BioWare - Mass Effect MP Rumours

Yeah, Bioware going mainstream isn't enough - them going pure shooter is even better!

Haha, nah, whatever - it's going to get worse before it gets better. So I should welcome something like this.

Just wake me up in 5 years, when the mainstream starts demanding cerebral challenges. Someday, shooting stuff mindlessly won't be enough.

Obviously, the suits realised that Mass Effect 2 was already mostly a shooter. So, they have the assets and the engine. They even have a CoD level-up structure in place.

Not doing this, would be too painful to the opportunists - and we can't have that :)

Never its going to take more than 5 years the sheeple love games with guns and cant get enough of the same thing.
Oct 1, 2010
Never the sheeple love games with guns and cant get enough of the same thing.

I know, but the more people that are introduced to gaming - the more will start becoming interested at a deeper level.

Eventually, there will be enough "core gamers" to make the suits take notice and start evolving genres.

Not that dumb games won't be the norm, but the potential market for deep games will grow - and the greedy will want their piece.

They will HAVE to care about hiring people who care. Otherwise, there's a lot of shiny to be missed - and no one likes a grumpy sour-faced suit.
Never its going to take more than 5 years the sheeple love games with guns and cant get enough of the same thing.

Bååååååååååå! Håhå, I'm sorry. I'm trying to learn Norwegian and I can't get enough of that letter.

Anyway, there's a place for both shallow and deep games in my heart. Too bad for those that only like deep games that the minority is small enough that AAA games seem like a risk to big-time developers.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Bååååååååååå! Håhå, I'm sorry. I'm trying to learn Norwegian and I can't get enough of that letter.

Der er sgu ikke meget som ål, og ej heller rødgrød med fløde - samt æbletærte.

Anyway, there's a place for both shallow and deep games in my heart. Too bad for those that only like deep games that the minority is small enough that AAA games seem like a risk to big-time developers.

Actually, deep and shallow is kinda off.

Let's call it art vs commerce ;)
Der er sgu ikke meget som ål, og ej heller rødgrød med fløde - samt æbletærte.

Bah, throwing Danish at a student of Norwegian? Let's see.

"That is not that very... ål?, or you have... something with something..." ah, screw you.

Actually, deep and shallow is kinda off.

Let's call it art vs commerce ;)

Fair enough. Art is kinda personal, though. I've decided long ago that even Britney Spears crap has a certain quality, well let's say polish, to it. I suppose it's more the content that you are concerned with, then.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Bah, throwing Danish at a student of Norwegian? Let's see.

"That is not that very… ål?, or you have… something with something…" ah, screw you.

Ahem, you need more time at school ;)

Fair enough. Art is kinda personal, though. I've decided long ago that even Britney Spears crap has a certain quality, well let's say polish, to it. I suppose it's more the content that you are concerned with, then.

Art is 100% personal, actually ;) Unless it's a shared vision.

Art isn't better than commerce - it's just different.

Art is something you create for its own sake. Commerce is something you create for the sake of money and what money will bring you.

Few, if any, products are pure art.

Quite a few products are pure commerce - though I'm not sure that's even possible in the gaming industry. I suppose there will always be something personal/subjective in any game. It's a matter of degree.

As for Britney Spears - only she can really know whether she creates art or not.
It would also be a bit strange for the MMO/RPG division of EA to make a game that isn't a RPG or a MMO…

I don't know. Spin-offs are not that rare.

They could advertise it as "with RPG elements", which could be a few, yes, but only a few.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Der er sgu ikke meget som ål, og ej heller rødgrød med fløde - samt æbletærte.

Du brakk google translate. Det du skrev er dette: There is not much that Jove eel, and ej rather rødgrød with cream - and æbletærte. :p

As for the MP rumors. Booo I say, BOOOO! Bad Bioware. To the corner with you until you learn not to pee on your fans. :whip:
Feb 3, 2007
Just this year?

Well to give them some credit they were doing very well when Dragon Age was released. Things were looking up actually. Even one or two of the DLCs weren't that bad. I still love that girl Golem. Never expected a female dwarf golem :). But it all went downhill from there.
Feb 3, 2007
Well to give them some credit they were doing very well when Dragon Age was released. Things were looking up actually. Even one or two of the DLCs weren't that bad. I still love that girl Golem. Never expected a female dwarf golem :). But it all went downhill from there.
Shale? Yeah, she's pretty damn awesome.
Jul 17, 2010
England, UK
As far as I know, Dragon Age: Awakening is their latest release, which is an excellent add-on.

I prefer to not start yelling "doom and gloom" like a raving lunatic every time an announcement is made that is somehow related to BioWare or RPGs in general.
Oct 18, 2006
Shale is always Shale, a big golem. However, you learn more about the personality behind Shale as you explore the character and her questline. She wasn't always a golem. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Shale was a fun character to play. Anyway, I dont get what all the hype is for Mass Effect. Sure its a decent story and it looks good but the game play was very predictable . Im telling you guys this next game is aimed for teenagers ready to spend mommys money when they release it and all the pre ordered, extra, DLC .And if its a COD in ME skin , man that is really bad. This is the direction of gaming !!! No new ideas and all marketing scams.
Oct 8, 2010
As far as I know, Dragon Age: Awakening is their latest release, which is an excellent add-on.

I prefer to not start yelling "doom and gloom" like a raving lunatic every time an announcement is made that is somehow related to BioWare or RPGs in general.

I was talking more along the lines of the BIG releases which were DA:O and ME2.

Mass Effect 2 is a good shooter, but not a good RPG. I've said a few times if that game had been released by anyone other than Bioware that it would have been great indication for things to come from shooters. It may have meant that the shooter genre was evolving into something better, but since it was Bioware that just means to me that they're devolving Mass Effect to be more like a shooter.

Show me one good PR bit that is in any way positive for the PC version of Dragon Age 2 or for the RPG fans that follow Bioware. Please, for the love of the gods, show me one because I've looked and seen nothing but a Facebook game and a PR storm for the console version of this game. I'm not being sarcastic or anything. I really would like to read that interview/preview/article to show me that maybe I was wrong about this because when it's all said and done I really do like Dragon Age and would love to eat some crow right about now.

Really? Does she become another character you can put in your party? I read this hard content, so I probably need to finish the game first?

Sorry, Thaurin, if I spoiled this part for you. It's been so long since it was released I thought it wasn't nessesary to put spoilers on that part ;)

If you don't have the DLC then get it today. It's the best one out of the bunch, imo of course.
Feb 3, 2007
There's nothing "doom and gloom" about realising how commercial Bioware have become.

It's just the way of things, and not necessarily all bad. It's a question of whether you want more than that, or not. Some people will be happy as long as they get a taste of what they really like, and others crave more.

Mass Effect 2 was a good game, but in my opinion a severely watered down CRPG. I wanted much more than that, but it's still a good game. The reason it wasn't more, is because Bioware wanted more money. Again, some people are fine with that.

Dragon Age was begun before Bioware made it big, and before they focused on money and the mainstream. Any DLC content is an offspring from that.

Mass Effect 2 and DA2 is the latest iteration of Bioware - and if you can't see the difference and change of focus, you're being blind. Pure and simple. I doubt DA2 will be a bad game. I think it will be good, but much like Mass Effect 2 - it will be something much less than what I really want.

I like to lament the commercialism of the industry - and in particular when it's related to a developer who used to be truly great.

People who make do with what they get, and who don't mind the mainstream approach aren't lunatics, though - they're just easier to please. If they think that's a good thing to be, then that's on them. Personally, I don't see how they're helping the situation - but they're not obligated in any way to support art, so I can't blame them.
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