Kingmaker - Kickstarter Launched!


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Pathfinder: Kingmaker has launched on Kickstarter and has made a good start with 93K of its 500K goal already reached and 35 days to go.

The Story

In the north lies the Stolen Lands, a region that has been contested territory for centuries. Hundreds of kingdoms have risen and fallen in these lands, and now it is time for you to make your mark-by building your own kingdom! To do so, you'll need to survive the harsh wilderness and the threat of rival nations... as well as threats within your own court.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based on Paizo's award-winning Pathfinder Adventure Path of the same name. You certainly don't need to be familiar with the story, but if you are, you will encounter characters you know and love. Either way, you will experience a host of brand-new events, companions, allies, and threats that expand and enhance the original Adventure Path. With help from Paizo and their authors, the story and quests have been expanded by RPG writer Chris Avellone and the Owlcat team, allowing for even more adventure in the already rich narrative of the Stolen Lands.

While Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a single-player game, you won't be adventuring alone. Pathfinder: Kingmaker features a diverse cast of companions and NPCs, including iconic characters from the Pathfinder setting itself. You'll need to decide who to trust and who to watch carefully, as each companion has an agenda, alignment, and goals that may differ from yours. Your journey will become their journey, and you'll help shape their lives both in the moment and well into the future.

Your Kingdom

We chose to adapt the Kingmaker adventure path because it features a host of open-world mechanics, allowing players to experience the story at their own pace as they explore the Stolen Lands, which will challenge you as both an adventurer and a ruler.

Most importantly, the game allows you to claim these lands as your own, letting you carve your own kingdom from the wilderness. While classic dungeon crawling and exploration lie at the heart of this adventure, diplomacy, politics, and the ability to lead troops in the field are also part of the challenge. Choose your allies well, and keep them close while exploring ancient tombs and ruins-and while dealing with politics in your own court.

As you'll discover, building a kingdom goes beyond simply building a stronghold: Your kingdom is a reflection of your character and your choices throughout the game. It is a living thing shaped by your alignment, your allies, and your ability to lead your people. Not only can your kingdom expand, opening up new territories and allowing you to build new towns and communities, but your capital city will physically change based on your decisions, your policies, and even whom you choose to ally with. As your kingdom grows, a number of factions and neighboring countries will come to you to seek favor-and to test your strength.

If you fail, your kingdom will be destroyed, but if you succeed, you'll have made a nation where countless others have failed.

Your kingdom awaits! Do you have the strength to rule it?
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Sweet I made the first early bird! I hope this does well.
Jul 22, 2012
The game looks better than I thought. If this game does well it could mean more Pathfinder games in future so I snagged an early bird.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
The game looks better than I thought. If this game does well it could mean more Pathfinder games in future so I snagged an early bird.

Yeah it does really good, i thought at first it will be a pure turn based game but that little combat snippet betrays the realtime elements of the game. Hopefully it turns out better than Pillars of Eternity. Hoping for no awful camping supplies mechanic.
Jul 22, 2012
Early Bird Collector's... Probably will end up disappointed, but who knows.

I like how the KS is structured like D:OS's. The game is already well in progress and is happening regardless, the KS will just increase its scope.
Sep 26, 2007
Your kingdom awaits!
Greetings sire.
Your stronghold awaits you.

Erm… This ain't Stronghold 4 so I'm gonna think about it.
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Apr 12, 2009
My Kingdom will be a haven for hipsters, because, well, apparently I am one. Whatever that is. Get off my demense you damn punk kids. :p

What's with the ludicrous sword?
Mar 22, 2012
Quick rundown of the checklist…
- PC
- Non-console (not even as a stretch goal!!!)
- Non-MMO.
- Class system.
- Based on existing thought-out battle system.
- Masses of lore to draw from (nobody has to create a whole unique world in 12 months)
- English German French Russian language support.

Yes its RTwP…. a minor issue! Read description below, 3 seconds not exactly an action game.
"Yeah, our combat is realt-time with pause. Characters will use individual real-time turns base on their initiative, each of which will last over three seconds"

Its 90% of what everyone says they want. Unless you see some red flags I can't see why you wouldn't back this. How often does this type of game come around? I know some of you have built up some ideal game in your head but I'm fairly sure that ideal will never be worked on. Might as well support the guys that are making a good attempt.

PS - 100% willing to eat my words on this one if it turns into a shit-show.
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm excited! I wonder when's the ETA released date though - probably earliest 2018 :(
Release date they're using on the KS campaign is August 2018.
Sep 26, 2007
The thing that gives me pause about this though is the art style. It looks overly cartoony to me in both the monster design and color palette. It doesn't seem to be bothering anyone else, but I'm not a fan of that style at all.

30% of the budget is going towards art. I think they've realized its a weakness of theirs.
Aug 13, 2013
Backed at early bird collectors edition here.
Oct 18, 2006
A proven ruleset is a BIG plus

still, I can do without "kingdom/resource management" rubbish
Mar 9, 2015
Its 90% of what everyone says they want. Unless you see some red flags I can't see why you wouldn't back this. How often does this type of game come around? I know some of you have built up some ideal game in your head but I'm fairly sure that ideal will never be worked on. Might as well support the guys that are making a good attempt.

Yes, $25 is a reasonable risk. But I'll still wait and see if they make PayPal funding available first. No point in making my attack surface larger than necessary. If not, well I can always wait until its released then wait for a sale.
Mar 22, 2012
If they can deliver on what they are saying they want to do in the video this sounds right up my alley. I backed at the early bird collectors edition because I can never have enough game related crap on my shelves. :lol:
Nov 10, 2006
I'm in for $25.

Pros are:

1. A well-established tabletop RPG behind it. I wish more cRPG developers would tap such a resource to make their game better and save themselves a whole lot of unnecessary work -- work which they might not be particularly good at.

2. Might not wind up being a plus, but the kingdom mechanic could be interesting and new.

3. Personally, I'm always encouraged by seeing a bunch of Russian or Eastern European devs. And guys from Nival are specifically mentioned. Nival made some good games.
Sep 16, 2010
I wonder if this is the PoE engine they are using?
Apr 17, 2007
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