Thanks guys. Going out to Chilis later for a birthday bash. Fun but a little expensive. After this night I will be officially broke. Actually, I think I passed broke a few weeks ago. I blame it all on Steams insane prices.
I better enjoy it tonight because tomorrow I'll be buying the cheapest food I can find. So I'm now in the "what is this I'm eating? It's purple and just said it's name was Bob" zone. Haven't been in this zone in over 10 years now :lol:
Hey feast or famine, but it's Mag's turn to be the birthday girl. Have a great day you left wing commie pinko (as Dte would say) Don't party too long, at your age it's not worth it anymore; takes TOO long to recover!!
As usual I baked you the usual skaven special birthday cake. Guaranteed to either bring youth and vitality or a tail. It's a crapshoot with these guys sometimes, you just never know what is coming.
@JDR we also have TGIFridays, McDonalds, Burgerking, KFC, Dunkin Doughnuts, and Wendy's just came back to Taiwan. Oh and there is a 7-11 on every corner in Taiwan. You can't go 1 block without seeing seeing one.
Do commie pinkos even celebrate decadent pigdog traditions like birthdays? I wonder if Mags would favor some progressive redistribution of this whole birthday thing...
Do commie pinkos even celebrate decadent pigdog traditions like birthdays? I wonder if Mags would favor some progressive redistribution of this whole birthday thing…
Thanks all—you blasted foreigners keep making me a year older before I even have to be—I have three more hours,dammit!
But I forgive you, and since skaven's cake hasn't noticeably performed in the youth and vitality area, I'll no doubt be busy in the days to come altering all my clothing for the new tail. Yay. (If we had a groucho emoticon I could do something about the old tail being bad enough, but we'll let that slide…)
I think dte has the best solution—the government can buy me cake, per Mike and then I generously redistribute my wealth of years among the needy young sprouts like Rith & skav, who can use all that gravitas for better jobs or something. Because it's all about you guys.
Seriously, thanks for the camaraderie and all—it helps on this whole getting old and decrepit thing I seem to be going through—maybe it's just a phase? pleeeze?
And it's my birthday—I can use all the smilies I want.