Alpha Protocol - First Screens @ GameInformer

Splinter Cell meets Mass Effect was the first thing that sprang to my mind when seeing the pictures. Must say that I'm rather unimpressed so far, yet knowing that the game could turn out to be better in the future. Or much worse.
Oct 18, 2006
Hopefully it will be good since it is from Obsidian since unlike Bioware I don't think they have become money hungry. They just made one of the best games ever so maybe they will continue with this.
Oct 19, 2006
Hopefully it will be good since it is from Obsidian since unlike Bioware I don't think they have become money hungry.

Hungry, perhaps not. But a game self-declared to focus on actiony elements, be inspired by Mass Effect/Fallout 3 ("the future of RPGs"), in which you can "bag any chick you want"...

Yeah, sells pretty much like they're just trying to cash in on this one.
Oct 19, 2006
Hungry, perhaps not. But a game self-declared to focus on actiony elements, be inspired by Mass Effect/Fallout 3 ("the future of RPGs"), in which you can "bag any chick you want"?

Yeah, sells pretty much like they're just trying to cash in on this one.

Sorry but, if is what is reporting lot of money to companys this days, they have to do it, is a bussines not a wish maker company that make true your dreams.

You cant blame then for try to make money?

Also, know that is obsidian, and soo far they are one of the few companys making good games this days (see the NWN2 expansion, Mask of the Betrayer, one of the games that worth to play on 2007).

Sorry my english, i am from Venezuela.-
Extreme Vaporizer Review
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Mar 30, 2008
Do hell with the whiners.

"bag any chick you want"

Its perfectly in sync with the James-bond-ish setting that the game is trying to emulate. I mean what else you expected, "debate with chicks about concept of enlightenment"?! Ugh. Don’t perople play games for FUN anymore??

"inspired from Oblivion/Mass Effect/FO 3"

What’s wrong if the game takes some interesting elements from these games? The dialogue wheel of ME, for example, seems one such inspiration. Nothing wrong with that either.

Game looks promising from those scans. Spy-themed (action) RPG is definitely a refreshing change from MoTBs and Witchers. I just hope that dialogue is good (which it should be considering the talent involved) and there are *some* c&c in the story, not just a linear action story. We will see.
Mar 30, 2007
Its perfectly in sync with the James-bond-ish setting that the game is trying to emulate. I mean what else you expected, "debate with chicks about concept of enlightenment"?! Ugh. Don’t perople play games for FUN anymore??
Shhhh, be careful. You're just asking for a butt whooping with comments like this if Jaz, Magerette or Cm sees this. :biggrin:
Oct 19, 2006
Just outside of Copenhagen
I have yet to play a good agent-ish RPG, but if they manage to capture the rather light mood of the James Bond movies, it might turn out great. Also, the whole "getting chicks" part does fit with James Bond. Pretty much every woman I know is still glued to the screen every time Sean Connery appears as James Bond, even though the movies have been shown an extreme amount of time on TV. Let's face it, the man is pretty smooth.
Oct 18, 2006
Sorry but, if is what is reporting lot of money to companys this days, they have to do it, is a bussines not a wish maker company that make true your dreams.

You cant blame then for try to make money...

I'm not, but they shouldn't blame me for not caring for their game if they're tuning it down for the masses. They don't have to make the kind of game I want, but I don't have to buy their games either.

Obsidian has some credit to work with, but let's be honest...not a lot. Again, from the GI preview this game looks terrible, the only thing preventing it from being written of as a total loss is the Obsidian name attached to it. If this were Bethesda speaking, nobody would be taking them seriously.

But it's all good. We can still hold out some hope that it's better than the anti-hype from GI would make one think.
Oct 19, 2006
Can't really tell much from just screens - the graphics are certainly done well by the looks of it.

I don't really like the look of the main protagonist.
Oct 26, 2006
Looks good, I like the art design. If the game itself is good remains to be seen, but unlike others I enjoyed every single game Obsidian made up until now (I'm not saying that the games were perfect, but I didn't regret spending the money on the games).
Oct 24, 2006
Looks quite Mass Effecty. Is that going to be the Big Thing now, shooty-RPGs in the Mass Effect style?

When Warcraft and Command and Conquer sold well, every game after was a clone. Same with Diablo and going back further, King's Quest spawned an adventure game blitz.

So the short answer would be yes.
Nov 28, 2006
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