Baldurs Gate for iPad ANnounced

WHy is there so much resistance to the platform having or getting real games and becoming a PC gamer's replacement or complementary device?

Who knows. People are afraid of change. Some people don't like Apple. I'm one of them, but I don't mind if iOS gets real, good games…that would just be silly.

I get all the reasons that iOS is the preferred mobile platform for developers, so lets not get into that discussion again…it is what it is. I think Android (which I prefer) will still be a strong alternative despite that, eventually.
Nov 25, 2011
Illinois, USA
Just read the last page of that thread:

I don't get it. To me, the iPad seems like it will offer a completely new experience worth trying -- even if I had a super comfortable sofa or an HTC set up, or already beat the original on the PC. I mean the idea od directly interacting with characters and having the screen close to you with headphones on, seems like a much more personal and intimate of an experience with the game. Plusnyou can go to Peets or Starbucks and go to hibernation with the game for hours like this. Why the resistance?
Nov 15, 2011

Originally Posted by RooMHM:
We've reached a new down in the video game history. Advertisement is made for iPad and games too. I knew this remake was gonna be awful.

"Originally Posted by Tess3ract:
The tablet market in general is for people with too much money or with poor spending habits.

it's not really affordable. Why the fuck would I pay 500+ for a tablet when I can get a laptop for a hundred dollars more that can do more than the ipad can?"

"Didn't expect this to turn into an iPad hate thread, which is sad. Still bummed that it won't be on my Fire (at least I don't think it will).

Not complaining though. It's not as though I haven't played/finished the game before."

"Get used to it. As more and more games come to iOS you'll see a lot more misguided rage on here. :/"

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Nov 15, 2011
This would only be a problem if PC wasn't still a plan. Since it is, this is irrelevant. So what if they're piggybacking on the tablet gaming fad. They're prettying up Baldur's Gate so it won't be awful to play in 2012!
Sep 28, 2009
I don't find gaming on a tablet (iPad, Android, or any other) to be enjoyable... at all. I'm not sure why people would want to use a touch screen to play a long RPG like Baldur's Gate, but to each his own.
Nov 26, 2009
Here are a few reasons:

1. My desk is really uncomfortable and I cant afford a huge leather chair (my current desktop has no back on my chair).

2. I have a 2009 iMac and when I try playing games in bootcamp I get often compatibility issues and crashes (morrowind is almost unplayable with mods).

3. I often go to coffee shops and sit there all day with my iPad as I am a freelance writer.

4. I hate tinkering with settings and GPU/other hardware driver issues. I originally purchased the first Baldur's Gate at $50 when I was a kid and it first came out and couldnt even play it for months because I didnt know how to update DirectX at the time to play it.

5. I dont get why people can play their PSP and 3DS systems for hours and cant the iPad with its better battery life and nicer screen?
Nov 15, 2011
I don't find gaming on a tablet (iPad, Android, or any other) to be enjoyable… at all. I'm not sure why people would want to use a touch screen to play a long RPG like Baldur's Gate, but to each his own.

why? I find a lot of games that are nice to lay back and play on a tablet. Any game controled by a mouse works just fine.
Apr 17, 2007
AppleIntimidation here is a question are you a troll or just a spammer. Really I want know. Since your basically saying in every post how Superior your tablet is to everything else.

You know quit being a tablet elitist. See how that works since you called me a pc elitist. Bring on your tears and hate they keep me warm at night.
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Oct 1, 2010
It is not really possible to 'lay back' and play on a tablet, because first it gets hot, and second, laying back and playing a long ass game like BG, for hours, while your fingers consistently touch the screen and obscure your view, does't really sound like fun.

But tablets are cool, I am the first to say. I wish I had one. I could buy one, but I am instead buying a gaming laptop made by Dell. It is only slightly more expensive, but it is more powerful and can play much more and much better games.
Dec 16, 2010
Actually you can and it never gets hot. That's just a troll rumor that was debunked by all the blogs after Consumer Reports spread it (than they gave the iPad 3 a top notch rating afterwards).
Nov 15, 2011
i have the ipad3 and no it doesnt get hot even after hours of use, my sony vaio laptop on the other hand gets extremely hot. i think they work really well with turn based games like Wesnoth etc. you just need a good case for it so it doesnt lay flat.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I have both and like both actually. I just dont see anything special in hand drawn wii games like warioland that are short and easy over iPade platformers like league of evil 2 or a tinin a teacup that only cost a dollar, or even see how Mario brow on wii is better than pizza boy. I just can't justify the price differences in games when they are exactly the same outside the Nintendo logo.Im talking about platformers though, maybe in other genres it's different. But the wii platformers are generally lame as hell. I mean really, outside of graphics how is the new Mario bros wii even better than the old Mario games? And Wario for wikis shorter and easier than any of the tab and gbc ones.
Nov 15, 2011
But I do like both the wii and iPad and think they compliment each other well as gaming platforms. In fact they are my most favorite this generation by far. The uniqueness and close interaction makes them both stand out.
Nov 15, 2011
I would definitely take a Wii over an iPad for gaming. :)

No thanks - the motion control is about 1000x better on the iPad, the iPad graphics are better than the X360, and so on ... leaving the Wii with absolutely nothing really distinct.
Oct 18, 2006
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