DA:Inquisition - ​11 Things You Should Know


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Kirk Hamilton of Kotaku posted eleven things you need to know about Dragon Age: Inquisition. Thank you Caddy for sharing the link.

Yesterday, I finished Dragon Age: Inquisition. By "finished," I mean that I played the final story mission and watched the credits roll. Getting to that point took me 85 hours, but I still don't really feel done with the game.

First things first: If you're reading this, you're probably wondering if Dragon Age: Inquisition is any good. Well, is it? Yes, it is good. Fantastic, even. Is it better than Dragon Age 2? Yes, and in fact it feels like a borderline-hilarious overcorrection for every single one of that game's faults. Is it better than Dragon Age: Origins? That's probably more up for debate, but I'd say I prefer it. Short version: This game is pretty awesome. People are gonna love it.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
That was a good article.

Several reviews I've read have mentioned technical issues, which isn't surprising, and at least it seems like they're more common on consoles, which I couldn't care less about, and with review copies being out for a while now and early reviews there should be a good day one patch for some of it. It's also nice that reviewers mention this because so much of the time they don't, and you buy a game, and it has these issues, and you're like, why the hell didn't the reviewers mention this stuff when it can be a big deal (depending on the dev and responsiveness).

I've read several of the reviews you guys have linked and they've all been positive if not gushing. I only put so much stock in reviews these days but some reviewers like KVO at gamespot (a site I overall don't care for) are pretty good.

It's interesting how many hours these reviewers are playing before releasing reviews. I've seen 50 to 95 hours so far (with all of them saying there was tons they didn't do). That's pretty solid for a review when so often I feel like reviews are written based off the summary on the back of the box and/or by people who don't even like the genre they're reviewing.

I'm the kind of player that usually greatly exceeds whatever hours a game is said to offer since I take my time and in this kind of game will want to explore like a fiend and won't be in a hurry with the main quest. So if reviewers are doing ~80 hours...wow...I'll probably break 200 on my first serious play through.

Looks like this game has a midnite EST release so for me that's 9PST on the 17th. Can't wait. I'm old and in many ways jaded and I rarely get excited for new games but I can't wait to check out this behemoth.

Rawr, as always, thanks for all the news and updates!
Apr 22, 2013
Several reviews I've read have mentioned technical issues, which isn't surprising, and at least it seems like they're more common on consoles,

The PS4 2.0 firmware upgrade caused a bunch of games to freeze including DAI. It has been fixed by Sony already (firmware 2.02). I read one reviewer claim that Sony sent them a new PS with beta firmware to finish playing DAI too.

But a day one patch is already confirmed too.
Oct 13, 2007
Many times, game glitches are due to factors outside the game.

Just one of a zillion such examples - on a PC, if a player has a custom rig, there's a sizable chance they have a combination of parts that the game was never tested on. Two different kinds of RAM on a three year old MB with a brand new SS drive interacting with an overclocked quad core processor from AMD and a top-of-the-line nVidia card, running Windows 8 with Start 8... just think of all the compatibility issues waiting to explode before DA:I is even loaded.
Apr 16, 2012
Rochester, MN
Many times, game glitches are due to factors outside the game.

Just one of a zillion such examples - on a PC, if a player has a custom rig, there's a sizable chance they have a combination of parts that the game was never tested on. Two different kinds of RAM on a three year old MB with a brand new SS drive interacting with an overclocked quad core processor from AMD and a top-of-the-line nVidia card, running Windows 8 with Start 8… just think of all the compatibility issues waiting to explode before DA:I is even loaded.

Not sure what your talking about sir. That's not a custom rig your describing, its a bunch of spare parts.;)
Seems people are liking this game more or less. But in the near background there is a constant droning message about 'bugs.' This is a lot like how Skyrim went - which I somehow managed to hit so many bugs while many did not. So I'm probably going to pick this up next year, after it's all been worked out.
Oct 18, 2006
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