Choice of smartphone

I wouldn't.
There are plenty of x-ray pics titled "doctors got surprised with the find".
Apr 12, 2009
I merely suggested what to do, you'll, of course, do what you like.

I mean… Phones can vibrate too, and thus you can use them as sex toys. I still suggest to use them only for phoning and not something other gadgets do 100 times better.

Well, I use it to keep tracks of my appointments. I have 30Gb of music I listen to. I've got books on it. I've got an app that tells me when my trains leave for going home, and tells me instantly if there are delays or other problems (actually quite relevant the next couuple of years). I use it as a heart rate monitor (POLAR) when excercizing, it also logs my training sessions. And more. And more…. And more.

Sure I could use an MP3 player for taking my music with me, I could use a kindle for books, and a notebook for appointments. And I could of course phone the railway company and ask them if there are delays. But why would I want to do that when I can have everything in one device, which BTW does all these things very well?

However, I don't use it much for surfing (mainly for things I need to check there and then, sometime the news), and I don't use it for email. I use it only very occasionally for gaming, and then it's sudoku or mah jongg and similar games.

pibbur who is quite happy with his iPhone 5 without insurance
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Phone is a phone.
Buy phone for phoning.
The cheapest one possible with longlasting battery. When it farts, buy another. Cheap one.

For other things that are not phoning buy yourself a desktop PC (gaming) or Kindle (ebooks).

I'm pretty much in this camp. Cheap Moto G and a sim-only one month contract.

I'm not signing up to unfavourable 2 year contracts, or paying phone insurance rates so high that they are basically prepayments on another phone.
Nov 8, 2014
I merely suggested what to do, you'll, of course, do what you like.

I mean… Phones can vibrate too, and thus you can use them as sex toys. I still suggest to use them only for phoning and not something other gadgets do 100 times better.

sorry joxer, but you couldn't be more short sighted.

Smartphones and tablets have changed the way I'm able to do business.

I can keep the entire contents of my office on my smartphone. No more "let me get back to the office and check", no more having my truck littered with plans, blueprints, files and folders. just a phone on my belt clip and a tablet in the center console.

I can send pictures to customers or subcontractors so they know exactly what I want and if need be I can skype, facetime or google hangout so I can show them just as if I was standing right next to them.

I can do invoicing or bids on the go or just walk through a job and give a customer a bid immediately instead of it taking a couple days to get back to them.

I can email, check email, send receive documents schedule jobs by using my calendar ( instead of having to check on my pc when I get back to the office)

I can research new technologies and even watch videos on new products as I'm using them to ensure I'm up to date and I can send these videos to employees or subcontractors to keep them up to date as well.

I can do everything I can on my PC and do it in the field. I would estimate I save 15-20 hours a week this way. Hours I can use gaming on my PC ( this is the one spot I'll agree with you)

I also have kidney disease. I use my phone to track everything I eat or drink, exercise and blood pressures and my doctor has a day to day record of what I'm doing to help him better treat me.

In my personal life they are great for keeping track of appointments, birthdays, get together, etc. Yes my PC can do this but it's not with me all the time.

They also take great pictures off my kids that I can send instantly to family. I use an app to track my kids so I know where they are and they know where I am in case of an emergency. GPS is invaluable for personal and business.

I could give you 100's of uses but I've typed enough.

If your only looking at smartphones and tablets as a phone or gaming device you are really missing the boat.
Sorry but… What you posted reminds me on something.

Missing the boat? Dunno. It's your choice.
My choice is to live freely.
Apr 12, 2009
Sorry but… What you posted reminds me on something.

Missing the boat? Dunno. It's your choice.
My choice is to live freely.

As usual you make no sense to me.

I have no idea what that video or living freely has to do with my post.
As usual. Maybe it helps if I write it another way?
I smoke. A lot. I'm an addict.

Is being an addict something good or is something bad?
Does it make sense now?
Apr 12, 2009
As usual. Maybe it helps if I write it another way?
I smoke. A lot. I'm an addict.

Is being an addict something good or is something bad?
Does it make sense now?

Since smoking is bad for you, everyone around you and the environment ... you might as well ask if being addicted to dumping mercury into water sources is bad, or hitting babies with hammers is bad.

If it is about smoking, then YES, it IS bad.
Oct 18, 2006
Well I'm an evil bastard.
But I'd never suggest you to get addicted too.
Apr 12, 2009
As usual. Maybe it helps if I write it another way?
I smoke. A lot. I'm an addict.

Is being an addict something good or is something bad?
Does it make sense now?

I don't know does smoking free up 15-20 hours a week so you can game or spend time with family or do anything else you want?

Does it make tasks you need to do faster or easier?

Does it supplement your poor memory?

I'm not addicted to my phone or tablet. They're tools to do a job. I could pound a nail in with my hand but I'd rather use a hammer. I'm I then addicted to the hammer?

Iv e lost 2 family members to smoking related illnesses and my step dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 3 months ago. So I don't really care to talk of smoking. Obviously Id see it as bad.
Well, I think that smartphone addiction will probably be a more serious threat than smoking 10-15 years from now unless something is done.

However it has more positive appliances compared to smoking, but it is also easier to get addicted to.

Sadly smoking can have a good affect on your career, you meet other smokers when going out to smoke or going to the smoking "room" if such a one exist, which can lead to connections you wouldn't get otherwise.
Oct 25, 2006
Unfortunately this is so true, as someone who owns both apple and android devices its just about a crime how superior apple apps are to android. In almost every case the apple app is better even when they are the same app, apples version will be more polished.

Not sure why they can't make the same app for both platforms.

Anyway I just recieved my nexus 6 and its by far the best phone I've ever used. Great screen, battery life and the speakers are second to none.

I owned an lg g3 and note 3 before this.they were fine phones but this nexus 6 is impressive.

Now if android apps could just improve.
Is nexus 6 size tolerable? I have a nexus5 and i'm very pleased with it. I was going for a nexus 6 but the size is scaring me. I am considering htc and lg now.
Oct 4, 2007
Is nexus 6 size tolerable? I have a nexus5 and i'm very pleased with it. I was going for a nexus 6 but the size is scaring me. I am considering htc and lg now.

I like the bigger phones to an extent - I had a Galaxy Note 3 for a while after iPhone 5 and before iPhone 6, and liked the screen (and used the stylus a surprising amount). But since our whole family is on iOS and I use my iPad all the time, I came back to the iPhone 6 (not Plus), and that size works better for me. Really depends on use.
Oct 18, 2006
Is nexus 6 size tolerable? I have a nexus5 and i'm very pleased with it. I was going for a nexus 6 but the size is scaring me. I am considering htc and lg now.

Unless you have giant hands you will need to use 2 hands to use the phone. Some actions can be done with one hand obviously but more often than not you'll need an extra hand to reach everything.

If you don't mind 2 hand operation then I think the size is great. This is the first phone I haven't had to zoom in at all to surf the web. The keyboard keys are nice and I don't hit 2 at once like I used to on smaller phones.

I don't text while driving so I have no problem with needing 2 hands and even when I had smaller phones I would use 2 hands as it just felt more comfortable.

My brother, on the other hand has always been a one handed texter and thinks the new normal size iPhone is too big.

So it all comes down to personal preference. If you can I'd suggest going down to a phone store or best buy and holding one before you make a choice.

What I will say though is I love the phone. As someone who's owned most of the top rated phones And is constantly switching phones for various reasons, I can say this is the first phone that I won't use to see when the next phone is coming out.
My worries are how am i supposed to carry this thing in my pocket and how funny i will look with a 6 inch phone next to my ear. Nexus 6 haven't landed in greece yet, so i wait for a personal test drive.

Iphone is a nice phone but i can't justify the 100 extra euro in price compared to the competition. I used to have iphones but when i bought nexus 5 and realized i did the exact same things with my phone for the half price i dropped apple.
Oct 4, 2007
One thing that I absolutely LOVE about Windows Phone is the ability to pin specific things to the start screen. For instance, I can pin a playlist, not just the music app. I can pin my closest movie theater in Fandango, rather than have to pin Fandango, open Fandango, look for my theater, etc. I know Apple can't do that (I wanted to pin specific videos so my then 2yo could more easily play her movies, it wasn't possible), I don't think Android can.

I also have two email accounts linked there, and have them pinned to the start screen, so when an email comes in, I already know which account it is for.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
After disappointing windows phones 520 and 720 I bought samsung galaxy s4+ frost white (improved version with better processor) to my wife. Cost 300€ which is the same price as oneplus one. I think s4 is the winner though.

S4+ an amazing phone really and affordable. Less than year ago it cost 680€ but now its 300€, so now is the right time to buy it.

The only bad thing I can think of is that its bit boring choice. Galaxies all look the same and everyone has them. But they do their job excellently and thats the most important thing.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
A phone is not a substitute for a real computer, never. Also most "apps" are useless gimmicks and just Trojan horses to datamine you and steal your contacts list.

I must say the iPhone 6 plus has pretty much the ideal size. I would never go bigger though.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
A phone is not a substitute for a real computer, never. Also most "apps" are useless gimmicks and just Trojan horses to datamine you and steal your contacts list.

I must say the iPhone 6 plus has pretty much the ideal size. I would never go bigger though.

Depends on what you use your computer for.

Gaming? then I absolutely agree,

but if your like my wife who only used her laptop for email and facebook then a phone is definitely a substitute and for her a replacement her laptops been sitting under a pile of clothes for a long time.

I agree most apps are garbage but there are hundreds of thousands of apps and some are real gems like Evernote. It's invaluable to me. I have all my documents in the palm of my hand and can send them to my team or subcontractors in seconds.
I would never use notes on any service that wasn't locally encrypted. I suggest you switch to Lastpass.

Lastpass is the single most convenient app I can think of, and it is truly locally encrypted. All my logins for hundreds of websites are accessible at a single touch and protected by my master password.

They can't access your data, whereas 99% of the others can.

So far I must say it is true, it's amazing how better optimized iOS apps are in comparison to Android ones.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
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