Biowear blames rival, for bad ratings

Does Biowear make good games?

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I didn't see it as boring as you did (obviously). Yes, the travel could get tedious, especially if it was to a place you hadn't visited yet, and I will concede that the landscape was far too bombed out for an area that was 200 years past the time the bombs fell (there's stuff growing in the Chernobyl reactors already for crying out loud). However, those things were balanced out by the numerous ways you could get sidetracked en route to your destination, and there were more than a couple of interesting and memorable locations, with memorable quests; Tenpenny Tower, Oasis, the Dunwich Building, Canterbury Commons, the Museum of Natural History, Rivet City…
I just didn't find those locations interesting enough nor unique enough to warrant exploration. To me there is nothing more dull than randomly roaming the wasteland in search of something interesting. Perhaps I just don't like the general style of the game. In the past I have had no problem with open world games though, Gothic being one of my favorite games and all. In Gothic they managed to keep things interesting by varying enemy types from area to area and having a handcrafted world. The major difference between the two is that F3's wasteland felt soulless while Gothic's scenery always felt somewhat fresh.
The fact that the DC metro area was broken into smaller sections, and that access routes were blocked off by debris isn't any different than Fallout 1 or 2. Both of the first games had ways of channelizing you in both interior and exterior locations, whether it be by placement of exit grids, or blocking you off with wrecked cars, fences, walls, collapsed rubble, non-functioning doors, etc. (The areas of the first two Fallout games were nothing more than cells contained within larger zones, that were spots on a map.) Furthermore, it makes sense to create chokepoints, dead ends, and a maze-like structure out of the area, considering much of the city is an active war zone. It's no surprise that the metro tunnels all look the same, or that they contain nothing of value or interest, because they're simply pathways from one area to the other. You don't even need to utilize them once you've discovered the connecting metro station, but, again, that's part of the process of navigating the metro area. Compared with FO1 and 2s dashed line criss-crossing SoCal, I thought FO3's method did a much better job of keeping you integrated with the game world.
I don't dislike mazes at all, but I did not like how much of a time waster the metro was.
I was rather fond of the world map from FO1 and 2, it made sense in more than one way. On one hand it was quick and weren't completely eventful, on the other it allowed the developers to focus on key locations. This shows quite a lot on the actual locations and characters.

So…you're a masochist…
Yes, I am.:blush:

I pretty much cut my teeth on the Fallout series, and it will always be one of my favorite games and settings, and while I don't think that FO3 was as good as the first two, I thought it was a more than adequate addition, and nowhere near the abortion of Fallout: Tactics. The writing in FO1 and 2 is leaps and bounds better than FO3, but I think FO3 has a much more rewarding experience in terms of exploration due to a more immersive and open world.
I disagree, but I can see why you think so. The engine ruined the immersion for me, mostly thanks to the horrible animations. But thank you for taking your time to properly say what you liked about the game. It was interesting to read some well thought out points about the game.
And you are right, it could have been much worse.

There are a lot of complaints that the combat in FO3 is ridiculous - especially if you use V.A.T.S. - but it's no different than the first two games, if you - like I did - spend a good week just running around grinding random encounters, turning yourself into a perk-laden Ubermensch with Adv. Power Armor Mk II.
It's quite different, in F3 you could press a button to do an aimed shot while you get a bonus to defense. Enemies do not get a turn, but rather shoot/run after/bite you simultaneously. This removed the need for even less tactics than the previous games, and they didn't have very deep combat either.
But yeah, it's alot like starting the game as a perk-laden ubermench.
Oct 4, 2010
FO3 was waaay too easy out of the box, I'll give you that. That's why a lot of the mods I used were for the purpose of making the game more challenging. The Wasteland became a lot more exciting when I could die at any moment.

Immersion while exploring? FO3 wins hands down for me. I think Captain Buzzkill did a good job of summing up why, although I can understand that it wasn't for everyone.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
FO3 was waaay too easy out of the box, I'll give you that. That's why a lot of the mods I used were for the purpose of making the game more challenging. The Wasteland became a lot more exciting when I could die at any moment.

Immersion while exploring? FO3 wins hands down for me. I think Captain Buzzkill did a good job of summing up why, although I can understand that it wasn't for everyone.

its still p.bad if you need mods to make it good
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
3 times? you must be joking, unless you wanted to kill yourself, which is certainly a roleplaying alternative. ;)

that is the only real alternative tbh, seeing that playing through the game as an evil char is the same as a good char
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
How about this Bioware.

You make a game with decent gameplay, and I'll play your mostrously overrated products again.

Only EA could resort to muscle to try to intimidate a game review site/mag.

You went console with Kotor and that's the end of it.
May 1, 2011
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
while that's funny, the few comments of people thinking that the video was indeed a real product truly enhances the experience!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
SAGO you're not a completely worthless troll. Surprise! The comments to that video were worth the viewing!

youre saying that trolling is a worthwhile pasttime in the first place? lol

btw why am i a troll? is it because i contradict opinions? mah profile? i thought i was being subtle and witty and funnay :(

Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
Could it be?! The return of VB?!

It was only a matter of time...
Oct 18, 2006
SAGO's not all that bad, he's just kind of an asshole sometimes. Compared to some of the other assholes who combine their attitude w/ "hey look how un-funnay i am" spam-like posts (Modder Prosper), like a 3 year old tugging on your shirt-tails for attention.

I far prefer SAGO's bullshit to some of the other retards who are far more annoying in their methodology.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Oh behave.
Aug 31, 2006
I wonder if anyone has watched the full four hours of that thing..
Oct 18, 2006
Your post push up this thread and made me quote how stupid and ridiculous is the title of this thread.

codex rival of bioware, lol. Since when codex produce anything? Codex just destroy, just one more point of destruction, insignificant but taking its little share in world craziness.
Oct 14, 2007
codex rival of bioware, lol. Since when codex produce anything? Codex just destroy, just one more point of destruction, insignificant but taking its little share in world craziness.

It's good for what it is - to draw attention (admittedly rather loudly) to the fact that games are becoming all mainstream action adventure cinematics, with the occasional joypad wiggle or click give the illusion of interactivity (or just to check that the player is still there). Few are still fighting that fight. However their nostalgia goggles, hate for everything that is not BG2 (/Morrowind/PS:T), and salty language doesn't help the cause, imho.
Feb 28, 2011
Nah, Morrowind is a hiking simulator and BG 2 is the root of the Decline ;)

Their holy Trinity consists of Fallout (the original one), Arcanum and Planescape Torment - good Choices indeed.
Oct 18, 2006
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