BioWare - Interview with David Gaider @ RPS on Sexism and Sexuality

Mature discussion in the gaming space is hard to achieve when the audience itself is not mature. "I don't like this guy's writing, therefore everything he says is null and void" is not exactly a mature reaction.
Oct 5, 2010
Mature discussion in the gaming space is hard to achieve when the audience itself is not mature. "I don't like this guy's writing, therefore everything he says is null and void" is not exactly a mature reaction.

At least you managed to demonstrate what mature discussion is all about, so thank you for that!
Is it just me, or are 90% of Gaider's pronouncements something sex-related (and preachy in tone)? I agree sex is the main driving force of all life, but for god's sake, DA3 is supposed to be a CRPG not A PORN CLIP. What Gaider's doing is like a porn movie director talking about food 90% of the time, "because food is a huge motivator of actions". It is, but can we please talk about PORN, you know, the stuff you're hired to do?

And I agree with Dart - Gaider, despite being openly gay himself - has managed to take the cause back a few steps with truly awful writing like Anders and creating a new orientation - playersexual.
Feb 28, 2011

Gaider isn't talking about sex-related stuff all the time. He just did a presentation at GDC about female protagonists, sexism and their sexualisation in games and the BSN is filled with romance threads (created by fans) so you are kind of stuck participating in those discussions.

DA3 won't have more romance/sex than the previous games did. Also, the playersexual thing wasn't created by Gaider, it was imposed by the marketing to please the gay and lesbian following who want to be able to romance everyone. Even M3 succumbed to it. I also have the impression that Gaider isn't a fan of it going by some of his response on the BSN.
Oct 13, 2007
I can't bring myself to actually read it. Does he admit Bioware uses this as a gimmick to mask his company's hackneyed and banal writing?
Couldn't agree with you more. Gaider has to be the most overrated games writer working today. Not all that inclined to lend any weight to his opinions.
Oct 18, 2006
I couldn't actually bring myself to read it either.... it will make my day worse.

I just really don't like where Bioware games are headed recently and you can't say Gaider's got nothing to do with it. I don't know how much of portions are written by him nor how much impact he had in later games (i.e. DA2 and ME3) but the truth is I disliked both games and I don't agree with Gaider's opinion.
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