Colony Ship - Review @ Mortismal Gaming

So anyone on the site playing this right now? How is it good or bad? :unsure:

Me I downloaded it but busy playing another game.
Oct 1, 2010
For once, Mortismal is late with a review. He promised this last week. ;)
He's getting too old for this. ;)

Talking about that, I see there are achievements for completing the chapters without any fight. It's nice to see there are several ways to approach the quests (at least the main one).
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
If my hobby turned into a business I doubt I would enjoy it anymore. From my experience being a news editor and moderator almost burned me out on games.
Oct 1, 2010
If my hobby turned into a business I doubt I would enjoy it anymore. From my experience being a news editor and moderator almost burned me out on games.
Just spending too much time on gaming (or anything) is enough to burn out.

I suppose it's fine to do something related to gaming as a business, as long as there's not too much pressure. Even so, it's probably better to do something you're passionate about than something annoying on top of the pressure. But it means you may indeed need another hobby for your free time.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I write for RPGs pretty regularly. It doesn't stop me from playing, but I'm REALLY picky about what I want to play in my old age. I imagine that helps.
Oct 18, 2006
I write for RPGs pretty regularly. It doesn't stop me from playing, but I'm REALLY picky about what I want to play in my old age. I imagine that helps.
I'm definitely a lot pickier now as well compared to when I was younger, but I'm not sure if that's more due to a change in taste or because there are so many more games now.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So anyone on the site playing this right now? How is it good or bad? :unsure:

Me I downloaded it but busy playing another game.
I am playing it. Played quite a bit, I would say, roughly, 60% of the main story, with all side quests that are possible to complete, completed.

Not impressed. Really barebones game, and I read it goes downhill from the point I'm in. Really bad offering, it's completely soulless. The NPCs, including your companions, are some of the worst I have seen in the last several years, dialogue is abysmal and there's just no character, and although the theme and setting is extremely interesting, they managed to execute it in the most bland, generic and half baked way possible.

Ah, quest design is horrible and too simplistic too.
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Apr 11, 2012
I'm playing too. My time is limited so I'm only about 10 hours in. I'm having a blast and taking my time. I think it's great. For anyone that liked Age of Decadence this is similar but with better graphics, systems, combat, and (seems to me) more side quests. The early access I played before gives a good idea of what to expect, so I'm assuming the demo does as well.

My biggest criticism is the lack of black and white decisions, and this could be leveled at games besides this one, such as Tyranny, Torment, ATOM RPG, and even Pillars of Eternity. I want to side with the good guys and fight the bad guys in games. Books are a different story since the book is about the story and you make no decisions. When everyone is the bad guy, the decisions I'm offered (for me) goes from roleplaying to doing searches of guides to see which is most materially beneficial.

Spoiler - I'm putting off the decision to kill the mutant guy in the ruins or who to side with in the town, but I'll be done with all the other quests soon so will have to decide.
Sep 27, 2022
My biggest criticism is the lack of black and white decisions, and this could be leveled at games besides this one, such as Tyranny, Torment, ATOM RPG, and even Pillars of Eternity. I want to side with the good guys and fight the bad guys in games.
Wow, I'm so much on the opposite side of this. Black and white decisions are so boring.
Jan 14, 2016
Wow, I'm so much on the opposite side of this. Black and white decisions are so boring.
I shouldn't say black and white. I should change that to clear choices. And I prefer one of them to be the clear good path. For instance, in Tyranny, I prefer siding with the rebels but I wish the rebels were the good guys, and not the best of the bad guys. I played a little more today and sided with someone to run the pit, but I don't feel good about my decision. I picked the one I felt was less bad. But now I'm at a hub and I'm not sure if I proceed with the people I decided to side with it will close out content for the factions or what.

In games I want clarity and to feel good about my decisions. I don't want to load up and old save and replay through content to fix errors. Having choices and a clear path is my preferred types of games. For instance, in Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer or Knights of the Old Republic, there's choices but I never really struggled with them. I felt good about my decisions and never felt like making a choice messed up my playthrough. I'm not sure if that makes sense if you want hard choices you question.
Sep 27, 2022
I shouldn't say black and white. I should change that to clear choices. And I prefer one of them to be the clear good path. For instance, in Tyranny, I prefer siding with the rebels but I wish the rebels were the good guys, and not the best of the bad guys. I played a little more today and sided with someone to run the pit, but I don't feel good about my decision. I picked the one I felt was less bad. But now I'm at a hub and I'm not sure if I proceed with the people I decided to side with it will close out content for the factions or what.

In games I want clarity and to feel good about my decisions. I don't want to load up and old save and replay through content to fix errors. Having choices and a clear path is my preferred types of games. For instance, in Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer or Knights of the Old Republic, there's choices but I never really struggled with them. I felt good about my decisions and never felt like making a choice messed up my playthrough. I'm not sure if that makes sense if you want hard choices you question.
This game is not a fight between good and evil though. It's how real people would fight for survival and their ideas.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
This game is not a fight between good and evil though. It's how real people would fight for survival and their ideas.
I completely agree and think you guys did a fantastic job of nailing this. The uncertainty of decisions. It's realistic, makes complete sense, and I could see why it would be a huge selling point for a lot of people. I'd love to read a book in the Colony Ship setting. I'm playing for the other aspects of the game you guys also nailed, such as the non-story RPG mechanics and systems and great combat. Most of the quests (or side quests) don't have big decisions I rack my brain over and are more my type of fun.
Sep 27, 2022
This game is not a fight between good and evil though. It's how real people would fight for survival and their ideas.
I think he didnt mean clear good vs evil options. He probably miss some fraction he would be more inclined to. If all sides are just bad guys then the choice is meaningless. And that is even worse than simple good vs evil. At least thats how I see it imho.
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
If all sides are just bad guys then the choice is meaningless. And that is even worse than simple good vs evil. At least thats how I see it imho.
Isn't that basically description of 40K universe?
Sep 4, 2021
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
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