ATOM RPG: Trudograd - Next Big Update


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
The devs of ATOM RPG talk about what will be coming in the next big update.

Next big update announcement

Hey, guys!

Work on the next big update for the Early Access is going as planned, that's why we decided it's high time we announce some of our work to prepare you for what awaits in the future ;)

First off, new plot related missions are being prepared to take you to new locations and make you meet exciting new characters. New random encounters are also being added to the city map.




Old locations are getting new life. The last bit is especially true for the city docks area. There will be also plenty of new sidequests for those who want to take a break from the plot!



The characters will be revamped to new graphics standards with much more distinct facial features, and we're not talking about portraits. The new facial detalization system is almost implemented into the game.


This new feature along with new animations will surely set the bar higher for Trudograd graphics-wise.


We really hope that these new visuals will be to your liking, and we'd love to hear your critiques on this matter.

The combat system was perfected with new features and tweaks to balance, inspired by you, our amazing community. Combat is still a work in progress, though, so some of it might change in an update or two.


And of course, this update will be the first one ever to feature the... On the other hand, let's not ruin the surprise ;)




Stay tuned, friends. We're thankful as ever for your unending support.

Have a spooky Samhain!

And as always... Let there be ATOM!
Thanks Couchpotato!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Well that seems like a nice update. Admittedly I barely gave the game a chance, but I bounced off of it right away. I'll let it stay in the oven as they continue to improve it.
A little confused though, is it EA or not? Steam doesn't seem to think so.
Feb 6, 2008
This particular universe
I loved ATOM very much a Fallout clone (originals) set in Russia. I have the sequel, but have postponed playing it until later in its development so as not to ruin the experience.
Aug 31, 2006
Yes the update was for the solo expansion Trudograd.

There is a new update from last week for the original game as well.

ATOM RPG - New Update & Halloween Event 2020
Hey, guys!

Some of you missed it last time, But this year it came back with a vengeance from the beyond. Our spooky Halloween event is out for blood yet again! And this time no platform, mobile or otherwise will be spared from waves of grotesque horrors.

Will you risk having thy flesh consumed by the fangs of the unruly evil with perfect hatred and no remorse? Those who survive will surely be rewarded. You'll just have to find a special random encounter on the global map if you dare.

If you do not dare, or find such festive events silly, which is totally understandable, the optional content can be easily turned off in the main menu.

Apart from the optional content, this version also contains some delightfully devilish new features that will make slow machines run the game better.

There is also some amazing news from our Italian translation team which launched the final stage of the translation mod.

See it here:

Now tremble, before the full infernal glory of this updates horrific changelog:

- Added the spooky Halloween event (till November 3rd);
- Improved loading times on video cards with capacity of 2 gb+;
- Fixed minor issues reported to us on Steam and other forums;
- Fixed minor sound glitches.

Fangs for reading, and let there be ATOM!
Oct 1, 2010
I saw that but missed this Halloween event. Was it any good?
I have the GOG version which isn't patched out yet. I don t think they got rid of last years X-Mas or Halloween event either. So you can still play them after the holidays.
Last edited:
Oct 1, 2010
Still haven't done a full playthrough of the original game.

Seemed a little janky but decent from what I've seen. I just wish I knew enough about Russian culture to get the jokes. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I have the GOG version which isn't patched out yet. I don t think they got rid of last years X-Mas of Halloween event either. So you can still play them after the holidays.
Good to know! Thought it was time-based, but then I'll just block any update for now.

Still haven't done a full playthrough of the original game.

Seemed a little janky but decent from what I've seen. I just wish I knew enough about Russian culture to get the jokes. :)
I'm not far to be honest, bought that recently and then all those EAs and good stuff happened (BG3, Solasta, WotR, ...). This one seems demanding and harsh enough. Yeah, it's frustrating to miss parts of the culture.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
So much fun to work on this!
Oct 18, 2006
I liked the first ATOM a lot, it was basically Russian Fallout. I didn't find any of the culture or jokes to be difficult to understand, and I've never set foot in Russia or the former USSR. :)
Aug 15, 2020
Southwest US
Those graphics look really good, way more vibrant and well done, than from what I saw in the original game, in my brief time playing it so far (with kinda drab graphics)
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
I have to say I struggle to play Wasteland 3. I just don't find it captivating enough. Is ATOM better?

Nothing against post-apocalyptic stuff...
Jun 19, 2020
I have to say I struggle to play Wasteland 3. I just don't find it captivating enough. Is ATOM better?

Nothing against post-apocalyptic stuff…

To me ATOM was lots better. You have freedom like in fallout. Driving car is even better than in fallout. random encounters are as good in fallout.

In Wasteland 3 world driving car was not so fun, humor is also not good, story is also more streamlined.

So yes I had so much more fun in ATOM.
Wasteland is still nice game and I finished both.
Mar 6, 2020
I enjoyed ATOM RPG more too. I felt Wasteland 2 was like playing with toys. Less immersive.

Also, in W2 except for the Ranger HQ, there was no real reason to revisit areas. In ATOM I was running back and forth between different locations completing objectives.
May 2, 2017
I felt Wasteland 2 was like playing with toys.
Wow, after all these years, I feel like you completely captured the WL2 experience in that sentence!
Oct 18, 2006
Bug mistake making a girl character, who has ugly repulsive dark brown circles around her eyes!
Mar 21, 2013
1st of all great job for the whole developement team! Big fan of your work (as well as the original Fallout games)
2nd: after an update game seems to be much more stable than before. I was getting frequent crashes seemengly linked to video settings (running the game on a ptoato sadly...) Big thaks for that!
3rd: some criticism 1 major and 2 lesser ones (not sure if it is the place to post this but im new here so please forgive me if I did it wrong)

I) Crafting (... is broken and is not fun)
1. Experiment button.
While interesting on paper all it does is allowing to abuse the game. In practice you can craft anything without a single point spent in the skill and whithout any recipees - only things needed are quick save and quick load buttons. (I've finished the 1st game having crafted most powerfull rifle, shotgun, crossbow and gauntlet like that and the mechanics seem to be the same in the expansion)
2. Randomness in succes/failure chances.
Combined with the eperiment button it makes savescumming the most efficient (in both materials and skillpoints) method in crafting stuff. If all recipes had a minimum skill requirement whith whitch while met would guarantee success and without experiment button it would make investing pionts in the skill actually worthwile and rewarding. If a character knows a recipe but his crafting skill is too low he gets a message to let him know that whithout loosing materials. This way game doesnt punish player for trying (thus forcing him to reload a save) and is telling him "you want to craft better stuff? invest some skill points in crafting!"
3. Experience rewards for crafting
Atom RPG is the only game I played that gives less rewards for using a skill the more points you invest in the skill... Why not making experience reward a fixed value for each recipee and give less reward for each subsequent craft untill it reaches minimal value? (but not ZERO please! getting zero exp for using a skill in rpg game feels real bad... even picking easiest lock in game gives more than that)

II) General combat ballance
I've finished 1st game twice and tried different builds countless times (just without actually finishing a game) and I've come to a conlusion that the only combat style that feels good is martial arts. Compared to melee weapons you deliver more damage (because your attacks cost less action points) and inflict critical states more often (especially with battle gauntlet). The situation when you hit a guys in the eyes with a rifle/pistol/crossbow shot or unload a shotgun/smg/machinegun at/next to point blank range is the rule not an exception. From my experience with the expansion nothing feels different despite all the perks. I would love to see some buffs to non martial arts weapons. It would be great feeeling to waste the enemy with a double barrel or a burst in the chest or pop a head with well aimed shot between the eyes. Right now it happens so rarelly that its borderline unconsequential even if you specialise heavily into a weapon. Make guns great again...(balance it with less ammo in game?) As for now I play martial arts tank (like in the time i've finished first game).

III) Random encounters
I can live with getting the best martial arts weapon and best shield from the first game as loot from my first combat, but so far mere thugs and drunken peasants in random encounters were more challenging than fights included in quests. Maybe more enemies but less dangerous in random fights? (also enemies were carrying shields in their inventory but not using them - possible bug?)

Anyways best of luck and best wishes! Can't wait for a full release.

Let there be Atom (RPG)!
Dec 4, 2020
noticed a bug. while fighting and targeting eyes it is me that gets blinded instead of the enemy. Im using battle gauntlet if it helps.
Dec 4, 2020
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