Blue Reflection is coming to PC in September


The Smoker
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
April 12, 2009
Blue Reflection is a role-playing game, which follows a day cycle: in the morning, the player character goes to school, and sometimes meets other students on the way. Scenes occur during school, some of which involve questions from the player character's classmates, which affect their relationship to the player character depending on the player's answers;[1] close friendships with characters enables additional support benefits during battles, and affects their attitudes towards the player during story sequences.[2] The player can also interact with characters by messaging them through an in-game mobile app, which also allows the player to view character profiles and play minigames. After school, the player is allowed to move around freely; they can choose between various activities, including spending time with the classmates and creating items. After the player is done for the day, their character returns home, and the day ends with her going to sleep.[1]

The player can also try to solve classmates' problems during their free time.[1] The cause for their problems sometimes reside outside the real world, in the Other World; by visiting it, the player can seek out emotion fragments, which cause defects in the real world. After finding the fragments and overcoming challenges in the Other World, the player learns about the thoughts of the character they're helping, is returned to the real world, and receives reward items and fragments.[3] Different missions include different rewards; some give the player growth points, which the player can invest in their characters' attack, defense, support, or technic stats, making them stronger and teaching them new skills. The fragments the player acquires can be equipped to the characters' skills, giving the skills additional effects. In addition to the rewards, some missions give the player evaluation points; the story progresses when the player has acquired enough of them.[4]

While exploring the Other World, the player sometimes encounters monsters, leading to a battle,[3] wherein the three characters in the player's party fight through a turn-based system.
Gust’s latest role-playing game will be released on PlayStation 4 and Steam on September 26th. The game is a brand new IP featuring a heartwarming narrative, colorful main characters, and a unique setting.

Count me interested, but buying will depend if a game is playable with M+K and if I can save anywhere - classic problems I have with jRPG ports.

Here's also one playstation review:
Apr 12, 2009
Gameplay sounds similar to Persona games. Not that that's a bad thing, I'll play it in September for sure (well maybe October).
Sep 23, 2008
Koei Tecmo? Yeah, I would DEFINITELY wait to see how this port really works before paying them anything.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
didn't know this was coming out on pc. Game just came out in Japan and amqzon reviews are pretty good even though the price went down quick.
Jul 25, 2017
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