Assassin’s Creed = Thief series?

I've read a dissapointing review about it. Apparently, it's great fun and all - the first mission. The other eight are just more of the same. It's a magazine I trust a lot, so it's cooled me off quite a bit from this game.

But hey, they could be wrong (hopefuly, since I'm itching for a Thief-like game)!
Oct 23, 2006
Yeah i thought it would be another instant classic like Deus Ex, Halo, or the Thief games. General consensus (reviews) put the game at 82%, still it's not bad as The Witcher also in that range, together with UT3. Hellgate London only get 70% rating which shows moderate/mediocre acceptance...
Oct 19, 2006
I wish that people would quit making a big deal about Jade Raymond's appearance. It's gotten to the point that a decent looking woman takes part in the production of a game, and she's not allowed to show her face in public, or it's blathered everywhere that she's just some pretty face being whored out to sell a game.

I'm not saying that Remus or anyone in this thread is saying such things, she is indeed an attractive woman, but do a search on her name and you'll see the utterly assinine, juvenile things that are being said about her. It bothers me, this woman is not allowed to show her face without being derided for being pretty. How dare she!

Might as well just toss a burkha on her for crissake
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Some gaming sites totally gone wild several weeks back with fury discussion about something by some poster on SomethingAwful Forums; and as the name of the site suggested - that forum usually have considerable amount of awful threads... When i came to the said thread Ubi Soft already threatenning to sue someone... Not sure what's the outcome as i never check again. Just another day life on the internet. I bet now most already forgotten about it.
Oct 19, 2006
I wish that people would quit making a big deal about Jade Raymond's appearance. It's gotten to the point that a decent looking woman takes part in the production of a game, and she's not allowed to show her face in public, or it's blathered everywhere that she's just some pretty face being whored out to sell a game.

I'm not saying that Remus or anyone in this thread is saying such things, she is indeed an attractive woman, but do a search on her name and you'll see the utterly assinine, juvenile things that are being said about her. It bothers me, this woman is not allowed to show her face without being derided for being pretty. How dare she!

Might as well just toss a burkha on her for crissake

What your problem?
Who the hell cares about that bitch . I like Assassin's Creed i DONT care if the pope is the producer.(sorry mods)
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Dec 27, 2007
Ease up, Altair. There's a thin line between "obnoxious" and "troll" and this sort of post seems to be par for the course with you. We generally tolerate the former and smack around the latter, so you might want to watch that line a little closer in the future.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Well, I just finished Assassin's Creed last night and I really enjoyed it immensely. It looks spectacular, has some really smooth controls (once you get used to the climbing mechanics), excellent fight mechanics and a rather interesting integration between the real world and the gaming world.

The game is packed with opportunities for both casual and power gamers alike and every assassination situation has more than one approach.

Of course it IS an action game so even though you CAN assassinate most of your main targets like lightning from a clear sky, there is plenty of swordfights involved and in these fights it is evident that the Prince of Persia games was used for inspiration. As you progress in the game you unlock more fighting techniques and weapons and the fighting mechanics are fluid and gruesome and filled with bone crunching, screaming and blood spatter, all shown in impressive motion captured animation.
Oct 19, 2006
Just outside of Copenhagen
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