Borderlands 2 - 3rd Highest Preorders in Take-Two History

Whoa! Third highest for that one company? In all of human history? That is news!
Oct 18, 2006
Well, good for them. Let's hope it's a real improvement. I liked Borderlands quite a bit as a cooperative game - but it doesn't quite reach games like Diablo 2, Hellgate or Titan Quest. But it wouldn't take THAT much to get it there.
The first one was a lot of fun; it shouldn't have been but I really liked it. I have my doubts that the 2nd will retain the charm; but if it does I'll give it a ring.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I bought this during the steam sale, but really haven't played much. Liked the cute little robot in the beginning.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, good for them. Let's hope it's a real improvement. I liked Borderlands quite a bit as a cooperative game - but it doesn't quite reach games like Diablo 2, Hellgate or Titan Quest. But it wouldn't take THAT much to get it there.
Yeah, had a blast playing it with my friend, played once and that was it. It's nothing like DII, hopefully Borderlands 2 will have higher replay value and more depth.
Nov 3, 2009
I really enjoyed Borderlands, although when I try to think about why I enjoyed it so much, the only reason I come up with is because of all of the different kinds of guns. It was amazing how you could find 10 different types of sniper rifles, and they would all feel so different from each other beyond just how much damage they did.

I'm not sure if that's a great foundation to build a game on, but somehow it just worked for me, and made the loot search much more fun. I did always feel like it had a lot of missed potential in other areas though.
Apr 14, 2011
It was definitely the way they handled the guns and loot in general. The character system was quite simplistic - and I found the overall world/setting generic for what it was. Then again, I never was a fan of desert/post-apoc stuff. I like my worlds more vibrant or just with more atmospheric variety.

But the loot - especially the weaponry - was fantastic, and something that Diablo 3 really should have learned from. Hellgate did the same thing (but in a much, much more elaborate way) - and that too was fantastic for the loot hunt.
Sometimes I regret never trying out Hellgate. I was looking forward to it at first, but the reviews were so bad that I was scared away.

Anyway let's hope that Borderlands 2 can keep their excellent loot/gun system while adding a little more depth in other areas.

It was definitely the way they handled the guns and loot in general. The character system was quite simplistic - and I found the overall world/setting generic for what it was. Then again, I never was a fan of desert/post-apoc stuff. I like my worlds more vibrant or just with more atmospheric variety.

But the loot - especially the weaponry - was fantastic, and something that Diablo 3 really should have learned from. Hellgate did the same thing (but in a much, much more elaborate way) - and that too was fantastic for the loot hunt.
Apr 14, 2011
You didn't miss anything with Hellgate.

People are so disappointed in Diablo 3 they are longing for the memory of the promise of Hellgate.
Nov 28, 2006
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