Arcania - E3 Previews @ RPGamer, GamingExcellence

The filmed version is still pre-alpha.
Aug 30, 2006
It's obvious that it's not similar to Gothic but I wonder why do you call it an Oblivion clone?
Just cause it's medieval and tries to be an RPG?
Oblivion wasn't that good and certainly doesn't deserve many clones,I fully disagree with that term.

Gobbo should have placed a smiley in anticipation of some missing tongue-in-cheek detectors.

By the way: Usually I am fast with speculations myself, but in the last days people are really drawing wild conclusions from some trailers and marketing bits in several threads here.
Dec 26, 2007
I will wait with my opinion upon this game after I get the chance to play a demo. But just as a response to the already rants upon this title:

Gothic 3 was for me more or less an Oblivion clone -> The characters like Diego, Milten, Lester and Gorn were much less interesting then the previous parts. As a matter of fact, there isn't any character in Gothic 3 worked out quite well. The world was much to large (like Oblivion) and felt to empty to cover it all by foot.
In Gothic 1 and 2 (with NotR) I always felt compelled to cover all terrain. I wanted to look in every cave and it felt rewarding to have find some secret locations. When you play Oblivion or Gothic 3, you will see the same cave appearing again and again.
Oct 19, 2006
Belgium - Flanders - Antwerp
On the opposite,the videos made quite an impression to me.While I was negative after the first info those videos hyped my quite a bit.

Edit: Did you watch them in HD?You should
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Great engine, I can't wait to play this. It looks like a hybrid of the Gothic Series and Two Worlds, since it does not appear to be a true chase camera. I personally enjoy the Gothics and Two Worlds so I'm all set. I'll turn off the lock and quest markers myself.

Other than the factions comments, there are zero similarities to Oblivion. I don't get those comments at all.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
On the opposite,the videos made quite an impression to me.While I was negative after the first info those videos hyped my quite a bit.

Edit: Did you watch them in HD?You should

Maybe it all depends on what one is looking for? What I see is only what a demo down the line can possibly fix.
Nov 23, 2006
In the Sky
Haha, well, you got me there. :)

Do you have some vested interest in the game?
To be honest, I just couldn't resist making that joke!. Of the two, my higest hopes are reserved for Risen.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
Were those bloodflies replaced by big sides of meat when they died? I just hope they let me turn off that horribly intrusive 'overhead' UI.. the names, health bars, damage, xp... It just detracts.
Oct 29, 2006
Whats wrong with you guys? g1 is too hard? g2 notr is too hardcore?! I can understand how controls were a bit difficult, but otherwise gothics were quite manageable if you planned your steps beforehand...

Learning to survive in the harsh gameworld was part of the gothic charm to me... It was so refreshing because most rpgs start slow and let you take baby steps into gameworld while Gothic literally punches you on the nose. "Welcome to the colony kid".

The word casual makes me almost puke. Few years ago the world casual used to meant a gamer who didn't follow gaming media actively or who bought games every now and then without much planning. A casual gamer could have as easily bought flight sims as action games, depending on his taste for games. Nowdays the word casual is a nice word for people who don't take their gaming seriously. Same people who go to see latest terminator film and are unable to see the overwhelming dumbness in it. The same people who think terminator 1 is slow and too dark for their taste. Instant glorification without frustration or thinking. Soon we have big yellow arrows in the gameworld telling these folks where to go.

Gothic is a rare gem in the action rpg genre because it combines great storyteling with brilliant gameworld design and challenging gameplay. I was thrilled how weak hero was at the begining. It made the whole character building process worthwhile. If i'm stupid enough to challenge wargs without proper armor and quality weapon. I deserve death. Mercy is for the weak, and weak don't survive in the colony.

Well atleast they made handholding optional. I have lots of faith left for pb though and I belive risen is very close to gothic in terms of mood and storytelling. I only hope that they haven't removed the challenge entirely.
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Oct 19, 2006
What's with the bloodflies turning into corpses the size of a cow after they're killed? At that ratio killing a troll would turn the body into an Brontosaurus. Sheesh!

Not digging the Sci-fi space shooter looking crosshair/hud either. They definitely have some work to do.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Looks like the combat is taking a little from The Witcher with the combo timing etc. I'd say it shows some promise, but there aren't many limitations on faction it seems. Part of the replay value of Gothic 1/2/3 are the faction choices. This game is taking an Oblivion approach and letting us join them all.

A big pretty Myrtana like world will draw me in though.
Oct 18, 2006
Barva, Costa Rica
I've heard it pronounced a few different ways, but I say it the way most everyone else I know says it, and that's "may lay."
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
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