Cyberpunk 2077 - Devs didn't know about the Delay

Maybe the game get released in 2077, so what? I hope people have not pre order the game or invested in CDPR stocks :)

I understand people are disappointed but its no excuse to act like its the end of the world like some people are doing on other sites.
Oct 8, 2009
Every single person who has posted a "who cares, it's not the end of the world, grow up" post has freaked out about and will freak out in the future about something (maybe many somethings) that other people would shrug off. Nobody has said it's the end of the world. Those are histrionics. Expressing disappointment and frustration, yes. Those are not.

I really dislike it when people take the attitude that if it isn't a big deal to them, it can't be a big deal to anyone. It's always a hypocritical stance. The same person belittling someone's manhood because they are bummed about a game delay starts sobbing when their car gets a millimeter long scratch.
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Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I can't relate to planning vacations around game releases. I thought I was a hardcore gamer, but that is on another level.

If you are so hyped and want to play a new game on your vacation, at least wait until the game is friggin' released, and then take your vacation! No way to be let down by game delays that way.

Oh I haven't done this since... early 2000's I reckon. Now I wait 6-months to a year AFTER release to even bother trying to play them.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Oh I haven't done this since… early 2000's I reckon. Now I wait 6-months to a year AFTER release to even bother trying to play them.

I've never taken time off to play a game before. I still didn't take off much, but I got a sub on the 19th for one two hour assignment. I remember being very excited about Skyrim and getting it at midnight, but then having to get up early the next morning to go to work for 8+ hours. I've also never stayed up all night playing a game. My girlfriend did that once with Spore and it felt super weird to wake up the next morning and see her sitting on the couch where I'd left her, still playing it 8 hours later.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I understand some people are really excited about the game and therefore disappointed now.

To me it's not that big a deal, since I will wait until I can afford a new computer to buy and play this game. Maybe in half a year to two years time, depending on my economic situation.
Feb 15, 2009
Interesting that you should say that, because come to think of it, you know what this largely is about for me? A much needed brain break from the actual serious problems I and many others are dealing with in 2020. A pandemic with no end in sight. An imminent election that could either be a blessed relief or a turning point for this country that we may never come back from. Not to mention whatever personal individuals may be going through with finances and health and family issues.

If you don't care about Cyberpunk 2077, bully for you. If you don't care about the delays, that's great too. I guarantee you that you DO care about things that other people don't. So how about you all keep the snark?
I think it is interesting how differently we humans can react in times like these. To me the pandemic has actually decreased my tendency to get upset with a lot of things. Computer games have lost a lot of their importance to me and therefore they don't help me de-stress very well anymore.

And I'd really need to de-stress at the moment...
Feb 15, 2009
I had taken a week off from work to play the game. I had been looking forward to that week since the summer - I could finally sit down by myself and enjoy a game without any other distractions or commitments. Commitment-free weeks are a rarity these days… The next "release date" collides with other stuff and I'll have to move my week alone with CP2077 to January. Not a big deal really since now I am looking forward to that week. The only issue is that it will be very difficult to avoid spoilers since I'll be able to play the game a month after the possible release.

100% agree and not disputing anything related to anything you said.

My comment of "First World Problems" wasn't an attack on anyone, it was a statement around how awesome it is that the biggest ripple in some peoples lives this week is the delay of a video game.
Aug 13, 2013
I really dislike it when people take the attitude that if it isn't a big deal to them, it can't be a big deal to anyone. It's always a hypocritical stance. The same person belittling someone's manhood because they are bummed about a game delay starts sobbing when their car gets a millimeter long scratch.

So upset about delay is ok, but not ok about a scratch on car? Really confused here.
Its ok to be upset about the game delay. Its also ok to see a random stranger write on a forum that a delay to a video game is a first world problem. Its also ok to be upset about that if you like :)
Aug 13, 2013
So upset about delay is ok, but not ok about a scratch on car? Really confused here.

The point is that different things are meaningful to different people, and to varying degrees. It's very easy for some to come along and be dismissive when it's something they don't care about. There is nothing inherently more important or more adult about giving a shit about a tiny scratch. Some people would care, some people wouldn't. I don't care what people find important. What I don't like is acting like one's priorities should be everyone's priorities, and if someone has a different perspective, that they're a whiner.

By the way, the car scratch analogy wasn't entirely random. I had this experience as a kid when some younger kids started throwing pine cones at my friend and I as I was getting my papers together for my route. We started throwing them back, and hit a car as they drove by. The red faced driver marched us down to the car to show us the egregious scatch we'd caused. No shit, this car was one big scratch. It was a piece of crap. Spittle flying, they pointed at one patch of the car that looked to me like every other patch of car, ranting and making threats.

I don't care about a scratch on my piece of crap car. You don't care a third delay for a highly anticipated game. Fine. Just don't tell me that my feelings are stupid and I will do the same for you.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
My comment of "First World Problems" wasn't an attack on anyone, it was a statement around how awesome it is that the biggest ripple in some peoples lives this week is the delay of a video game.

That's the thing, though. It's probably not. We talk about games here. We (largely) don't talk about the general state of our lives, or of the world. A lot of people's lives, to be blunt, suck at the moment. A game, as trivial as it is in the grand scheme of things, can be a very useful balm for all those actual problems we're not talking about.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I don't believe I said your feelings were stupid. My apologies if it came across that way.

It doesn't' change the concept that if the delay of a video game is on ones radar for something to be upset over, they must have a pretty damn good life in comparison to world metrics.
Aug 13, 2013
I don't believe I said your feelings were stupid. My apologies if it came across that way.

It doesn't' change the concept that if the delay of a video game is on ones radar for something to be upset over, they must have a pretty damn good life in comparison to world metrics.

It didn't. Zephyr's comment did. But you seemed like a much better person to have an actual conversation about it with. :)

And yes, I agree with that. It's part of my privilege that I can afford to care about something like a game release date.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
Seriously, people? Adults getting all torqued because they don't get their new toy when they want it? Some are behaving as if their '63 Corvette was stolen and wrecked. Shall I call the Whaaambulance?

No, but you can shut up, you judgemental ass.



If you'd care to review my comment carefully, you'll note that nowhere did I call anyone or their feelings 'stupid'. The word is absent, as is any assignment to a specific person in the thread.
You or anyone else can feel as disappointed as you wish over anything or everything. I have about as many stressors in my life as the next guy and I deal with them as best I can. My comment was a general one referring to anyone who is so emotionally invested in a game that it would move them to rage and threatening violence. I'm sure we've all seen videos of gamer destroying their PCs/consoles over a game or heard news stories about gamers 'swatting' another gamer.
Unless I address a comment to you specifically by name and/or topic, please keep your ass comments to yourself.
Jan 23, 2009
I would add that emotions are not logical intelligent thoughts. What one feels emotionally comes from within and one can feel any emotion regardless of their social standing, wealth, etc. How you react to those emotions is a different thing but, in the case of this discussion, that disappointment is still going to be there even if the person realizes it is a small thing in the grand scheme of things.

Just because a situation isn't life threatening doesn't mean one can't have an emotional reaction to it. Years back when I lost a much needed job I was annoyed and out of work. When I got a leak in my ceiling this month, that ended up costing me over $1K to fix, I was annoyed. When I spilled my coffee this morning I was annoyed. When I got mugged a gun point a few years ago I was annoyed (among other emotions). When my dog shakes water off AFTER they enter the condo I am annoyed (although in a forgiving way as they are dogs after all).

The strength of the emotion and how I handle it may vary but the base emotion is still there.

Some people here have come across as if they think people pick and choose which emotions they will actually feel when something happens and that isn't how emotions tend to work.

Someone may feel annoyed and then go "oh well its not a big deal really" but perhaps they still want to vent about it on a forum simply to express themselves.

In addition just because someone does express annoyance over what may seem like a small thing doesn't mean that they don't understand there are bigger issues in life. People can still complain about small things even when they have bigger things to worry about.

Lots of folks sometimes prefer to focus on small things because the big things tend to be too overwhelming to think about all the time. I had a friend who had cancer, and she died last year, and she still complained all the time about Bugthesda, how annoying it was when an update to a game would break a mod, and other stuff that most would assume was trivial compared to dying slowly from cancer. But she preferred to focus on those things then constantly dwelling on the cancer slowly killing her.

EDIT: PS - People who get seriously violent or make actual death threats over a game delay is a case where their reaction to what they are feeling is way out of proportion to the situation. Those people may have some mental health issues or lack the maturity to be able to handle even small set-backs. There is also the case where its the last straw in a long string of life stresses where even the simplest thing can be a catalyst to an emotional meltdown - which is really unrelated to the actual situation and is more just the thing that finally pushed them over the edge.
Jun 4, 2008
Every single person who has posted a "who cares, it's not the end of the world, grow up" post has freaked out about and will freak out in the future about something (maybe many somethings) that other people would shrug off. Nobody has said it's the end of the world. Those are histrionics. Expressing disappointment and frustration, yes. Those are not.

I really dislike it when people take the attitude that if it isn't a big deal to them, it can't be a big deal to anyone. It's always a hypocritical stance. The same person belittling someone's manhood because they are bummed about a game delay starts sobbing when their car gets a millimeter long scratch.

Expressing disappointment and moving on is one things but there are people (not saying any here) who are sending death threats to developers…
Oct 8, 2009
Expressing disappointment and moving on is one things but there are people (not saying any here) who are sending death threats to developers…

Mind you, these days you'd get death threats if you ran a sandwich van, and forgot somebody's mustard.
Nov 8, 2014
Expressing disappointment and moving on is one things but there are people (not saying any here) who are sending death threats to developers…

Yeah, I know. Ridiculous. Those people aren't just frustrated, there's something wrong with them. I went thorugh a whole thing being angry about the people sending death threats to the voice actress who played Abby in The Last of Us 2 back when that released.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
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