once again, I am finished with MMOs...


October 18, 2006
Once again, I am finished with MMOs...

This time however its the people themselves in the games that are very rude, disrespectful to each other, and generally annoying, more than fundamental flaws in the gameplay.

But I am also sick & tired of the gameplay. It saddens me that players cant be nice to each other. Even though sometimes fun, player-versus-player combat actually condones rudeness and bitterness in players. Even players that are on the same side are rude. I am just tired of people in those games, I guess.

Even on MMORPG forums they flame each other and spread ill-will and general discontent. These forums here at the Watch have always been rather peaceful and this community of actual friends is a god-send and very refreshing, especially after being at the lack-luster Darkfall forums waiting for that game for over 5 years, having to put up with INCESSANT flaming and dissing each other, without end, ad nauseum. Seriously, go there. Check Darkfall forums and you will see what I am talking about. Its almost vile there. I guess I am a "carebear" because they really make me feel like scum on a personal level. I'm finished dealing with them.

It is more tolerable to play with morons in FPS shooters because you dont really have to deal with them in a social context. You dont really talk to them. You just shoot them or whatever. So when I play online games, I am gonna just play online shooters that dont require a subscription fee.


Single-player games again, for me, then. Hopefully this is the final change.

I have pretty much given up on MMOs. This time, though, it wasnt burn-out. It was realization that they suck. Most of the communities in general are not even people I would hang out with in real life. And I have made zero friends in these "social" games. Couple this with the reality that MMOs not only drain your wallet consistently with fees, but they DONT CHANGE from game to game. All MMOs are essentially the same freaking game as the last one. Sorry... NO MORE!

If I want to play a slasher CRPG, then by God I am gonna play one in single-player that will have a beginning and an ending and wont require me to grind endlessly for MONTHS just to get to the "fun endgame." Sad reality is that almost all players in World of Warcraft that get the fictional "fun endgame" where the "game really starts," end up getting so bored that they quit. So its a myth that was derived from everyone's false hopes that the game would get more fun. Blizzard knows this, reflecting the fact that Blizzard releases expansions to lengthen the endgame indefinately so that the bored people might keep playing.

So I am gonna play single-player games forever, heh.

And I will probably talk to you guys a LOT more here at the Watch, now that I am more similar to you: we all play single-player RPGs and games here. So... Hi again. :D
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Oct 18, 2006
The biggest problem with MMORPGs are the other players... I play WoW and even on the RPG-Servers you are surrounded by lol-Kiddies... as soon as there is another good RPG (either sinlge-player or MMO) I'm quitting WoW, but I guess until then I grind on :)
*crosses fingers for Mask of the Betrayer*
Oct 18, 2006
Yep. Luckily I enjoy almost all computer game genres (including action, shooter, RPG, strategy) so I have tons of potential games to choose from, plus I have plenty of money to buy them and unlimited free time, so I am covered. I like most games but I just dont have the tolerance level for other players anymore. I like NPCs that do what they are supposed to do, instead of players that are only interested in themselves sometimes at the expense of other players.

Also gameplay in MMOs are they way it is because of the presence of other players. Players sabotage game systems by exploiting them and all the extra baggage associated with exploitation has severely limited the designs of MMOs to the point that they are actually very limited in gameplay design and that is why all MMOs pretty much play exactly the same, and because the presence of players will persist in MMOs forever, these same game mechanics are NOT GOING TO CHANGE in any way significant because they must be there to keep players from abusing each other and the mechanic itself. MMOs have not changed for 10 years and will not change in any significant way, regarding design, in the near future. If anything, they will change for worse by becoming more and more watered down in favor of capturing more so-called "casual" subscribers. Single-player games are free from those limiting mechanisms and so are usually more compelling than MMORPGs, but still are sometimes less funded simply because of the subscription model and its implications to investors. MMOs will not go away but neither will single-player.

Fortunately, however, the overall PC game market has significantly boomed in a good way, even overtaking the movie industry, and that is what makes me hopeful about single-player games of the future. Computer games are here to stay and even though there will never really be a perfect game, there will be a decent game in every genre and because more and more people are buying computer games, more and more computer games are being funded and released.

The MMORPG is a young genre but it has a LONG way to go before I would consider re-joining any online game. Unfortunately, you pointed out the correct problem Fenris: players are the most significant problem in MMOs and might I add that players diminish the gameplay rather than enhance it.
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Oct 18, 2006
I'm glad I never started them. Playing NWN with friends from here is sufficient for me!!
Aug 31, 2006
Thats the real different though, Corwin. You play with actual friends and probably have fun in friendly goodwill manner. In an MMORPG, I didnt really have any consistent friends, even in a guild, and the vast majority of people there, I wouldnt want to be their friend in real life situations anyway. Also, the grinding aspect of MMORPGs will never go away and the time-consuming repetition is not measured in HOURS such as in single-player, but rather progression is measured in DAYS even MONTHS. I am fairly angry at myself for wasting so much time in MMOs, trying to get to the "fun parts" when I could have, alternatively, been having actual fun with single-player the entire time without endless grinding repetition. Its actually something that makes me regard it as a total waste of time. I couldve played dozens of single-player games and finished them but instead I wasted months and years in the same stupid game that would inevitably bore me, eventually. Argh.
Oct 18, 2006
Get some friends together and play LAN!!
Aug 31, 2006
I wish I could, but I live in a Montana town with 600 residents. Theres nobody here that has my same gaming interests (much less my age range), to be friends with. I dont even have anybody to play d20 D&D with. And not having a car doesnt help, lol.

So I'm gonna play single-player games.
Oct 18, 2006
MMO's opened my eyes to how evil people really can be to eachother.
Oct 26, 2006
MMO's opened my eyes to how evil people really can be to eachother.
Especially when there are from few to no consequences for their actions.
Oct 18, 2006
I played Asheron's Call, Everquest and World of Warcraft, and each time I quit because I got fed up with repetitive gameplay, and more importantly, idiotic and rude fellow gamers. It's just not worth the trouble and aggravation. Plus the games are just plain boring. I like the whole concept of social cooperation, unfortunately there seem to be too many malcontents playing these games nowadays to make it work. You're better off playing MUD's (Realms of Despair is one of the best) where at least people have some degree of respect for teamwork and manners towards each other.
Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
I dunno. Thats kinda risky.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, I played Lord of the Rings Online for a couple of weeks and the social aspect of it was great. I quickly got some friends that I would complete quests with every time we were logged on simultaneously. And just ramdomly picking up a group in LotRO functioned well too. All treated each other nice.
Though I played on the Gilrain server, which is one of the lowest populated EU-servers, so that might be the reason to why the social aspect really functioned. It can be quite fun to have a fellowship of a couple of people and then complete quests, but the actual quests of LotRO just became too repetitive.

But LotRO is also the only MMO I've played.
Oct 18, 2006
I played Asheron's Call, Everquest and World of Warcraft, and each time I quit because I got fed up with repetitive gameplay, and more importantly, idiotic and rude fellow gamers. It's just not worth the trouble and aggravation. Plus the games are just plain boring. I like the whole concept of social cooperation, unfortunately there seem to be too many malcontents playing these games nowadays to make it work. You're better off playing MUD's (Realms of Despair is one of the best) where at least people have some degree of respect for teamwork and manners towards each other.

This is exactly why I quite WoW as well. It kind of made me sad to cancel my subscription and uninstall the game, but I had lost all interest in playing. The quests were redundant and the players were mostly jerks. Add in that Blizzard are turning WoW more and more to PvP and raid content and I just couldn't remain interested.
Had the people been better, I could probably have happily continued playing. Or had the quests been more robust, I could probably have dealt with idiots. But the two combined was the kiss of death.

MMOs seem to be filled with not just malcontents and rude people, but complete and utter sociopaths. I mean, if you want a look into the darker recesses of humanity, play an MMO for 6 months or so. And it's a total shame too, since the premise of an MMORPG has a lot of promise, and there are many good players but they are few and far between when looking at the ratio of good to bad, so the experience is slowly ruined and the promise stripped away.
Jun 17, 2007
It's just the luck of the draw in regards to who you meet when playing MMO's I think..I played EQ2 for a while and the vast majority of people were pleasant and friendly luckily. On the other hand when you do meet someone who isn't friendly, boy do they show it!

I gave up on MMO's partly because of the monthly cost..but predominately because of the mundane and repetitive gameplay and endless grinding.

I have much more fun playing single player..with one exception..NWN multiplayer is a joy..I played a campaign via NWConnections which lasted over two years.
Jul 19, 2007
I have much more fun playing single player..with one exception..NWN multiplayer is a joy..I played a campaign via NWConnections which lasted over two years.

I played NWN multiplayer for years on a few persistant worlds dedicated to roleplaying. That was perhaps the best gaming I've ever had. It was only after the PW "scene" largely died off that I moved over to WoW, since some friends from my main PW were playing.
That was good fun for a while, but I couldn't maintain interest. Those days of NWN gaming though, were great, and I do miss them.
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Jun 17, 2007
Oh stop it already, Ammon bro ='.'=

Do yourself a favor and type it out for therapeutic reasons, but just dont post it!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
After reading all this I just wonder ... does there exist any MMO-type like game that allows one to install his/her own server for some selected friends ?

Or is NWN just this ?

I don't know, since I've never played MMOGs yet.

(By the way, anyone interested in playing XWA online ? ;) )
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
After reading all this I just wonder ... does there exist any MMO-type like game that allows one to install his/her own server for some selected friends ?

Or is NWN just this ?

I don't know, since I've never played MMOGs yet.

It's possible there are some older MMO games that have such options, but I don't know of any.
I would dearly love a World Of Warcraft toolset that would allow you to build your own modules with the WoW engine, graphics and so on. It'll never, ever happen of course.

It is apparently possible to take some MMOs and somehow hack them to set up private servers, but it's very illegal and I have no clue how it's done. But I've heard of private servers for WoW, EQ, UO and such.
Jun 17, 2007
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