Bible Chronicles - A Christian RPG

Iliad RPG would suffer from the same problem than Bible RPG: you already know (or should know) the story from the beginning till the end. So, as revjwh pointed out, it could be nothing but a rail ride with no real choices, consequence or surprises.
Jan 10, 2008
Here's the problem:

An RPG is about role-play. And decisions. And consequences.

What if, as Abraham, I decide to turn on the Jewish people? What if I decide to forsake God? What if I decide to not have faith and choose my son over a deity who would direct me to slay my firstborn to prove my faith?

Well, the developers did say that you are not actually playing as Abraham in this game, but as a member of his caravan. I believe that there was a Lord of the Rings RPG like this some time ago, where you played as new characters who were following along behind the fellowship of the ring. I assume this means that you get to follow along with the Biblical story, but don't influence its outcome in that sense. If there is any re-activity in game choices, it will probably be choices that directly effect the player and how people treat him/her; the players personal story-line rather than the overall game story. The Walking Dead game worked like this, and I think that Telltale did a good job with it. Anyway, the game may or may not end up being any good, but it is too early to tell for me. I will definitely keep an eye on the game and see how it develops.

As for the people calling the game propaganda; I guess it could be seen that way, but does that mean that any pieces of media which espouses a particular world view or moral, is propaganda? Anyway, someone said that the video shows the developers are only concerned with indoctrinating people and not with making a quality game, but they state in the video that the lack of 'quality' Christian themed games, was their main catalyst for taking up this project. They may or may not succeed, but I think it is very likely that they are intending to make an enjoyable computer game. Nobody is being forced to go the kickstarter page, pledge, or play the game, so it isn't really being shoved down anyone's throats.
Feb 19, 2012
Here's my loony idea: Somebody needs to go all in and make an RPG where you play the character of Jesus.


You could have skill trees, powers (miracles), quests, dialog (lots of it), companions that you go out and recruit, and you play Jesus through many of the situations that are documented in the Bible, but you could also take some creative license and create similar scenarios during periods of his life that aren't as well documented.

Obviously, you would need to build in ways to get through the game with very little combat. And yet, you could still make combat part of the game, if that's how you choose to play him. Your challenges would be in getting through situations in ways that are in line with Jesus' faith and philosophy.

You could allow for a variety of endings in how your character ends up, ranging from getting crucified and immortalized, to being just another average joe who approached problems the same way as everybody else, to killing everything in your path and wielding the power of God to be overlord of all the land. 8^) But the twist is that you make it so that the ending that we are all familiar with is very hard to achieve, and only happens if you _really_ play your character like Jesus would. Sort of like taking Ultima IV to its logical conclusion. If you could do that in a way that would draw parallels with our modern life and make some "Christians" realize that the way they are living their day-to-day life now has nothing to do with the actual teachings of Christ, you could have something kind of powerful.

But I'm probably just crazy…

Now that sounds like a great idea for a roleplaing game :) I doubt any publisher would dare to publish such game though. Too many grey areas tend to piss of bible thumpers.
Oct 19, 2006
It's not a bad idea for a game...just not an rpg. I mean it's not like you'll be allowed to be evil or anything. The story is kinda already written.

And acton/adventure sure, but not really suited for an rpg I don't think.

Of course the game will probably suck goat weenies anyway so who cares?
Oct 19, 2006
But the twist is that you make it so that the ending that we are all familiar with is very hard to achieve, and only happens if you _really_ play your character like Jesus would. Sort of like taking Ultima IV to its logical conclusio

I like that idea ! :)

And it would surely evoke a shitstorm by players of some Action-RPGs … ;)

A good RPG probably never as it would fit to TBS or RTS better.

Okay, then the Odyssey ! ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Now that sounds like a great idea for a roleplaing game :) I doubt any publisher would dare to publish such game though. Too many grey areas tend to piss of bible thumpers.

Oh, but that's why it would be perfect for a Kickstarter. Which person exposed to Christian indoctrination hasn't dreamed of being Jesus? Play as the Jesus beloved by millions or play Jesus the way you wanted him to actually act. Turn over the tables of the money lenders, or burn out the evil bankers eyes with laser beams of pure righteousness?
And how would you handle the romance options with Mary Magdalene? Would you strive toward the ending where Judas is crucified in place of Jesus, allowing Jesus and the pregnant Mary escape to the south of France?
Jan 2, 2013
Well you guys surprised me after going to sleep most of you were civil, but I see we still have the usual low count troll posts. Still thanks for being civil.:spotlight-left::bow::spotlight-right:

Alas I agree I don't see the project getting the funding it needs. The goal is to high for a game like this. Still I love when developers try something different at least.
Oct 1, 2010
It is perhaps surprising that nobody has brought up the whole moral panic and the MADD episode. That created a lot of negative feelings in certain RPG communities, so yeah it wouldn't be that big of a shock if this fails.
Mar 22, 2012
Yeah, you would think that just, friends, co-workers, and people at their church would get them more than 1k.

My guess is its as bad as it looks and as bad they present it that even people close to them want nothing to do with it.
Abraham? Christian?? HELOOOO… this is THE founding father of the Jewish faith! Muslims harken back to Abraham as well. But it's a Christian game and only pastors and "ministry leaders" were consulted? What a missed opportunity. Well, at least the characters aren't all white and speaking in King James' English.

Christians consider ourselves Abraham's children by adoption. We were "grafted in" to the tree.

According to Paul's letter to the Galatians 3:26,27,29
Paul said:
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ..And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Aside from that, I think there's a recognition from all three faiths that common connection for our various reasons. Also consider it might not be so simple to recruit people you don't know to your project. The PNP RPG I mentioned, Testament, only used a single Jewish scholar for their major consulting of that game.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Oct 1, 2010
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