for the themes, in my opinion.

1/3 of TNG sucks
1/3 of TNG is so-so
1/3 of TNG is brilliant

That's nearly 60 brilliant sci-fi episodes - which very, very few shows can boast of. Babylon 5 is the only other one I can think of.

You take away the first season of TNG and those percentages change. And you take away the episodes that featured Wesley and it also changes the percentages. And you take away the episodes that featured Deanna's mother and that also changes the percentages.

Hmmmm, that might be about a third of the shows for the series so, I guess your percentages are bang on.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
You take away the first season of TNG and those percentages change. And you take away the episodes that featured Wesley and it also changes the percentages. And you take away the episodes that featured Deanna's mother and that also changes the percentages.

Hmmmm, that might be about a third of the shows for the series so, I guess your percentages are bang on.

Yes, if they'd confiscated Riker's trumpet, pushed Wesley out an airlock, and banned Deanna's mother from visiting, things would have been much better.
Nov 8, 2014
Yes, if they'd confiscated Riker's trumpet, pushed Wesley out an airlock, and banned Deanna's mother from visiting, things would have been much better.

No, absolutely yes, are you out of your mind?! :D
Apr 12, 2009
Hehe, well, I actually liked a few S1 episodes - and a couple of Lwaxana episodes, too :)

Even a couple of Wesley episodes.

My own personal favorite episodes to hate typically involved parts of the crew visiting foreign cultures on planets - going big on melodramatic moralising ;)

All in all, though - it's still my favorite sci-fi show, just ahead of B5.
Tried getting into Orville, but it seems to be aping TNG much more than evolving it - and the humor is pretty weak - and not a great fit for the themes, in my opinion.

I think the show is aping Voyager more than anything.
May 2, 2017
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