Coronavirus (No Politics)

Hope you're all recovering quickly.

Fun story: Earlier today I felt kind of warm, and briefly considered whether I would develop a fever. Until I noticed that it was 25°C in the room. My heater was running at maximum.
May 18, 2012
Friday I was visiting my Dad in the emergency ward at a local hospital. I won't go into details, but it turned out a few wards away a patient was terminally ill with COVID-19: the first US patient to die of the disease. We may even have been sitting in the same waiting room. That's… a little too close for comfort. Anyway, today I'm paying a lot more attention to my hand washing.
Mar 22, 2012
Just a small tip: avoid touching mouth, eyes and nose if you have not washed your hands properly for a while.
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Two more tips for those that like reading them:
Normally, one person at the time gets ill. Here chances are several people in the household get ill at the same time. You might need drugs for all of them at the same time. Check your stock.
When in quarantaine, it could be just one person is ill, but the other members of the family are fine though they surely will be advised to check their temperature once or even twice every day. It is unwise to swap the one thermometer.
Just a quick update. Fever did not come back and I'm feeling like my old self again. whatever it was is finally gone, in fact I was running out the door to help a friend move a couch until he cancelled a few minutes ago. Feel great once more.

Winter I hope everything is going ok with you:)
Oct 18, 2006
Didn't the zombie virus in World War Z start in China and spread through illegal organ transplants? I will be going to get supplies tonight with my shotgun and war hammer ;)
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
No war hammer here. I've been washing my hands more regularly and going about business as usual.
Sep 16, 2010
Same, my company has put hand sanitizers on every floor at the stairwells. No reason not to use it as you exit to your destination. There are self standing dispensers at several of the outbuildings too.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't think we are going to start serious testing here in the USA for another week or two. There's a lot of testing kits going out to the states but they have to get there, get organized, figure out who should be tested and who shouldn't, actually do the tests, then report results. A million kits may sound like a lot but, with just about everyone with a fever wanting to get tested, we likely need 20 times that number. That means numbers coming out of the USA should be taken with enough salt to melt the ice off a hockey rink.

CDC's website:

Please note all the "thought to be" bits in there. This thing is VERY new so a good bit of this comes from educated guesses. Don't expect solid facts for quite some time to come. Anyone giving you solid facts without lots of "we think"'s and "we suspect"s should be ignored. I think. <ahem>
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Two public announcements were released in the U.S. (This is true)

1) You can't get the Coronavirus from Corona Beer.

2) Putting a potato up your butt will not cure hemorrhoids.

Humanity deserves to die! ;)
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Wait what?
If that #2 made a public note, someone must have tried it for real and shared their findings. And I bet with an attentionseeking pic proof on facebook. :)
Apr 12, 2009
Just a quick update. Fever did not come back and I'm feeling like my old self again. whatever it was is finally gone, in fact I was running out the door to help a friend move a couch until he cancelled a few minutes ago. Feel great once more.
Glad to hear that.

Winter I hope everything is going ok with you:)
Err.. I'm in terrible shape but it's not the coronavirus. Thank you for your concern, Red.
I quit smoking today. Life just sucks sometime.
Jul 27, 2018
Wait what?
If that #2 made a public note, someone must have tried it for real and shared their findings. And I bet with an attentionseeking pic proof on facebook. :)

Found a reference for #2:

Apparently Reader's Digest has published a list of 9 home remedies claimed to help against hemorrhoids. Other medical knowledge challenged sites has come up with additional remedies, among those the frozen potatos slice suggestion.

"The unidentified author, who is probably neither a medical professional nor a potato farmer, suggests that the tuber itself has astringent properties that can address the itchiness, while its cool temperature helps with the swelling. Meanwhile, actual doctors are emphatically telling people not to do this. "

There is no medical evidence that putting frozen potatoes inside the anus can help cure [hemorrhoids], so I would urge caution to anyone thinking of doing it," (Dr. Diana Gall)

So no, there hasn't been a recent study of putting vegetables up your bottom. It's just according to Dr. Gall "old wives' tales." (Old wives' tale seems to be an actual term in English, wikipedia has han article about it:'_tale. not to be confused with The Old Wives' Tale (play)."

a pibbur who knows far better ways to treat the unmentionable condition.
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Nov 11, 2019
@pibbur - Aye its a common phrase here in the states, that something is just an old wives tale.

I was in line at the store when I overheard two young college students talking (I work on a campus).

S1: I should get some vitamins to protect me.

S2: But which ones? Maybe just take a lot of vitamin C.

Pause as line moves up

S2: Did you get your package?

S1: Yes but it came from china and I have been afraid to open it. I don't want to catch anything.

S2: Oh yea, hadn't thought of that

S1: But ... it has the cutest outfit that I ordered. So I am going to open it anyhow.
Jun 4, 2008
Still have the undead monolith battle to beat! :D
Jul 27, 2018
Err.. I'm in terrible shape but it's not the coronavirus. Thank you for your concern, Red.
I quit smoking today. Life just sucks sometime.

Glad to hear it Winter that you don't have it. Quiting smoking will be good for you and it's doable as I can attest.
I have quit hundreds of times:)

and this has giving me time to play more games-working on my backlog
Oct 18, 2006
I didn't quit smoking nor plan to. Unless I get astma which would make me impossible to suck cigarettes.

That aside. Some new info:

There are in fact two streams of new coronavirus that cause infection, not just one. One stream infected cca 30% of chinese victims, but is less agressive than the other. As this is today's discovery, we don't know which one of the two is present elsewhere in the world, but per mortality statistics seems that it's the agressive stream that is causing so many deaths in Iran.

Incubation time is now defined precisely based on analyzed data. In most cases incubation lasts 5-7 days, in some can reach 14 days, but not more than that - previously it was thought the max incubation time is 27 days (because of that N. Korea border quarantines held travelers for a month).
In other words, if you go into selfisolation after possible contamination, two weeks is enough.
Apr 12, 2009
Interesting. Will the milder one get you immune for the more aggressive one?

Today I read in a Dutch newspaper the virus may lead to permanent damage in the lungs (fibrosis) in the more severe cases.
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