You chose the hardest difficulty for your first playthrough, so I don't get what you're complaining about here. It should be hard to kill them by melee. Of course a stealth kill is going to be 1 hit. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be a stealth kill. You can only do stealth kills when it's a lone Freaker anyways.
Yeah, normally I'd have no issue with the difficulty. If I could save anytime, and not have to redo everything. But this kind of makes me want to go back and switch to a different one. Also, 6-8 hits still seems kind of insanely long to have to hit the lowest form of zombie.
Indeed once you unlock the bike it works as you say. But this means, unless I'm mistaken, that you can't save mid-mission? So I'm still stuck with the same design.
Another thing I don't like is that once I'm on a mission, I can't leave the mission area? So much for being an open-world game.
Things I like, it looks pretty and runs very smooth.
Also, is it me or does Deacon constantly mumble under his breath, and I constantly miss what he's saying, either to himself, or to the one present but without wanting to him to hear?
Another thing, is this the first game where you can kill kids? But they're not kids, they're zombie kids? Is that the loop-hole here? :lol:
EDIT: Seems there is a time-slowing ability later on. That should come in handy a lot. So I think I should at least continue at this difficulty level until I unlock that ability, and see how it goes from there.