Unsung Story - March Update


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
The March update for Unsung Story brings us information on vertical slice number 2.

We're back with another Kickstarter Update and second in a series about our Vertical Slice progress.

This month, I'm not going to focus on level art, because I want to save that for next month. I think it's important that properly light everything and show off what the final game is going to look like.

Towards the end of last month's update, I said that in March we would show off more progress with the characters. During our internal meetings in February, we thought it would be cool to shift the format of the monthly updates and start doing more video blogs, which can better demonstrate features and gameplay. So bear with us, as our Art Department is still getting the hang of these during our first two attempts.

We'll start with character customization. For this part, I enlisted the help of Craig, our lead technical character artist. Craig is going to show off the Female Human Archer along with some of the body and hair customization features. We didn't get a change to show multiple head swaps or skin tones, but those are also working.
Instead of a lot text they have made this visdeo about character customization:

And this one is about the UI progress:

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Another game I regret backing. Here's the list why.

1. They promised Yasumi Matsuno would help develop the game- Lie
2. Promised a game like Final Fantasy Tactics- Lie
3. Original developer Playdeck burned through the funds - Truth
4. New developer changed the game to something different -Truth
5. Constant delays with no possible release date -Truth

I could go on but I wont.
Oct 1, 2010
Chick character looks cute, which is important in a game. Professional, high level 3D work on her!

Another game I regret backing. Here's the list why. [..]
2. Promised a game like Final Fantasy Tactics- Lie
3. Original developer Playdeck burned through the funds - Truth [..]

Unfortunately that sucks most, I think. FF Tactics is amazing and I'm planning to play through it with the Reborn MOD, after finishing Tactics Ogre: One Vision MOD.

Now you have seen the horror of one group beginning work, pay salaries to themselves and creating content that the new team had now to throw out and begin from scratch.
The KS funds of $660,000 is now completely burned & lost.

Except if some backers demanded refunds, but sadly that only works for newbie developers, who work part time so they receive salary from elsewhere from which they might decide to refund, not for pro-companies, who usually burn through the money fast and have nothing left in their coffers.
Mar 21, 2013
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