Dark Souls II - Two More Previews


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
I have two more previews for Dark Souls II. So if your still interested in reading more about the game give them a look if you want.

Awesomegames - "Hello, Mirror"

Dark Souls was a good looking game, for sure, but its technical ambition often gave way to occasional framerate issues (the already nasty Blighttown became infamous for its horrendous frame drops). Dark Souls II is, from what I saw, one of the best looking current-gen titles I’ve seen. In fact, it looks just as good as many of the games hitting the next line of systems. Lighting and weather effects were unbelievably good, and the game’s physics also seem to have improved substantially. My only concern is how much the added graphical fidelity will affect the game’s performance. The section I played ran smooth enough, but only time will tell if we’ll be getting another Blighttown. Let’s hope not!
Cheatcc- "There’s No Preparing for This"

No victory in the beta came easy, even for a Dark Souls club member such as myself. The developers at From Software know their fans, and in the beta, they demonstrated the steps they’re taking to challenge even the most die-hard of them. The changes to the battle mechanics, the re-introduction of easy-to-find healing items, and the emphasis on forcing players into PVP show a lot of promise. The result of that promise may be far from clear, but just like when playing a Souls game, I have a feeling something big is right around the corner.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
They run out of ideas and instead of innovating they throw the game back at the player and force multiplayer! This iteration seem to have lost its 'soul' :(.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Listen to you weaklings cry like babies. Pathetic! I shall relish your expeditious demise at my hand!

The correct perspective, as held by those who are not blinded by their cowardice, is "I no longer lose a humanity if I'm invaded and die, so there is nothing to lose and therefore nothing to fear, but, should I prove victorious, a vast cashe of souls is mine to do with as I please!"

Now, puny mortals, repeat after me:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
Jul 10, 2007
I see nothing worrying on all the previews. All the changes they mentioned seem logical and towards improving aspects of the game (or at least changing combat just enough to throw everyone out of balance for the first few hours). Of course we will not know until we play.

A reiteration? Lack of innovation? perhaps. But personally I just want more of the same with a slightly improved atmosphere if at all possible :)

That said I am only interested in offline play (as in #1) so I don't share the understandable misgivings of people enjoying the cooperative nature of the first installment.

I just hope that their added focus on multiplayer did not impact the offline experience and that the m+k controls are usable out of the box ;) as I was saying the other day...
Oct 18, 2006
Losing life when constantly dieing while hollow is incentive enough for people to go back into human form. Getting invaded while hollow is overkill.
Oct 18, 2006
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