God, Big Bang - or what?



So, I'm trying to form the premise/backstory for my game.

I realized that I could be using one of my old ideas - as it was a good fit for this game.

Anyway, what I've always wanted to do in sci-fi is to come up with a truly original "explanation of life" - rather than yet another variation of God, Big Bang - or the "the universe is a simulation" kind of thing.

So, what I'm looking for is your experience with novel concepts here.

I'm not going to spoil my own story - as I want it to be a surprise eventually.

But, since I'm not very well-read when it comes to science fiction - I don't actually know what's already been done.

I wonder if you guys could contribute with your favorite alternative explanations - or something you might have read, or experienced in books/movies/games?

I don't want to write something that's already been done to death.

So, what's your experience with alternate creation myths - or reasons for the existence of life?
You were "destroyed" by Obsidian already.
Terraforming went wrong and we ended up being scum thus Fermi paradox. Yes, well, Obsidian did put it in the reverse perspective, but that's because a videogame needs to sell.

About worn concepts of god(s), primeval soup, matrix and other whatnot, all of it still has an audience. If you don't have a new idea yourself and don't want to repeat a concept, cut it out of the game and sell as DLC of major value. :p

Do I have a "fresh" idea? No. Not that I don't have a wild imagination to think of something, I do. I just don't care about possible origin of the scum species - us. Instead I'm more interested how to "fix" the praised stupidity.
Apr 12, 2009
You were "destroyed" by Obsidian already.
Terraforming went wrong and we ended up being scum thus Fermi paradox. Yes, well, Obsidian did put it in the reverse perspective, but that's because a videogame needs to sell.

About worn concepts of god(s), primeval soup, matrix and other whatnot, all of it still has an audience. If you don't have a new idea yourself and don't want to repeat a concept, cut it out of the game and sell as DLC of major value. :p

Do I have a "fresh" idea? No. Not that I don't have a wild imagination to think of something, I do. I just don't care about origin of the scum species - us.

That's not helpful.
Should have been. The point is stick to any concept of your own as so far you've been unable to criticize it. No other will be acceptable nor will make you happy.
Apr 12, 2009
Should have been. The point is stick to any concept of your own as so far you've been unable to criticize it. No other will be acceptable nor will make you happy.

I'm not looking to be happy - I'm looking to be original.

If I was looking to be happy, I would have formed another personality :)
Our world is actually called Fantasia. Everything is created in our world from the dreams and wishes of children.

I don't follow.

How can children and their wishes create our world? I assume our world is required for children to even exist, right?
I don't follow.

How can children and their wishes create our world? I assume our world is required for children to even exist, right?


Ask Michael Ende, because it was his idea.

I'm just throwing something out there. Details are up to you.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
We are but the flies chasing the lights in a much larger world that we cannot envision.

Possibly, but who created the larger world - and how do we know we're nothing but flies?
I dont think there is something novel that would make sense.

You are talking about the origons of the human race, or really the explanation of all life? The latter draws a complete blank
Jun 5, 2009
I dont think there is something novel that would make sense.

You are talking about the origons of the human race, or really the explanation of all life? The latter draws a complete blank

Mostly the latter, I suppose.

Making sense is a subjective term. I mean, Big Bang makes sense to some people.

Not to me, but some people.

The concept of a deity creating the universe also makes sense to some people, but not to me.

My own idea doesn't really make much sense, either :)

But it makes just enough sense to me to be interesting.

But, in any case, I'm curious about alternate sci-fi creation myths or, really, any theory about how we came about.
For now long-forgotten reasons, the self-aware Universe finds itself caught in a 16-billion year long time loop. Unfortunately, the expansion of the Universe means it can't communicate the reason for the loop across the expanse in sufficient time to fix it. Instead, it elects to re-invent itself each loop by flattening and reloading with different parameters, hoping to chance upon a random fix.

Eventually it creates life, and decides to use that to solve its dilemma. The life needs to grow smart enough to solve the problem before the Universe is reloaded again. Unfortunately, life keeps self-destructing, so it's taking a frustratingly long time to make the plan work. It's up to the protagonist to find out why life self-destructs before humans are wiped out by a mysterious enemy (hint: it has something to do with the original reason for the time loop).
Mar 22, 2012
For now long-forgotten reasons, the self-aware universe finds itself caught in a 16-billion year long time loop. Unfortunately, the expansion of the Universe means it can't communicate the reason for the loop across the expanse in sufficient time to fix it. Instead, it elects to re-invent itself each loop by flattening and reloading with different parameters, hoping to chance upon a random fix.

Eventually it creates life, and decides to use that to solve its dilemma. The life needs to grow smart enough to solve the problem before the Universe is reloaded again. Unfortunately, life keeps self-destructing, so it's taking a frustratingly long time to make the plan work. It's up to the protagonist to find out why life self-destructs before humans are wiped out by a mysterious enemy (hint: it has something to do with the original reason for the time loop).

This sounds interesting, thanks :)
Makes perfect sense to myself - since you are making the game perhaps you should run with the general idea (or a different one if you prefer) - if all the details are provided then it will ruin the creativity - none the less since i had something specific in mind when I made the statement - i'll fill in a bit of detail: Many humans invent incredible explanations for things they do not understand. Just look at the evolution of gods and religion since the beginning of recorded history. Now does it make sense ?

That doesn't make much sense.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
That doesn't make much sense.
Stuff making sense is based on things you have experienced in your life - or at least heard tell of from others. Any accounting of how the universe (especially time itself) was created isn't going to make much sense as you haven't seen that happen very often.

Here's one: the universe wasn't created at all. It has always existed. Infinite time and infinite space. This leads to trouble with the entire night sky becoming as bright as the sun but that's a very tiny plot hole compared to most games. Or just solve that by having a finite space - then you can have some fun travelling to the edge.

Or maybe a planar theory. You've got your various elemental planes of existence - quite a few of them, actually: one per element. Not fire, water, earth, and air: one per element. These planes are hyperdimensional and slowly change shape. Our universe is the place where those 118 elemental planes intersect... for now. (Some more than others - the hydrogen plane is thick here.) Great for learning chemistry. Reviled by nuclear physicists.

Oh, but now you're looking for creation of life on Earth? Or life everywhere? Or...???
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Stuff making sense is based on things you have experienced in your life - or at least heard tell of from others. Any accounting of how the universe (especially time itself) was created isn't going to make much sense as you haven't seen that happen very often.

Wait, are you saying all those people who claim that God creating the world - or how the Big Bang represents the beginning of the universe - all makes sense, are a bunch of liars?

Because I doubt they've actually seen it happen :)

Nah, I don't need to experience creation for a creation theory to make sense. I mean, God and BB do make SOME sense to me. I just don't think they're particularly convincing.

I think the Matrix approach is more convincing, and it makes a lot of sense. However, there's zero evidence of it - and it doesn't explain who made the Matrix and how THEY were created, etc.

So, maybe I should have rephrased that.

I'm looking for original notions that make SOME sense to me, but I don't think any of us could come up with something thoroughly convincing here.

To me, there's a difference between "the world is dreamed up by children" with zero context or explanation - and then something like the Big Bang theory, which has a lot of context and support. None of them make total sense, but - again - that's not going to be the case for us anyway.

At least, I would be extremely impressed if we could come up with the perfect creation explanation in this thread :)

That's my own goal - but I know it will never work. In fact, I struggle to understand my own idea every time I think about it - so there's no way it will be convincing to others, as I can hardly explain it.
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