Chris Avellone - Interview @ PC Invasion


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October 1, 2010
PC Invasion released their full interview with Chris Avellone.
PCI: How’s your work going on Tides of Numenera?

CA: I’ve done a lot of the core arch for the companion I’m designing for that game, and also I finished the outline for the first graphic novel, and I’m halfway through the second one.

I’m actually really excited about it. I think the setting is really cool and I think Monte Cook, who was also part of Planescape, his design aesthetic really shows through in that world and it’s just as much fun to design for as it was for Planescape.

PCI: Beyond Numenera is there anything you can talk about that you’re working on in the future?

: Nothing that I can talk about right now. I will say that the work on Numenera, I’m really enjoying it. There’s a lot of stuff still to do so I’m looking forward to getting my hands back in there. I really enjoy writing the character that’s going to be in the game, in many respects he’s very planescapey so I’m looking forward to that. Also, I’m working with a lot of the guys that I worked with on NWN 2, and also the original Planescape, so being able to work with all those guys again has been a huge joy.

The future beyond that… I guess there’s a lot of gleams in people’s eyes for these really cool ideas they would like to bring to the game arena and those ideas are pretty awesome. So I’m looking forward to seeing where that goes and hopefully being a part of that.

PCI: We’re definitely going to see more games from you then?

CA: I don’t think I could ever stop being a game designer, that’s just where my brain is going to be at until I’m in the coffin.
Oct 1, 2010
Good to learn that he isn't falling off the side of the Earth or anything. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what he does next. Sounds like he wants to contribute to other projects in the future. I just wonder what.
Jun 6, 2015
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