Cyberpunk 2077 - E3 Demo Impressions

Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Depending which impressions you are reading there is mention of:
- hacking skills being to low to go through a secured door, but engineering skill being high enough to bypassed security via an electric panel instead.
- sneaking behind a guard, putting him under a chock-hold, hacking his implants to get the base plans and access one of his friend via comm to jam his weapons and then killing the dude.
- jacking into a unconcious woman to check her vitals and clean a virus that stopped her locator implants from working
- V using the mantis blades like Wolverine to climb walls and drop on unsuspecting enemies from above
- Jackie lifting a car to use as "portable cover" (he apparently mistakes walls for doors too).

There was no netrunning from V in the demo, so no cyberspace exploration and their V was a "fast solo" (aka agile combatant).

There was only 3 fights in the 45-50 minutes demo:
- the starting mission in an apartment to save a woman
- a car chase (from the same gang as the starting mission, only one car)
- another fight with a gang after a deal turned sour (dev said you could have stole the item instead of trying to deal or sided with the gang against the other parties involved).

In term of immersive: they went to see the ripperdoc to get some implants, bought some brevage after checking ads on the street and asking it for direction and brought back a gigolo to V's apartment for some fun time.
Good post

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom


- What platforms will Cyberpunk come out on?
Patrick Mills: The game will be coming out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. At the moment.

Great interview Angry Joe had with Mike Pondsmith and the CDPR guy. Ok, I was on the fence about whether I wanted TP or FP perspective. But after hearing Mike Pondsmith explain it, I'm also onboard with FP. Really sorry for the people with visual impairments when it comes to FP, but FP sounds better.
Jul 31, 2007
Yup, it would have been extremely difficult (and much less immersive) to use all of the implants and their various functions in TP perspective.
Jan 10, 2008
( hint: Joxer is huge fan of the guy on the left)
Not quite. When it comes to creating a show he knows his job, sure. Also, he probably hates lootboxes and other scams more than me.
But cmon, who doesn't?
He adores CDpr though and was casted to voiceover one of three trolls in TW3 (with Jesse Cox and Dodger from late TB's cooptional show voicing the other two). A developer using game critics for voiceover? Now that's something you don't see every day and those three are pretty much unique then.

Why am I not #1 fan?
He's (artificial) mushrooms addict who tried playing Risen games with those, failed miserably then panned those games. Dunno who exactly gave him a brand new PC recently, for advertisment purposes ofc, but what's the point. He plugged mushrooms on it.
Apr 12, 2009
Yup, it would have been extremely difficult (and much less immersive) to use all of the implants and their various functions in TP perspective.

Overall, any kind of interactivity with the world is just better in FP, be it looking at a console, opening a drawer etc.. you just get a much better view that makes more sense. Like they say in the video it's also a lot more intense, e.g seeing eye to eye with some punk, you can't do that in third person, it's never as personal.

FP does require better graphics though, you can get away with more in third person.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Overall, any kind of interactivity with the world is just better in FP, be it looking at a console, opening a drawer etc.. you just get a much better view that makes more sense. Like they say in the video it's also a lot more intense, e.g seeing eye to eye with some punk, you can't do that in third person, it's never as personal.

FP does require better graphics though, you can get away with more in third person.

Third person has it's own pros tho:

Jun 5, 2015
Third person has it's own pros tho:


haha i guess.

Third person would be pretty cool in real life.. wear a pair of googles with live video from a drone above/behind you... why not use it while in your car, get that old vibe GTA feel! :D
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I really wonder how melee will work in Gun/ranged oriented combat. Kyle mentions briefly…blocking, parrying…but these usually have very simple control schemes, basic light/heavy attack.
There are some crazy weapons there: wolvers ( yeah, you guessed it: like X-men), Rippers ( don't let his innocent appearance fool you), good ol brass knuckles( or even power gloves), wire whips, arm chainsaw, etc.

"Rippers. Vampires. Skin Grafts. Sometimes I think we've got a population explosion of werewolves on our hands…" - Lt 'Strawberry' Morressey, NCPD

"Werewolves. Whoa, whatta GREAT idea. I gotta work on that.
.." - Ripperjack
Last edited:
Jun 5, 2015
Chien's teachings on this game so far are just that it lacks black people.
The observations were that it does not look much diverse and that black people skin tones were poorly supported.

Eagerly awaiting word on whether or not it's a Product Designed To Be Streamed.
It is very unlikely that CDR Projekt bypass the power of the streaming scene to increase sales.
So unlikely they invited streamers/video makers in their show room along with journalists.

A proper move as people are hyped on the base of reports done by those journalists and streamers/videomakers without having seen the stuff by themselves.
Suddenly, no word about sold out journalists and useless streamers. They must be believed on word.
And also whether it's a Product With No Audience.
Non sense. The product is already set for streamers so it has at least one audience: the streaming scene.

As it will be a product for attitude, there will be all those players who look for a feeling of empowerment when playing video products, an audience that will be enlarged as it will be a low gameplay product and will require little to no skills.

Bioware had it nearly right: it was not press one button and something big happens.

It is press one button and players feel big.
Mar 29, 2011
Also some mention of inspection skill ( or implant?).
Last game I remember with it was Bloodlines, basic highlighting of obscure objects ( wasn't really useful tho).
Seems what information you gain will be based on your skills/build, this is nice.
Could also mean a lot more handplaced objects in the world.
Worked great in Mankind Divided, picking up a clue where to go, on the back of a small object.
Jun 5, 2015
Ryan McCaffrey ( IGN)

"Just saw 45 minutes of Cyberpunk 2077. I think any worry over it being first-person will disappear once everyone sees it running for themselves. It’s built as an immersive first-person world. VERY impressive. Think of it not like The Witcher but a super next-gen Deus Ex"
Jun 5, 2015
That statement is going to cause an immense amount of fapping in the gaming world. :)

* Poorly concealed sound of fapping*
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Also some mention of inspection skill ( or implant?).
Last game I remember with it was Bloodlines, basic highlighting of obscure objects ( wasn't really useful tho).
Seems what information you gain will be based on your skills/build, this is nice.
Could also mean a lot more handplaced objects in the world.
Worked great in Mankind Divided, picking up a clue where to go, on the back of a small object.

Yes, could be nice. Or, worst case, its just the witcher sense with lasers.
May 18, 2012
The observations were that it does not look much diverse and that black people skin tones were poorly supported.

Skin tones, so vital to the SJW's of today. Hitler would have been so proud..

In the screens i've seen black people look like black people. However i did not sample their skin color in Photoshop to make real-life comparisons, neither did i try to measure their skulls.

I'm glad it's a polish developer, so they will most likely not give in to bullshit like this.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Is anybody actually complaining about this besides Chien, though?
Nov 8, 2014
When diversity has no reason except sucking up to politicians, it has no place in an artistic videogame. IMO. You may think otherwise, but sorry, art should not be determined by those who are incapable of making that same art.

Is cosplay art? Dunno, but CP2077 already got it and these look pretty artistic to me:
Both cosplayers are dressed as V, the player character in the game. The woman lead is Maja Felicitas, while the male option is Geralt superstar Maul. Both photos are by eosAndy.

Apr 12, 2009
Is anybody actually complaining about this besides Chien, though?

No, up until now only him. I checked and double-checked :p
Nov 15, 2013
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