BioWare: Next Dragon Age Will Draw From Skyrim

And really, it's a smart marketing move. They planted the seed. Now people on the fence about buying DA3 will think to themselves, "well, it DOES have aspects from Skyrim, so it's got to be good!"

I wonder if it indeed will be the case. Maybe I am overestimating cognitive powers of average gamer but I think that: "Fool me twice, shame on me" still apples and that people will be much more cautious about DA3 than they were about DA2.
Jan 10, 2008
That, or gamers might hope that this time Bioware has drawn the *right* conclusions from their past two DA games ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I really think Bioware is in a perfect position with the Dragon Age series. They are coming off a disappointment, and I think most gamers feel that Bioware will have learned from their mistakes with DA2, and that DA3 will be a much better experience. Add to the fact that that's exactly what Bioware is saying now, that they've learned, and then sprinkle in some "we're taking ideas from Skyrim" on top of that, and you have almost a perfect storm for a game release.

DA3 no doubt will be hyped and their "we're taking ideas from Skyrim" tactic will definitely work. There's no doubt in my mind. When it comes down to it, when gamers are debating "should I buy this game", that magic word "Skyrim" is going to be ringing in the back of their minds. It's like a golden carrot dangling in front of the game. "Just think, if you buy this game, it could be like SKYRIM!!!" It will work. Most gamers I believe are not that fickle about buying games, and the slightest advantage you can get (in this case, hopping on the Skyrim bandwagon) could make all the difference.

I'm sure some Skyrim fans have already placed DA3 firmly on their radar now that they heard Bioware is taking ideas from Skyrim.
I really think Bioware is in a perfect position with the Dragon Age series.

You mean EA, not bioware. They ceased as a independent entity quite a while ago. And I highly doubt with their track record EA has learned anything.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
EA certainly cares about their bottom line. So, maybe, number of copies of DA2 sold so far compared to number of copies of Skyrim sold so far could be a hint?
Jan 10, 2008
I really think Bioware is in a perfect position with the Dragon Age series. They are coming off a disappointment, and I think most gamers feel that Bioware will have learned from their mistakes with DA2, and that DA3 will be a much better experience. Add to the fact that that's exactly what Bioware is saying now, that they've learned, and then sprinkle in some "we're taking ideas from Skyrim" on top of that, and you have almost a perfect storm for a game release.

DA3 no doubt will be hyped and their "we're taking ideas from Skyrim" tactic will definitely work. There's no doubt in my mind. When it comes down to it, when gamers are debating "should I buy this game", that magic word "Skyrim" is going to be ringing in the back of their minds. It's like a golden carrot dangling in front of the game. "Just think, if you buy this game, it could be like SKYRIM!!!" It will work. Most gamers I believe are not that fickle about buying games, and the slightest advantage you can get (in this case, hopping on the Skyrim bandwagon) could make all the difference.

I'm sure some Skyrim fans have already placed DA3 firmly on their radar now that they heard Bioware is taking ideas from Skyrim.

Your Skyrim fetish hasn't gone unnoticed and I think that you put too much faith in the word "Skyrim" as a marketing tactic. I doubt that even the masses are that stupid to fall for that marketing trick. After all, Bioware is already a very known and high profile developer and people know what their "strengths" are and what to expect from their games.

Frankly speaking, I have no idea what elements of Skyrim Bioware would be able to put into DA3 as Bioware games are at the other end of the RPG spectrum. Honestly, for me, Skyrim's strength lies in the free roaming and exploration. I think that they have done a very good job designing the world in terms of environment and sceneries. But, IMO, Bethesda's weakness lies in the process of "populating the world" with NPC's and in this area, other developers do a significantly better job. So from this point of view, considering Bioware's strong emphasis on NPC interaction, I doubt they will sacrifice their formula while incorporating some of Skyrim's better features.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
The word Skyrim means 10 million copies shipped, how am I putting too much faith in the word? You don't think your average gamer is going to consider purchasing Dragon Age 3 because they heard "it was gonna be like Skyrim"? You're fooling yourself if so. Gamers aren't that fickle and they will purchase a game just based on a simple marketing trick like that. At the very least, it will be something that weighs in their conscious while they determine if they want to purchase the game or not. Why do you think this guy of high importance has come out and said this when he did? Bioware/EA is not stupid. I'm sure when DA3 gets closer to release we'll hear more about how they took ideas from Skyrim. When you're marketing a game, every little thing you can use to your advantage helps and can make a difference. This is one of those little things. Latching on to a game that shipped 10 million copies is not the worst idea ever.

And maybe they're being completely honest. Maybe DA3 will have aspects taken from Skyrim, whatever they may be. We can only wait and see. But look, this simple press article already has us talking about it on this website. That's exactly what they wanted. DA3 will only grow in hype. And it's mantra is going to be: "We listened to the fans, we learned from our mistakes, oh yeah, and we're taking ideas from Skyrim!"

As for my "Skyrim fetish", if you're talking about me thinking the game is a masterpiece, then yes, I agree. I don't see what that has to do with anything in this topic though.
“How do we combine the new innovations we brought in Dragon Age II with the experience people were looking for in Dragon Age: Origins?” Muzyka said.
Do atleast a 3 year development cycle.

It is not often I sink to this level, but when the doctors speak I smell :poo:.
Mar 30, 2008
The word Skyrim means 10 million copies shipped, how am I putting too much faith in the word?

Those are very impressive numbers indeed. I guess that bribing “professional” game reviewers might be the best idea from Skyrim to be copied by publishers in the future. :)

You don't think your average gamer is going to consider purchasing Dragon Age 3 because they heard "it was gonna be like Skyrim"? You're fooling yourself if so. Gamers aren't that fickle and they will purchase a game just based on a simple marketing trick like that. At the very least, it will be something that weighs in their conscious while they determine if they want to purchase the game or not.

BioWare already has a strong fan base and most RPG players already know what type of games they make so I don’t think the average RPG player is “fooled” in any way.

Perhaps non-RPG players with different gaming interests might be “tricked” but I would expect them to purchase an RPG based on feedback, in which case it will be known if it is like Skyrim or not.

But to be honest, among gamers, I am probably the last person to have an accurate understanding of the psyche of the average gamer. If you are right, than it is a clear case of me overestimating the average gamer.

Why do you think this guy of high importance has come out and said this when he did? Bioware/EA is not stupid. I'm sure when DA3 gets closer to release we'll hear more about how they took ideas from Skyrim.

Well, some journalists tend to emphasize little things to spice up the article. As far as I am concerned, the reference to Skyrim is just a small comment within a larger interview. Therefore, at the moment, I don’t think I have reason to believe that this comment is of any special relevance to the development of DA3 or its future marketing.

When you're marketing a game, every little thing you can use to your advantage helps and can make a difference. This is one of those little things. Latching on to a game that shipped 10 million copies is not the worst idea ever.

I understand your viewpoint, one with which I do not disagree, but do you really think that BioWare needs to feed on Bethesda’s success? I had the impression that many fanboys and girls irrationally considered BioWare to be the greatest RPG developer ever and they still have Mass Effect to use to their full advantage.

Using Skyrim as a major marketing tactic would be a recognition of Bethesda’s superior commercial success in terms of sales and somehow I believe that their pride would not allow such public statements.

And maybe they're being completely honest. Maybe DA3 will have aspects taken from Skyrim, whatever they may be. We can only wait and see.

Perhaps, after extensive studies with the aid of expensive consultancy firms, the brilliant minds at EA will conclude that the sonoric presence of Arnold, our beloved Austrian friend and saviour of worlds, is the key to Skyrim’s success and will thus take immediate action to hire him as well to do ALL the voice acting, including the female NPCs. :)

But look, this simple press article already has us talking about it on this website. That's exactly what they wanted.

That is solely due to this site being an RPG forum and people here like to discuss such matters. But here, as we are RPG players and knowledgeable on the topic, no one is fooled so the article hasn’t “achieved” anything yet.

DA3 will only grow in hype. And it's mantra is going to be: "We listened to the fans, we learned from our mistakes, oh yeah, and we're taking ideas from Skyrim!"

It is likely that DA3 will be hyped and they certainly need to repair the damage done by the DA2 debacle but we’ll see whether they will use Skyrim as a major marketing tool. Frankly, I doubt it but if so, I shall gladly follow the unavoidable mockery at the Codex. :)

EDIT: It seems that RPGCodex has closed its gates and all inhabitants have been expelled turning them into poor homeless souls. The first wave of refugees has arrived and they are starting to get accustomed to the safety and warmth of the Watch. To all Bethesda and BioWare fanboys, prepare yourselves…..for dark times are coming! :)

As for my "Skyrim fetish", if you're talking about me thinking the game is a masterpiece, then yes, I agree. I don't see what that has to do with anything in this topic though.

My point is that you seem to praise this game a lot and might perhaps think that most gamers feel the same way hence assuming that most would automatically salivate as well with the mere thought of another Skyrim thus making them particularly susceptible to ingeniously devised Pavlovian tactics by BioWare.

Naturally, it could go both ways. Don’t get me wrong, I think Skyrim is a good game but it is no secret that I don’t think it excels in the areas that I consider important in RPG’s so possibly my own negativity might cloud my own judgment when estimating the effects that the term Skyrim may have on others.
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Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
That, or gamers might hope that this time Bioware has drawn the *right* conclusions from their past two DA games …

As long as they stick to their 'intended narrative' restriction they enforced in DA2, Dragon Age 3 is going to be so very bad. I really don't understand why they took away any meaningful choices in Dragon Age 2, even your DA1 choices hardly carry over. I killed the bard and Zhevran in DA1, and they both still return just because David Gaider wants it to be so.

OK pal, it's your game, I'm sorry I took a choice that I thought mattered. But is it too much to ask if I could walk away from the forced pick a side finale at Kirkwall? Because both sides aren't worth saving for my Hawke. The mages are a bunch of whiny people who doesn't understand the meaning of self control while the templars are complete assholes who love to take the moral high ground.

And since the bioware fan base considered Merrill a source of 'good point' in DA2, I'd commit seppuku if Bioware wouldn't reintroduce another romance-able Jar Jar Binks in the sequel because the fans clamored for it.
Dec 26, 2011
As long as they stick to their 'intended narrative' restriction they enforced in DA2, Dragon Age 3 is going to be so very bad. I really don't understand why they took away any meaningful choices in Dragon Age 2, even your DA1 choices hardly carry over.

[IRONY] Oh, but that's surely one of "innovations brought to the table" by DA2 team according to Ray Muzyka [/IRONY]
Jan 10, 2008
Skyirm earns a lot of money. EA wants Bioware to make similar game. News at eleven.

Anyways, DA franchise is awful beyond redemption, so I don't expect that ripping Skyrim will change anything. Unless they invest in a good PR campaign [smug].
Dec 26, 2011
Actually, imagine a game with Bioware team writing the story and Bethesda creating game world?
Jan 10, 2008
Actually, imagine a game with Bioware team writing the story and Bethesda creating game world?
I would prefer a game where Obsidian writes the story and Bethesda creates the game world. And the good thing: It exists.
Dec 26, 2007
Very true :)
Jan 10, 2008
Well, some journalists tend to emphasize little things to spice up the article. As far as I am concerned, the reference to Skyrim is just a small comment within a larger interview. Therefore, at the moment, I don’t think I have reason to believe that this comment is of any special relevance to the development of DA3 or its future marketing.

Although I do not share in your misguided perception that Skyrim is not the greatest wonder of the world since the invention of sliced bread, I completely agree with your take on this.

Of course Bioware devs are playing Skyrim, as well as lots of other games; it is part of their job description to do this. The author of that article is merely playing it up as though DA3 will be a Skyrim clone in order to drive traffic. It's a story as old as the news has been reported.
Jan 15, 2011
You got it man. They want some of that Skyrim
Whether or not they will take any real ideas from Skyrim remains to be seen. Who knows, maybe they will surprise us, but I doubt it. It would mean re-writing the Dragon Age game completely. It just doesn't appear to be the type of game that's built for real open-world exploration. So I just view this as a bunch of crap really.

I am on board with you. There will be very little, if anything, taken from Skyrim to DA. Its just a PR stunt, and a poorly executed one at that. With EA rushing out their CRPG development where in blue hell are they going to have the zots to re-build their engine to anything open world like Skyrim does? Unless hes talking thinks like crafting concepts or auto quest respawn scripting. I can see something like that perhaps, but not much more.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
I would prefer a game where Obsidian writes the story and Bethesda creates the game world. And the good thing: It exists.

Sadly it wont happen but maybe they can lick Bethesda's feet for a chance to make another fallout game after fallout 4 comes out. Till then were stuck with the onyx engine Southpark rpg and the unannounced rpg in development.
Oct 1, 2010
Hmm, a shitty developer drawing from another shitty developer. I'm positive the resulting game will end up being a masterpiece. 100mil copies sold!
Dec 13, 2010
@Crooked Bee

I wouldn't be so harsh, but they definitely are confusing their user base. The biggest problem with DA2 was the story and execution of the plot. If they're going for Skyrim's sandbox gameplay, I doubt they can fix the two problems.

Skyrim, despite the 'go anywhere, do anything' setup, hardly pleases anyone who looks for a good story and execution. Aside from few choice quests, most of it involves heading to Point A and kill someone or trigger a special event.

I prefer Mount & Blade seriously over the half assed radiant quest, at least I could accomplish some stuff and have the world changed instead of broken NPCs and amnesiac NPC in Skyrim.

Now, if Gaider could actually pull off a Templar doing Witch hunts in the third game....I'd probably dig it. Torturing those mages are going to be so fun.

"Inquisitor, it appears this apostate is very, very resilient to our ....persuasions..she would not divulge the hideout of her friends..."

Pass me the hot irons...I'll show you how it's done...*Evil chuckle*

Dec 26, 2011
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