Dead Space Remake using Frostbite

I doubt it's going to be a 1:1 remake. They'll change it enough that people who have already played the original will want to buy it.

That said, I'll be disappointed if they try to retcon anything with the characters or story. Those things can stay the same. Just improve the game visually and mechanically. I'm glad to see it's being developed for next-gen only.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I can't see the point if it's a 1:1 remake. I had another look at it recently, and while it feels aged, it doesn't feel that aged.

I just reinstalled it last week, and I think it still looks really good on max settings. I forgot how sluggish the M+K controls are though. To me, that's the area most in need of improvement.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I just reinstalled it last week, and I think it still looks really good on max settings. I forgot how sluggish the M+K controls are though. To me, that's the area most in need of improvement.
Totally agree.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
Nod, those controls were always a bit clunky. I replayed it a few years ago and man, still takes some adjusting to get comfortable with it. I'd hope that maybe that part at least might improve with a remake. Do that, toss in some new content and don't mess up anything that's good, you'll be on solid footing.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yeah, the controls really need a redo. I remember pulling the mouse sensitivity to maximum and still couldn't aim perfectly.

I also wonder if this is just a test, or if they're already planning on doing the same treatment for Dead Space 2 and 3. And if they do 3, if they'll rip out all the microtransactional mechanics bullshit.
Jul 31, 2007
I played 1 & 2 recently and didn't find them that "old" graphically. I lost interest fairly quickly in 3, had a feeling that they had just moved the furniture round, dimmed the lights and swapped a few keybinds instead of creating anything new. The microtransaction business in 3 felt very intrusive and annoying. I would prefer a deadspace 4 with a new story and no clunky controls, some of the jumps were almost impossible (for me) as the mouse response seemed inconsistent.
Oct 25, 2018
Midlands UK
Frostbite is only good for instarespawns&grind.
Apr 12, 2009
I played 1 & 2 recently and didn't find them that "old" graphically. I lost interest fairly quickly in 3, had a feeling that they had just moved the furniture round, dimmed the lights and swapped a few keybinds instead of creating anything new. The microtransaction business in 3 felt very intrusive and annoying. I would prefer a deadspace 4 with a new story and no clunky controls, some of the jumps were almost impossible (for me) as the mouse response seemed inconsistent.

Dead Space 3 ranks among my all-time most disappointing sequels. The expansion is even worse.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah, it was a bummer, as I found the lore interesting with the wacky religion, the Brethren Moons and so on. I wanted the series to continue and explore it more.
Nov 8, 2014
The two lead devs spoke about the remake to IGN yesterday.

"We started with the original level design of the original Dead Space. What's funny is that you can see some of the iterations that were made prior to ship by the team. In the first chapter, you can see some corridors that they wanted to do first in a certain way, and then you can understand why they changed it for technical constraints or [some other reason].

"Then in terms of visuals, sound, gameplay, everything, we are rebuilding all of these assets. We are not porting them, it's not uprezzing the texture or adding more polygons to the model. It's really rebuilding all these elements, shooting all the animations, et cetera.

About the narrative
The two developers made it clear they're very focused on remaking the original Dead Space. And while they're endeavoring to lay out the story told in the original, that doesn't mean they aren't looking at what came after, both in terms of gameplay and story, to flesh out concepts in the first game.

For us, the foundation is the Dead Space 1 story. So, by default, that's what is canon. But then there are some improvements that we want to make to that story, Campos-Oriola said. And not necessarily improvements because those things were not really working in the original, more improvements because of what came after, and we're like, Aw man, that's interesting if we could reference that, or if we could make a link to that, he continued, noting he and the team were looking at everything from what immediately happened in Dead Space 2 to ancillary media like animated films and more.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I hope the people doing the new writing are strong. I really liked some of the ideas, like the reluctant prophet.

Michael Altman, known as a "reluctant prophet," was not a believer in Unitology, nor did he found the religion. Michael was the only scientist at the Chicxulub crater who was "immune", or possibly had a stronger resistance to the Markers' dead loved ones messages. He was able to acknowledge that the hallucinations were not real and was never fully driven to suicide or madness like others around him. Because of his resistance, the people being manipulated by illusions of departed friends and family saw him as the one the Marker speaks to, the prophet. Michael refused to believe in such nonsense, and after repeated attempts to sabotage the project, was murdered. His image was used to posthumously promote the Unitology message until the history books stated that he was indeed the great founder.
Nov 8, 2014
I hope the people doing the new writing are strong. I really liked some of the ideas, like the reluctant prophet.

Michael Altman, known as a "reluctant prophet," was not a believer in Unitology, nor did he found the religion. Michael was the only scientist at the Chicxulub crater who was "immune", or possibly had a stronger resistance to the Markers' dead loved ones messages. He was able to acknowledge that the hallucinations were not real and was never fully driven to suicide or madness like others around him. Because of his resistance, the people being manipulated by illusions of departed friends and family saw him as the one the Marker speaks to, the prophet. Michael refused to believe in such nonsense, and after repeated attempts to sabotage the project, was murdered. His image was used to posthumously promote the Unitology message until the history books stated that he was indeed the great founder.

Yeah, I really liked the lore as it was presented in the first two games. I didn't care for the exposition in DS3 at all though. I felt like it only served to kill all the mystery they had built up to that point. I also thought the whole Brethren Moon thing was kind of silly.

There's a really good companion novel called Dead Space: Martyr that tells the story of Altman. It's a lot better than the typical tie-in book and worth the read if you're interested in the background lore.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Teaser shows me next to nothing.

Being a fan of Dead Space - I'm obviously interested in this.

But I'm not particularly interested in a 1:1 Remake (I know it's not going to be that, but I still think that's essentially what it's going to be).

These games still hold up quite well (you can fix the mouse with a mod, btw) - and with a dash of ReShade - it's hard to tell these are 10+ years old.

At the very least, I'd want a more elaborate progression system - with more choice in terms of weapon customization and skills. I doubt we'll be seeing that.

Frostbite is just an engine, so it's kinda dumb to focus on that as a negative.

I've seen some absolutely AMAZING indoor environments using that engine. I have no doubt they'll go all out with fog/lighting here - but it really won't change all that much about the experience, I don't think.
I played Dead Space 1 and 2 a year or so ago. They hold up pretty well in many aspects though the sluggish controls are the first thing you notice as a negative. It seems that sluggishness may be half deliberate and half due to a poor port as was often the case at the time.

Still the sluggishness with the mouse can be improved somewhat.

To avoid the horrific input/mouse lag in the game, disable ingame vsync and use the graphics driver control panel to force vsync.

This also avoids the game being limited to 30FPS, as is the case with the ingame vsync.

Going over 60FPS may be problematic, causing some things not to work properly ingame, like doors. Also if crashing in an area try with the game's vsync enabled.

The game still looks quite nice, here's some screenshots that I think had something like reshade adding some bloom, probably should have added some AA also though.

Also some Dead Space 2 screenshots, and if I recall the vsync issue allies to it also.
Jan 6, 2014
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