Avadon: The Black Fortress (impressions thread)


Living Backwards
Original Sin 2 Donor
July 12, 2009
Greetings Watchers,

As a kind of sister thread a year onwards now after my completing Avernum: Escape from the Pit (http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18136&highlight=Avernum)
I thought I'd post some reflections upon my recent completion of Avadon.

This is just my second Spiderweb Software game, the discovery of which I certainly have this forum and some its veteran members to thank for. My total playtime for Avadon was 79 Steam hours which was considerably shorter when compared with the 119 for Avernum. However, this does not detract by any means away from the immense fun I've had with this title.

Avadon is more linear in style and less open-world, but delivers a tighter narrative with more role-playing oriented choices available in dialogue and more fleshed out joinable npcs. Whereas Avernum: Escape from the Pit shows the influence of older classics like Ultima IV+V (the boat driven exploration especially) Avadon evokes more of the Baldur's Gate style of party-interaction and Icewind Dale's mission to mission (A to B to C) approach in the main quest. After a few missions, the structure of returning to each location in a cyclical fashion becomes apparent. There's almost a Neverwinter Nights II vibe at times, with each of the npcs having their own personal quest-lines which are optional to the main story.

The story was reasonably engaging and I appreciated the flavour text within each different location and the way each of your npcs would occasionally interject with thoughts or experiences of their own of a location. The lore is interesting as well - though I never recorded information/codex lore as much as I did in Avernum.

The character system in Avadon was overall a little less interesting for me, with seemingly less variation in build possibly due to the slightly more rigid structure of the skill trees. A nice addition though was the concept of the "scarab" slot which gives additional stat/spell boosts to characters, making them interesting to find throughout the game.

My preferred party:
Vastlaar (Main Blademaster/fighter)
Sevilin (Blademaster) (I experimented with Shima the Shadow walker a lot too, but found I preferred Sevilin as a character.)
Nathalie (Mage) (She reminded me a great deal of Qara from NWN2; at times reckless, always power-hungry and eager to test her mettle.)

Jenell is the other npc option; a Shaman. Whilst I did her quest, I rarely otherwise used her - wanting to concentrate for the most part on melee/mage power.
The Blademaster healing ability "second wind" easily accommodates this choice and the world is full of vendors for potion supplies.

I found the combat encounters overall slightly less challenging than in Avernum and thus the absence of the open-world feeling of needing to return later was noticeable with some exceptions. The Zephyrine dragon side-quest for example, was one I had to try at a much later point in time.

There's definitely some incentive to replay other choices; which was something I really liked ending wise about Avernum. Role-playing wise I chose to interpret my character as a very loyal servant to the point of sycophancy (something I rarely do if given a choice…) and admittedly the opposing path to being servile and going against the Pact and Avadon, is given ample focus in the game by the regular visitation of a certain character. I liked the fact that it felt ambivalent to go that way; I was never convinced that it was the right thing to do, something which I think Jeff Vogel and Spiderweb have done with Avadon quite skillfully.

Anyway, I'd be interested in hearing others thoughts on the game given that the sequel isn't too far off, so feel free to post your own impressions. :)
Whilst I enjoyed Avernum more, Avadon has a stronger narrative focus and is probably a little more accessible in some ways.

Indie gaming wise, I think I'll try Eschalon Book 2 next…at least until the holidays where I'll hopefully fit in one or two bigger games from my backlog.

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Jul 12, 2009
I agree with your analysis of Avadon. Jeff Vogel wanted to go a step in the direction of Bioware titles with a focus on a stronger story and fleshed out NPCs.

I'm missing the free exploration of Exile (Avernum) and Geneforge. Also the C&C and factions are not so good implemented this time. Combat is not so challenging, too.

I enjoyed Avadon - but I hope he goes back to Geneforge old school quality!

(Hint: We don't need a second Bioware)
Oct 18, 2006
Do you remember if you sided with Avadon or went against the grain HiddenX? Curious to know how rewarding it is to go after Redbeard instead.

I'm still yet to pick up the Geneforge series, that's definitely something on my want list.

I'm hoping Jeff goes for a remake of Avernum 2 after Avadon 2, as continuing that story within the Escape from the Pit engine would be great.
Jul 12, 2009
Redbeard appears in Avadon 2 - so the "official" route is to let him live.

I didn't play 100% pro Avadon or 100% pro rebel if I remember right.
Oct 18, 2006
I was pretty happy with Avadon but I agree with the criticisms as well. I'm really curious to see how things end up with Avadon 2, there's no reason that he couldn't keep many of Avadon's strengths while still adding a little more exploration and some more challenging fights.

I liked how distinct the characters were and how they played very differently, but it's true there weren't a huge number of long term options. Mostly it was go down the left side or the right side of the character tree.

I turned on redbeard but the final fight was too hard for me. The problem was that I pissed off the shadow walker NPC during his quest and he went away. I didn't care at the time because my main was a shadow walker, so I never used that NPC. But when you take on redbeard you get to use every NPC and the fight is designed so you need them (due to the necessity to cover several locations at the same time).
Apr 14, 2011
I agree with your analysis of Avadon. Jeff Vogel wanted to go a step in the direction of Bioware titles with a focus on a stronger story and fleshed out NPCs.

Yes. That's very unfortunate. Spiderweb games used to have that indie charm, but with Avadon, I had that feeling that this game is a poor man's Bioware game. If that's what I want I'll take one with AAA production values.
I think my most difficult moment in the game was probably the return to Castle Verbeaux and Hand Gavin section towards the end. There were a couple of encounters during this map and story portion that required a bit more experimentation and smarter resource management to get through.

I probably didn't do a sufficient number of side-quests up to this point and admittedly I didn't quite reach level 30. But the game was definitely flexible enough for me to find the solutions to any problems.

Thanks for the bit of insight into the Redbeard fight too, Fadedc. Sounds like it's a worthy thing to check out if merely for the challenge.
Jul 12, 2009
The most difficult moment is… to try beat redbeard. I refused not kill him… and never finished the game. I had an excuse, to have the worst choice of main character class for this final, Shaman.

The game makes wonder if this gameplay approach involves this drastic world size and exploration amplitude reduction when you compare Avadon and Avernum 1.

I mean the author probably targeted a similar budget cost but with Avadon worked quite more on the path of Bioware and the impact of DAO. From that point of view the comparison is unfair because this Avernum 1 is largely a remake and if many things has been redone, also many things has be reused. Moreover Avadon is a new game style for the author so it probably generated less efficiency, but obviously more passion and excitation to try design and make something different.

So the comparison Avadon vs Avernum 6 is more valid because both aren't remake. I have the guess they had budget size quite similar and it's perhaps wrong.

But if the comparison is fair, it pinpoints in my opinion the difficulty that doesn't suspect players to make a Bioware like game and make it big and very open.

For me Avernum 1 which is a remake of Exile: Escape From the Pit, is the best Spiderweb game. I failed finish or even play half of the second remake, Avernum: Escape From the Pit, a lot because I got too many troubles with the difficulty setting, a bit because of bad luck ie switch to something else and comeback a too long time after.

But Avadon is closer to my heart than Avernum 1 despite I agree Avernum 1 is better. And I'm waiting with much more curiosity Avadon 2 more than any Avernum. For Exile I never entered in the trilogy because for me it was too pale and tedious in comparison with RealmZ and scenario, but now I think I just missed an opportunity because I didn't dig enough that trilogy.
May 18, 2012
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