Battle Brothers - The Retinue, Part 2

It gets so much more dangerous that the probability of losing the company is the highest at the start of a run.

That is often the case when somebody has figured out an optimal or at least effective way to play. It's finding what that method is that makes the game fun to me, and that's also a reason I seldom have several hundred hours of playtime in games, some strategy titles being the exception.
Dec 20, 2010
The makers of Urtuk are promising to make adjustments to the level scaling system. It's possible they already have. There was apparently a new version in the test branch that changed things up a bit.

As of two weeks ago though the level scaling was pretty awful. Every time you leveled up each encounter on the map also leveled up. In many cases leveling up could actually make you weaker as all the encounters might gain more than you do from it.
Apr 14, 2011
BB just released it's next update. There will be Arenas in the southern cities. Sounds really cool.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
I've never gone for arenas much in games.
Sep 16, 2010
That is often the case when somebody has figured out an optimal or at least effective way to play. It's finding what that method is that makes the game fun to me, .

It must be designed that way.

BB used to have an increasingly dangerous game world.
The world could be permanently destroyed and the support given to a player would go shrinking.

It reduces options for a player to pick advantageous fights, a band of marauding orcs were rampaging an area, a player had to jump in to protect the support gained from an intact environment. All tool shops destroyed, no more tools, end game.

It brought a sense of emergency, players had to be efficient on a spot they did not choose, they were pressed into action. Players did not like it.

Rimworld with its new DLC has a similar issue, the DLC restores partially Rimworld's capacity to generate stories as it brings back a sense of emergency.
Acting on grounds that players do not carefully choose.

Current BB is no longer what it used to be, the cause a starting run is more lethal is because players have less options to choose from for their fights. As it goes on, they can carefully choose fights with appropriate balances of power.

It has nothing to do with strategies, the former design reintroduced and suddenly, players will struggle as they used to.

It must be designed.
Mar 29, 2011
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