Best Character Names

Silly is good. I love silly concepts. Dawn of Magic 2 has 'master' monsters - their names are written in violet instead of red, they tend to be rather good in some totally unnecessary spell, and they drop tons of loot instead of the usual potions. Now when my char came to a plane of existence (or some such thing) inhabited by all types of vampires, the first master I encountered was a sheep (usually not an enemy in that game). It's name tag read "Sheep (Master of Blood)". I laughed to hard I nearly fell off my chair.
Aug 31, 2006
Silly is good. I love silly concepts. Dawn of Magic 2 has 'master' monsters - their names are written in violet instead of red, they tend to be rather good in some totally unnecessary spell, and they drop tons of loot instead of the usual potions. Now when my char came to a plane of existence (or some such thing) inhabited by all types of vampires, the first master I encountered was a sheep (usually not an enemy in that game). It's name tag read "Sheep (Master of Blood)". I laughed to hard I nearly fell off my chair.

We would make entire campaigns that were a joke, just to bring a certain amount of levity to our main campaign, in which the DM was a complete hardass. My character's name in that one was Jack Meoff, a blind wizard inspired by the "I cast Magic Missile at the darkness!" bit. We had a kobold thief named Rufus, and a fighter with a sword that potentially did 6d8 damage, but only if the DM rolled a 20 at the beginning of the evening. It only happened twice, and the rest of the night, on those occasions, the fun was in describing what our characters were doing instead of fighting, because the fights were so lopsided. There was no loot rolled for - the DM just came up with cool stuff that we found. It became a monthly thing.
Feb 2, 2011
I like Casus for my rogues, and Exdeus for my paladins.

Casus means something like "accident" in Latin and it actually means Spy in turkish. The last bit I found out by chance, when turkish people started addressing me in their native language in WoW - assuming I knew the language, given the name.

Exdeus - not because it's a play on the game - but because it means "From Within God" - and I think that's pretty cool for a pally. I also use the name for guilds.

Lastly, I like "Lond" - because it's simple and it seemed fitting. It was a character in a novel I liked (Dance of the Dead) - and it seemed to fit with an undead bastard, which was my first character with that name.
Good necro, this was a fun one to read!

Back when I was a kid I hated giving characters names and just called them all "Bub." I'll still use it if I can't think of a name.

In Mass Effect 1, I played a rather nasty character - a hard-nosed drill seargent type. When the computer asked what it should call him, he immediatly answered "Mister".

I've got a few long standing character names. 'Da Sloth' for archer types and 'Zloth' for fighters. Tesslah is my current favorite, acting as the mage type with a tendancy toward lightning attacks.

I had a few "mule" characters to hold on to stuff in Asheron's Call 1 and 2. Passing stuff to a mule wasn't very safe. You would put your stuff on the ground, log off, log back in with your mule character (which should be in that same location), and pick the stuff up again. If somebody happened by while you were logged off or even still picking things up, they could grab your precious loot! One of these characters I named FNORD because I didn't want him to be noticed. Another was named Magnifico of Kalgan. Kudos to anyone who can say why I picked that name.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Ouch. You lost me at Kalgan, so I had to google it, but I admit that's a very clever choice :).
Although the real one wasn't... but you know the books, anyway. - You know they botched the first German translations of the trilogy? Really hard at that. It was before the time of word processing, and the translator obviosly did the translation on the fly - he hadn't read the book before he started. Couldn't have read it, because he made a very subjective choice by translating 'Mule' with 'Fuchs' , which means fox. And when he got to the end of the book, he actually had kinda ruined the plot because parts of it hinged on the meaning of that name ^^. Because going back and changing names obviously was impossible, he had to change the revelation scene, which turned out to have a '...huh...?' effect on readers. The publisher didn't top this with the third installment, but nearly so, by giving away the solution to the trilogy-spanning puzzle in the title. Yeah for sloppy translators.
Oh right, and they (publishers, not translators) spoiled the mystery of Captain Aesop (by Bob Shaw). Ha ha unfunny ha.
I kept thinking 'yeah, so what, it's obvious the baddies won't prevail, because of *the* fact' while reading the first of the stories in that book, and only when the revelation came at the end of the first story I noticed that *the* fact hadn't been mentioned in the story at all, just on the back of the book.

But enough SF book talk.
'Mister Shepard' is a wonderful name :D. My ME Shepards are called Jaz (...well, she's the renegadish sociapath with the red crop. Ehehehehe.) and Joseph (not a fancy name, but there's nothing fancy to this glowing example of sweetness, anyway... apart from the pornstache. Since I based him off the Korean-looking preset char and had the audacity to choose the high and tight hairdo he ended up looking suspiciously like TCW's Boil).
Aug 31, 2006
I don't like using same name for any of my characters so I always try to come up with something new

Eowyn the Cleric of Helm
Elbereth the Figher/Mage

Jane Shepard :p

Orhlanna Cousland

Aliena Hawke

etc :D
I always liked Xoria the fairy alchemist... ( my Wiz 8 char )
Oct 25, 2006
The Fox!?!? Oh dear.

The Fact... you know, that might make a good character name right there... ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Recently saw this pen & paper Avbenturian dwarf name in the official forum :

Lansch, Sohn von Bransch

(Translated into English : "Lunch, Son of Brunch" ;) )
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
i usually use the name Danny short for Dainelle,sometimes i use Erika or Erica,either way,then i use names like Kayla,Katherine,or some random names like Killene or something but i keep the names a while before i change them :biggrin: lately ive been using erika and danny for my rpg names cause ones a human and ones a black blood demon :D but sometimes im clue less so i use my random names :Kelli,Dannielle,or Killi :D
Jul 7, 2014
holy thread necromancy Batman!
Oh well, what's done is done. I name all my characters 'Fluffy', always gives me a kick when Fluffy saves the universe.
Sep 23, 2008
'Fluffy' is great :D!
I named my main Minecraft riding horse 'Muppes' ... just because.
Aug 31, 2006
For years now all and every of my male main protagonists are called "Juraviel". It's the surname of a elven/faery character in R.A. Salvatore's Demon Wars Saga. I didn't even like the character in particular, I just liked the sound of the name.
I take this name, no matter if and how it fits the setting. It may seem like a contradiction, but the name helps me immerse. I instantly know "who my characters is". I can do this as I generally don't relplay games and Juraviel always is "the same character", no matter if he's Juraviel from Candlekeep, Juraviel from Vault 13, Juraviel Shepard or Juraviel Hawke.

When I do replay a game and play as a different character, I chose a different name. In my last BG2 playthrough I played as an evil female assassin named "Selyara".
May 6, 2013
Since I started playing everything I can in "LMK" mode, I have new standard names I always use, as well as variations thereof:

Lilyana Featherwind ("Lily"), my Lady, an Elven ranger who can also heal a bit.
Mistral Thalion ("Mist"), my mage
Kyle Skye ("Kyle"), my knight who doesn't know anything about magic.
And if a game requires a dedicated healer, it'll probably be
Aileya Skye ("Leya"), because a) it's my favorite name and has been with me forever and b) Aileya has years of experience as a priestess in WoW.

PS: Haha, "Fluffy". ^^
Aug 30, 2006
*EDIT* - HAHA, I already answered this above...

I'm getting really old, it seems... Sorry....

I've had a lot of those over the years…

My Rogues are generally called Casus. I put this first, because I always play a variation of Rogue these days, if I can.

My Assassins (or "evil" Rogues) are called Lond.

For Barbarian type characters, I tend to use Crom :)

For Paladins, it's usually Laus (Light) or Exdeus (From within God).

For Clerics, it's Cramore for males and Valaria/Mia for females.

For Mages, it's Zarcan.

For Elves, it's often Shalafi.

For modern characters, I sometimes choose Joseph Connor.

Most of these names are from childhood - and I've stuck with them for nostalgic reasons - and they work just fine :)
Laus for a paladin? That's cool ... especially as it's the German word for louse.
Aug 31, 2006
Actually, I just remembered it's not "Light" - it's Fame or Glory :)
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